(1) As several writers have noted, baptism is the point in time at which our sins are forgiven (Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, I Peter 3:21, etc.). Does it guarantee salvation? It's the point in time we enter a 'saved' relationship with God, but you can also choose to turn your back on God and become 'unsaved', so to speak.
(2) The most direct commandments from Jesus regarding baptism are Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:16. (Most people believe that John 3:1-5 refers to baptism as well.)
(3) The passage that communicates that baptism is when we enter the church (the body) is I Corinthians 12:12-13:
'The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body - whether Jews or Greek, slave or free - and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.'
Many churches, even if they don't believe that forgiveness occurs at baptism (I do), require baptism to enter their membership based on this passage.
2007-05-13 05:03:34
answer #1
answered by Rtay 3
Some churches also baptize people in the name of the church! Talk about confused! Baptism isn't a requirement for salvation, but it's a requirement for showing one's committment to repentence and new life. The thief on the next cross couldn't have been baptized, but Jesus emphasized that belief in Him as Savior was what guaranteed salvation.
2007-05-12 18:31:33
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
besides the undeniable fact that, baptism isn't a trifling bath. it quite is an emblem of something significant. Going below the water symbolizes which you have died on your former life direction. Being raised up out of the water shows which you at the instant are alive to do the will of God. bear in mind, too, which you have made a dedication to Jehovah God himself, to not a artwork, a reason, different human beings, or a business enterprise. Your dedication and baptism are the initiating of an extremely close friendship with God—an intimate relationship with him.—Psalm 25:14. 25 Baptism does not assure salvation. The apostle Paul wrote: “save understanding your guy or woman salvation with concern and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12) Baptism is merely a initiating
2017-01-09 18:18:13
answer #3
answered by ? 3
I know one thing for sure, and that is that Jesus instructed, "go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned."
If baptism has no importance as some would like to suggest, why did Jesus instruct for the teaching to be followed. Why did Jesus practice it - since scripture tells us that Jesus only did the will of His Father?
IF one really is following Jesus, does that mean that one can pick what they are going to follow and ignore other parts that doesn't go with some other teaching that they have learned that isn't in line with His teaching?
So before any can really address anything about your question, maybe it would be better to really think about why some would see baptism as something that isn't important in the life of someone that is suppose to be a believer before even considering the paths that you attempt to go to with your further comments.
One can not forget that within scripture that it is also stated that, "Faith without works is dead". A clear indicator that both faiths and works are something found within the life and actions of a believer.
2007-05-12 18:46:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'm guessing here...maybe because they have been taught that there is still some hope that man can save himself. But by doing this don't you take away from the already perfect sacrifice, the law already fulfilled? Yes he said go and be baptized, but that is a symbolism of belief in the resurrection, and if that is not believed then what is the point of belief of salvation? Water baptism is spiritually no more good than a hot bath, (Not meaning to take away from the meaning of baptism) it is the baptism of the Holy Spirit that counts. I can give a scripture that pretty much sums it up. For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH; and NOT that of YOURSELVES: it is the GIFT of GOD: NOT of WORKS lest any man should boast. Is baptism not a work that we do to show that we are faithful? Faith without works is dead..yes he said that but tell me where in that sentence does it mention baptism????????
2007-05-12 18:43:51
answer #5
answered by Sigmondo, The Other Green Meat 3
Please do not listen to the ignorant. The CHURCH, as in the one that has been here for 2000 years, and most of the part that hasn't, says that Baptism is your Salvation. Do not listen to the Fundies. The one thing necessary for Salvation is Baptism. PERIOD. Now you can go against it later and turn against God. But assuming that you do not do that and live a good life as a practicing Christian, you are in.
The basis creed of the Christian church which most churches say every Sundays say "one baptism, for the remission of sins". And it is the teaching of the church that the one thing necessary for Salvation is Baptism. This is why it is so important to baptize babies or people near death if they have not already been baptized. And it is why even the Mormans, baptize people after death. So those who tell you that all you need to do is accept Jesus as your savior, have it all wrong. You can start there if you wish, but don't stop there. You must also be baptized.
2007-05-12 18:32:23
answer #6
answered by tonks_op 7
Many Christians believe that it actually does, but I would strongly disagree with that as foolhardy. The general consensus on it is that babtism initiates you into the church, and is nessesary to rid the soul of "orrigonal sin" aka, the sin we inhereted on our human soul from adam and eve. The Catholic Church believes there are three kinds of baptism: water (I babtise you in the name of ,etc) Desire (Wishing to do the will of who you think created you, but maybe not having a chance at the full truth, aka bushmen worshiping the sun, or an aborted child), Blood: (Dieing in the name of, or to defend Christianity) ( this is not to be confused with islams jihad, where personal fighting is asked, it is better asociated with forinstance, cristians exterminated by the nazis, or by the emperor Nero, etc.) On its basest level, Babtism cleans the soul of the gilt imdued in it by orrigional sin, initiates the soul into Christs Church, and while it by no means gaurontees entrance to heaven, it leaves the soul in a much better position of "grace" to fight the evils of the world, the flesh, and the devil.
2007-05-12 18:41:26
answer #7
answered by Fendor 2
Baptism does not guarantee salvation but it opens the door to you. Baptism brings the Holy Ghost into your live, into your soul and it's the Holy Ghost that helps guide you to the Truth, to God, to His word and promise of salvation. You can be saved if you have full faith and trust in God (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) and if you live a life of righteousness (good deeds, taking care of yourself, your family, friends, neighbors and enemies). True faith and trust and obeying God's laws can save your soul from damnation and lead your soul to Heaven.
2007-05-12 18:36:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Baptism is a way of saying your old sin filled life is in your past and you are washed clean & ready to start a new life.
People run Churches and people love to rule.
Jesus is never confused. He said if you deny me I will deny you. It's a way of saying I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
2007-05-12 18:38:19
answer #9
answered by Marti 2
Few truths are so clearly taught in the New Testament as the doctrine that in baptism God gives us grace. Again and again the sacred writers tell us that it is in baptism that we are saved, buried with Christ, incorporated into his body, washed of our sins, regenerated, cleansed, and so on (see Acts 2:38, 22:16; Rom. 6:1–4; 1 Cor. 6:11, 12:13; Gal. 3:26–27; Eph. 5:25-27; Col. 2:11–12; Titus 3:5; 1 Pet. 3:18–22). They are unanimous in speaking of baptism in invariably efficient terms, as really bringing about a spiritual effect.
Peace and blessings!
2007-05-12 18:35:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous