Your reasoning process has been corrupted. If cyanide is poison why would God let us drink it?
2007-05-18 07:40:56
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
That darned free will gets you every time.
God loves everyone so much that he gave us free will. We can do whatever we choose. We can choose to be good or evil.
Check out the
THey can give you the straight dope about God and porn.
Here's my take. Next to big tobacco it is truly one of the most evil industries on the face of the planet. It's an industry with no health insurance, no value system, drugs and alcohol run rampant (people in the industry have to cope somehow). An overwhelming number of females in the industry have been sexually abused at some point in their lives. No counseling, no caring. Just an evil empire making a buck on the vaganis of people who are in terrible emotional pain.
And before you disagree I would highly encourage you to do some research. seriously look into it. It truly is evil. I think big tobacco is more evil though. They kill people legally. How does that happen? Holy Crap.
2007-05-18 07:45:34
answer #2
answered by Bruce B 4
God isnt a man that he will force him self on anyone. Therefore he has nothing to do with porn and different things some people create.
2007-05-18 07:43:21
answer #3
answered by livn 4 christ 2
God allows many things that aren't good for us to be created, like Big Macs and cigarettes. We can take something God created, like a stone, and use it as a paperweight. Or we can take that same stone and fling it at someone's noggin and injure them. It is not God's fault that the stone was used for the wrong purpose.
2007-05-18 07:40:05
answer #4
answered by Iamnotarobot (former believer) 6
God created human beings with free will. That means He has given them the right to choose good or evil. It also means that He must allow humans to make their own choices and to be fully responsible for the effects of those choices. Free will would be meaningless if God said "I give you the right to choose good or evil, but whenever you choose evil I'll jump in and make sure nobody gets hurt".
2007-05-18 07:40:26
answer #5
answered by PaulCyp 7
As long as we live on this earth we will be afflicted by sin and suffering. God is the creator of everything good and holy. The garden of Eden is the world that He intended for us to live in for eternity. But the creator of sin, the creator of everything bad and unholy, destroyed that world. But only temporary. The Lord said to Adam and Eve that the wage of sin is death. When Adam and Eve chose to sin, they were removed from that beautiful paradise and they knew that they would die. Humanity have always had the liberty to create, to destroy, or to choose a path that leads to The Lord.
The Lord Knew the only way to save humanity was to die for us. So that we could re-establish our relationship with The Lord. Once more we have the opportunity to return to paradise to live with our Lord.
If only we would love The Lord with all our heart and instead of doing evil, we would do God's will. Our bodies are parts of Christ. And someday we will be judged according to what we have done.
1Corinthians6:18-20"Run away from sexual sin. No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body"
So "let us cleanse our selves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete purity because we fear God" 2Corinthians7:1
2007-05-18 09:56:09
answer #6
answered by delmar 3
God didn't create them. They were borne from man's own evil imaginations. The Scripture says, "For what communion (relationship) hath light (good) with darkness (evil)? What concord (similarity) doth Christ have with Belial (false religion)?" God is not the author of confusion! He "lets evil be created" through the very fact that He gave us free will to serve Him or do evil. Unfortunately, many of us choose the latter!
2007-05-18 08:43:30
answer #7
answered by bigvol662004 6
Porn may be disgusting, titillating, or even boring depending upon the viewpoint of the person exposed to it but it isn't right or wrong, it just is and God doesn't care one way or another about this or anything else we do.
2007-05-18 07:44:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
God does not create evil or sin- WE DO THAT VERY WELL ON OUR OWN. Why is it when we desire something good we ask God, but when something bad happens we blame God for it. Let us put the blame on ourselves for evil and accept Christ for the payment of those sins, and turn from our wicked ways.
2007-05-18 07:49:50
answer #9
answered by AdoreHim 7
The whole point of this life is to learn to differentiate between good an evil, and the hopefully choose the good. You have to have both in order to make the choice. Also, opposition in all things is an eternal law.
2007-05-18 07:42:13
answer #10
answered by Dave F 3
What kind of circumstances would it take to guarantee that no one would ever make a wrong choice? If all our thoughts were preprogrammed, there would be no thoughts except those of the programmer. If all choices were predetermined, there would be, in reality, no choice. Only in the absence of free will, which is equivalent to the absence of our humanity, would it be certain that no one would choose wrongly.
2007-05-18 07:39:45
answer #11
answered by HumanBaby 2