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went to cancer doc today and he wants to do a bone scan and he all he did was look at my x-ray.tell me we need to scan u and give me klor-con and prednisone.don't really understand what the meds are for either.

2007-05-18 06:24:35 · 4 answers · asked by dixiebrend 1 in Health Diseases & Conditions Cancer

4 answers

Klor con is potassium replacement. He must have done a metabolic panel and determined you were potassium depleted, so he is replacing it.
Prednisone is a very cheap but powerful drug for immunological diseases. It inhibits the immune response. Its used to treat so many things I would have to know exactly what your diagnosis is to comment any further.

2007-05-18 13:05:05 · answer #1 · answered by happydawg 6 · 0 0


2016-09-22 21:57:22 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

My son is 5 yrs old. At 3 1/2 we found a tumor, the size of a small cantalope, on his left kidney. Within 36hrs. he was in surgery to remove the kidney, tumor, some lymph nodes, a portoin of the renal vein and some back muscle (the tumor had adhered too, but not invaded, the muscle). He was in the hospital 9 days. Treatment was 6 rounds of radiation and approx. 6 months of chemotherapy. We were never sent to a urologist. My son was immediately sent to a surgeon. For the record he had a stage 3, favorable histology, Wilms Tumor. Wilms is normally only found in children. There are other kidney cancers that adults are diagnosed with.

2016-05-22 08:14:17 · answer #3 · answered by shawna 3 · 0 0

the drs uasully do a bone scan to test for bone cancer or they may be checking for ostoprosis sometimes the hormones get messed up and can cause ostoporisis. my grandmother had lung, kidney, liver and bone cancer. they found out she had bone cancer by doing a bone scan.. i hope everything works for the best.. good luck

2007-05-18 06:31:49 · answer #4 · answered by genuine_destiny 2 · 0 0

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