Only Jehovahs Witnesses refuse to participate in any political aspirations or pursuits.
2007-05-18 11:11:48
answer #1
answered by eliz_esc 6
I think thats one of the biggest problems is the mixing of politics and religion. Forcing onse beliefs on someone else is not Christlike nor is judging others. Take for instance Falwell, GOD rest his soul. He was good in that he braught many a thousands to Christ but to blame Gays, blacks and any of those in the minority group for the fall of the towers is discusting and he had no right to make that biased judment. There are a lot of people who mix and match the two and it is sad
2007-05-19 08:09:43
answer #2
answered by bren_n1371 1
The way I look at politics is that they were made after the laws of God. And if you look you will see a lot go hand in hand.
Applying laws that only apply to themselves would take a lot of work. And the crime rate would over all be worse.
I don't think the laws are strick enough as they are. We're getting weak with what we have already.
I know the indians have their own laws and rules.
2007-05-18 11:18:28
answer #3
answered by SDC 5
GREAT Question!!!!!!!!
They should keep those laws for their own members.A full,wider Society,doesn't need or in fact shouldn't be limited by any minority/majority unique values that can restrict other views,(still) not criminalized.
Christianity or Islam are Totalitarian and Imperialist religions from the Middle East,hard to comply with this substantial democratic basic rule because in their Dogmas is written the opposite.
Jewish religion is more respectful,because is self content and not expansionist or intolerant(regardless Zionism/Israel nationalism).In fact,because they do such they have been highly criticized,attacked and hunted to annihilation by the other two.Survived with much dignity
2007-05-18 12:10:46
answer #4
answered by amleth 4
Belivers wouldn't be believers of they allowed this country to go to sh*t. Most of the framers of the constitution and fathers of this country mixed religion into their politics, why break a valuable and wise practice? So, morality and law are immiscible? Why is it illegal to murder, steal, and rape? Those are moral values folks.
You have a problem with crack gonna just keep that to yourself? None of your biz? Abortionists have decieved you. It is about protecting innocent and defenseless peoples' right to life. Murder by any other name is still murder. The right of a child to life supercedes the right of a mother to kill. There is no such thing as gay marriage, in case you didn't know marriage is a legal institution based on societies need for commited PROCREATIVE relationships. It isn't about rings and sex. You really need to re-evaluate the logic of your assumptions.
2007-05-18 11:37:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Hey, That's Jehovah's Witnesses!
JW's don't vote or even pass an opinion as to who should be in office. They don't get involved in any way. Yet when it comes to the laws of the state they do pay taxes and everything they should to remain law abiding citizens. They keep their homes and cars clean...their children are taught respect for authority. They even stop for stop signs and obey speed limits.
JW's are taught to live their lives beyond reproach. If it looks bad to others they don't do it.
So that the word of God might not be spoken of abusively .Have a bible study, contact:
2007-05-19 03:23:52
answer #6
answered by debbie2243 7
this sound like Jehovah's witnesses. even though there is a high moral code inside the congregation, they do not impose these on other people, nor do they involve themselves in political affairs. We obey the laws of the land and respect the views of others even though we may not agree.
2007-05-18 11:39:28
answer #7
answered by DEBBO 5
there's a difference between being politically in touch and being religiously in touch. Christians can alongside with the different faith carry their non secular ideals to themselves and vote consistent with acceptable upholding the form extremely of non secular ideals
2017-01-10 07:21:00
answer #8
answered by laseter 3
I am sure that their are, but I am not aware of any.
As for myself that is how I feel. I personally believe that most of the time abortion is not what should be done, but I realize that my morals might be different from others.
As such I would not support over turning roe V wade.
2007-05-18 11:14:09
answer #9
answered by Gamla Joe 7
I know of no group like this. If I found a group like this, my belief in God might be recindled.
2007-05-18 11:12:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous