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I never was his biggest fan but....
I saw a trailer for the 'F' word (his T.V.Show) and he told a member of Girls aloud ' that vegetarians were not welcome. There was another trailer for E4 - I think, where they ask a few 'talking heads' who they last lied to and he says 'A vegetarian' (it wouldn't be funny if they sued him would it?) I hadn't realised how much he hates veggies.

I don't mind any one eating meat as long as they are ok with me being a vegan. So why are people like Gordon so full of spite towards us?

2007-05-11 09:12:32 · 33 answers · asked by Andielep 6 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

33 answers

cos hes an ugly animal killing foul mouthed n*bhead

2007-05-11 09:20:48 · answer #1 · answered by norma d 4 · 16 5

I thought his daughters were vegetarian. No? Oh well. Well, he just published a new book that is full of healthy vegetarian stuff or stuff that can be easily converted to a veggie meal. I'm sure he just thinks it's fun or cool to bash vegetarians.

2016-04-01 07:05:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Gordan is nasty as most chefs are because they threatened in some bizarre way. Being veggie makes us different to them in the same way that a bright kid gets singled out by the uneducated school yard bully.
Meat eaters never realise that most of he time they eat veggie food anyway. Take the Sunday roast. Remove the piece of animal and you are left with a plate of various veg.
Most don't even realise that beans on toast is vegetarian.
The only saving grace for Gordan is the animals he has raised and slaughtered in front of his family. At least his kids know what meat is and that it isn't just food.

2007-05-12 02:25:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

well done. He should be sued for letting the man eat meat, it could have been serious for the man, some people can't eat meat physically. He is obviously a shite cook if he can't cook food without one of a few main animals in. It is piss easy to cook for a vegetarian, easier in fact than cooking meat.
It is illegal to sell something under a false name, and false pretences.

2007-05-13 12:01:29 · answer #4 · answered by Dan 2 · 5 0

I think, like most 'top class chefs', he is completely unable to create any dish without meat, is unable to properly prepare vegetables as a dish in itself, and spends far too much time trying to tell people how to undercook meat to perfection.

Apart from that, he's a ****.

2007-05-17 04:06:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Hi Andie,

I caught that clip as well.

I just ignore him, I (and i know you are ) am comfortable with my stance. If he is so narrow minded that he cannot even think about the topic without swearing or criticising us then so what ?.

At the end of the day,its just good for his image to slag us off.

Its interesting to look around those kitchens he visits though. Can you ever imagine ANY of thier menu options being veggie with all the cross contamination that goes on. A good lesson to all veggies who eat out and think they are eating veggie food just because its got a "v" next to it. Our local pub says they had a question from a veggie asking if the cheese was veggie. Their response ? "wanting the cheese to be vegetarian is just going too far"....needless to say we don't send any of our guests there anymore....and they still have all those options marked as veggie......

Come and visit us, you will get lots of respect and good veggie food !



2007-05-13 20:48:34 · answer #6 · answered by Michael H 7 · 5 2

Gordon Ramsey is vile to everyone on his televison shows, it's all part of the persona the shows producers want to present of a no nonsence straight talking and ever so slightly controversial man to be feared in the kitchen.

I wouldn't take it too seriously if I were you.

2007-05-11 09:26:58 · answer #7 · answered by 203 7 · 12 1

His ability to shock and offend people is wearing thin, so he is desperately looking for new groups to upset. Also, he probably feels threatened by vegetarians and rather than engage in an intellectual debate on the ethics of what he is doing, he resorts to cheap stunts to bad mouth that which he is afraid of. Its not unlike the way rugby players treat gay people.
Just don't watch his show!

2007-05-12 05:30:11 · answer #8 · answered by Archangel Gabriel 3 · 7 2

I hate Gordon Ramsey...he is a loud mouthed bully and has a face like a screwed up toffee. One I'd never tire of slapping

2007-05-12 06:29:12 · answer #9 · answered by laplandfan 7 · 8 1

I am not a true vegetarian I like alot of vegetarian stuff but haven't fully given up meat. But in my opinion this gordon guy is just scared and uneducated as are most people who think if your a vegan there is something wrong with you. Its just prejudice. And most of the time prejudice is just lack of knowledge. Anyone can be afraid of something they know nothing or very little about. And people tend to make fun of things when they don't know enough about it to understand it. You and I may not mind what others choose to eat or not eat. But look at most vegans who choose to share their opinions publicly they pretty much bash meat eaters as much as meat eaters bash them for being vegan. The world we live in is not perfect and never will be. People who eat meat think that people who don't are weird and people who choose not eat meat often choose to push their beliefs on those who do. I choose to stay out of it I believe everyone has a right to make their own choices in their life. This subject will not be resolved anytime soon its like religion people think their religion is better then other peoples religions. There is always going to be some person who eats meat bashing those who don't and there is always going to be a vegetarian who bashes people who choose to eat meat. Our world is full of prejudice whether its race, religion or whether or not to eat meat. We just have to learn to live with prejudice and try not to take other peoples opinions too seriously. Everyone has a right to their opinion remember the saying opinions are like a**holes everyone has one. But thats all it is it's their opinion not yours or mine.

2007-05-11 10:27:32 · answer #10 · answered by Andi 1 · 11 2

Yeah he's really mean - this really gets to me - I don't care what other people eat, so why do they feel they have the right to tell me to eat meat!?! But anyway, as for Gordon Ramsay, I do think that he's just mean about every thing and every one - he really doesn't like us veges, but I think it's more cos we're fussy n wouldn't eat anything he cooked us, but I dunno - it's not v kind anyway! xxx

2007-05-14 15:27:53 · answer #11 · answered by Cathy :) 4 · 2 1

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