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Thou Shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind:it is an abomination.Lev.18:22

I rather you say you dont believe in the bible then lie about what the bible says to justify your sin.

For this is the cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even thier women, did change the natural use into that which is against nature.
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in thier lust one toward another;men with men working that which is unseemly(shameful), and receiving in themselves that recompence of thier error which was meet.Romans 1:26-27.

I am not saying i am perfect, what is wrong is wrong. Please dont get mad at me i did not write the bible.

Cor. 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?Be NOT deceived:neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor EFFEMINATE, nor abuser of themselves with mankind.

God created escape from homosexuality. Give you life to Jesus, deliverance and dont give up!

2007-05-17 18:55:11 · 18 answers · asked by sweetgirl 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Oh yes i did forget to mention Sodom and Gamorha. Its the city that God destroyed because it was full of homosexuals. But God did save the only 8 Christians that lived there. Its in Genesis, Chapters 18-19:29.

2007-05-17 19:01:27 · update #1

Yeh thats right it doesnt hurt me it hurts you. But God told us to warn the wicked of thier wicked way to say his life Ezekiel 3:18-22. You should read that scriputre too.

2007-05-17 19:06:21 · update #2

Sorry this was not a question but i was tired of everybody on yahoo answers saying homosexuality is not a sin.

2007-05-17 19:13:48 · update #3

Sammy whats your point??

2007-05-17 19:26:28 · update #4

why are you guys angry that it is a sin. Its should not effect you if your not gay.(or at least thats what you guys said) But if if this is your sin God did create a way for escape because he loves you.

2007-05-18 03:34:09 · update #5

18 answers

Yes! just like Sodom and Gomorrah!

2007-05-17 18:58:13 · answer #1 · answered by Sniper 5 · 3 2

Why do Christians care? So what who cares as long as you are not committing the sin why do you care? No where in the bible does it say that you should beat a person about the head and neck until they believe and follow the word of god.

Their are not raping, murdering, burglarizing or heading up the next ENRON or MCI/WORLD COM scandal and ruining lives; so why should Christians care?

Who made Christians the police on values? Ghondi lived his life the exact way that Jesus did no violence just peace and he deliver his people from the British. The VERY same way that Jesus did from the Romans, but he goes to hell because he didn't accept Jesus as his lord and savior. There are Buddhist and Tibetan monks out there who will sooner starve then to harm a living creature, but the also go to hell for believing what they believe.

Yet, you Christians see nothing wrong with the Crusades or the Inquisition as a means to force people to learn the Bible. Killing in the name of GOD is quite alright. Loving a man when you are a man or loving a woman and you are a woman and you haven't killed for that love is inexcusable an will not be tolerated you will go strait to hell.

I ask you why do you care and who made Christians judge and jury?

2007-05-18 02:59:21 · answer #2 · answered by Colour3 3 · 0 1

Sin is “any want of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God” (1Jo_3:4; Rom_4:15), in the inward state and habit of the soul, as well as in the outward conduct of the life, whether by omission or commission (Rom_6:12-17; Rom_7:5-24). Sin is not a mere violation of the law of our constitution, nor of the system of things, but an offense against a personal lawgiver and moral governor who vindicates his law with penalties. Some sins in themselves, and by reason of various aggravations, are more heinous in the sight of God than others (Jn. 19:11; 1 Jn. 5:16).

Since God, speaking through the inspired prophets authoring the books of the bible, declared homosexuality a sin, then it is a sin.
See: Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9,10; 1 Timothy 1:10.

Thus, homosexuality is just one of a litany of the decay of the perfect moral state found in original creation.

As all sinners, homosexuals can be true Christians. All sin is objectionable to God. Since homosexuality is often practiced openly ("in your face"), the reaction by some who have wandered off the “love thy neighbor” reservation is over the top. It may also be the case that anyone that seems to revel in their sin seems defiant or disingenuous, if they are a self-professed Christian. I believe that the true Christian homosexual struggles daily with their sinful nature.

Some resources regarding homosexuality and the bible to help you understand the issue or the reaction of others:

Myths About Homosexuality:

Theology and Homosexuality:

Happiness to Christians is more than the needs of the flesh. Homosexuals must continue to pray for strength to resist their urges and strive to be obedient to the scriptures.

2007-05-18 02:43:42 · answer #3 · answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6 · 0 0

You forgot about our Lord mentioning the destruction of the wicked in Luke 17:29.
Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis Chapters 18&19.
If you really want to understand the signifigance of the WHOLE THING you just have to read it for yourself. Picking a verse here and there means nothing. See what Christ says, then read Genesis. Then do it again.
I am tired of being a called a bigot by people who have not even read what it really says.
NO one who condemns Christians for homophobia or bigotry EVER mentions the Forgiveness and Love that the Our Lord teaches. Unfortunately some Christians do this also.

2007-05-18 02:01:40 · answer #4 · answered by great gig in the sky 7 · 3 2

How sad when all you can concern yourself with is the private lives of other people because of some verses in some old book that are not relevant in the 21st century.

There are more pressing issues you should concern yourself with such as the environment for future generations.

Go and do something useful by getting yourself some education about life.

2007-05-18 02:15:57 · answer #5 · answered by Woody 3 · 1 0

God created each being as they are.

Men wrote the words you quote (who wrote history? ...the "winners" & those in power). To control other men; to control what they do, what they think and what they "should" like and not like. Men that wrote what they thought God would want.

No one knows what God wanted or wants. No one know God's will or why God created the creatures God did.

Right and wrong are relative concepts, relative to each reasoning being. Just because something is wrong to and for you, doesn't make it wrong for anyone else. You are free to be and believe as you wish, why don't you allow other people to do the same?

I understand your fervent faith and belief in the Bible, but how can God be perfect if each of God's creations are imperfect? How can God tell people to love one another, and excule anyone?

2007-05-18 02:07:16 · answer #6 · answered by Always Curious 7 · 0 2

PLEASE. The Bible is an abomination to condemn one of God's creations. Truly, they were created with their attraction to the same sex, so I think God had some intention there, whether or not you understand what that intention was, or not.. What is it the Christians are fond of saying? Oh yeah ... God works in mysterious ways. This is one of the mysteries you can't understand, so try to accept it and move on with your life.

Edit: PS "Don't get mad at me, I didn't write the Bible" Surely you did not, but you are preaching what is "wrong" based on one book that you believe in and many others do not. Judge not, lest you be judged.

One more thing. God did not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah (learn to spell what's in YOUR Bible) because of homosexuality. He destroyed it because of the rape and violence. Men were *raping* other men ... there's a huge difference there. Christians use this lame excuse to condemn homosexuals, when they don't even understand their own holy text. It's quite pathetic.

2007-05-18 02:01:47 · answer #7 · answered by MyPreshus 7 · 5 3

Do you do each and every thing in you life according to bible? you, yourself have accepted that you are not perfect....tell me one thing.....chose the real sins between these-
2.child abuse
6. Theft, specially to somebody who has less money with him
7.telling a life-taking lie
8. Homosexuality

Now think about these and you'will get your answer..

God Bless You

2007-05-18 02:24:24 · answer #8 · answered by Sam- the "big boss" 4 · 0 0

Sorry but I disagree. What two consenting adults do with reasonable descretion - is nobody's business but their own.

When I was a kid it was illegal for blacks in some states to vote or to live or be in certain neighborhoods. When I was in elementary school there was big fights because the girls wante to be able to wear pants and not just dresses.

Some people can't help but to see anything different as a sin against god but the world changes and we all grow up. This is America and we are all supposed to be free.

2007-05-18 02:04:24 · answer #9 · answered by Alan 7 · 2 3

No. Homophobia is a sin. Homosexuality is exactly as bad as heterosexuality - it hurts nobody. Furthermore, it's natural - it occurs in hundreds of species.

Your god never existed, and even if he did he would not deserve worship - he murdered babies and drowned kittens.

You did not write the bible, but out of thousands of religions that's the one you happen to believe in - as it happens, it's the one your family also believes in. It's a ridiculous book that is evil, barbaric and contradicts itself, and it's teaching you hate instead of love. Your religion fails at making you a good person.

Just try homosexuality once and get it out of your system, if you're so preoccupied with it.

I mean, your jesus had a dozen "disciples"...

2007-05-18 02:01:02 · answer #10 · answered by eldad9 6 · 5 4

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