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i dont know if i should have an abortion i don't want to regret it but theres so much i wnated to do before i have kids.i was planning on going to college this year.but all that wil change if i keep the baby is life really hard when you are a young mother.my family have littlemoney and theres noway they would be able to support me my boyfriend said he would look after me though but what if it doesnt work out!

2007-05-10 22:44:42 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

24 answers

pull it out, it's not worth ruining your life, your boyfriend's life, adding pressure to your parents' lives and having your boyfriend most likely walk away at some point soon when the pressure is too much for him, leaving you as a lone parent.

no way.

do it and don't look back.

2007-05-10 22:49:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

No put it up for adaoption. You have a chance to give some family their dreams, someone who really wants a baby and has tried for years. Some people pay tons of money to try to become pregnant and still fail. Abortion is terrible. Its like killin something. Its already alive and growing, for gods sake it has a heartbeat. You will soon understant. It will be the best thing you can do is give it up. You wont have killed it, it has a chance to live life, and you wont regret it later. Which I guarentee by the time your 25-30 youll be thinkin about it and regret it. You can choose to have an open or closed adaoption. The difference is if your allowed to have contact with the child, see pictures ect. When its closed you get no contact. Either way is best since you dont have the money or feel you cannot raise the baby properly. You stay in school and change your lifestyle. 16 and pregnant is no good. I know mistakes can happen, just keep your head up and actually use it. If you had unprotected sex (obviously since your prego) then its that quick to get AIDS or STD. Try to be more safe, Im 24 and been through this too. I got pregnant when I was 17, but Im still with the same guy and we never had unprotected sex but the one time and that was after we were each tested for diseases first. It kinda ruined my life cuz I didnt get to do the things I had planned for myself. We kept our child and he is 6 now, I wouldnt take him back for the world I just wish we woulda waited. But this easily, you coulda found out it was aids not a baby, so please be careful, use protection and stand up for it. I know alot of guys dont like that, but Im tellin you they talk about it when your slutty or not safe. By the time your 19 they will say I wouldnt touch her with a 10 ft pole, because the word got around. Trust me guys kiss and tell. I understand that you have aboyfriend and may not be slutty, Im not saying that.....just kinda a heads up. Good luck.

2007-05-11 06:06:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

This is a decision that you have to make on your own. Don't ask us. I gave birth at 17 and while I have had a wonderful relationship with my son I couldn't have done all of it without the sincere help of my parents. I thought, yep, I'm ready for this and can do it but it wasn't till I was i my late 20's that I wanted to 'experience' a bit of life. If not for my family I couldn't have spread my wings a bit and grown as a person.

Take your time. Abortion is so very final.

You really need to talk with a professional. Get various opinions and make sure YOU feel at ease that you have all to make a decision.

My best wishes to you 'cos unless a person has been through this they can never know what you're really going through.

2007-05-11 06:02:34 · answer #3 · answered by Kay P 3 · 0 0

I'm sorry this has come at the wrong time for you. Unfortunately you are the only one that can make the difficult decision about what to do. Rest assured, all new mothers stress about whether or not they can support their baby, even ones on a good income and in a stable marriage. You WILL cope with the baby if you have it because life never deals us something we can't handle. Yes, it will be really hard but if you're willing to put in the work, it'll be all worth it. You can still go to college after the baby is born by claiming certain benefits. Check with your local government on what they can offer. Having a baby is the most precious thing in the world and the most rewarding. I don't think you'd regret it if you went ahead with the baby. I can't say the same about the abortion but that's your choice, no one elses. Good luck with your decision and please make sure you seek proper medical care and councilling so you're well informed before you make the decision.

2007-05-11 05:55:41 · answer #4 · answered by R360 3 · 0 2

I'll be praying for you. You need people who are really going to understand your plight and are not negative. No personally I don't think abortion is the answer. I am trying to get pregnant and look at abortion as a last option, or not at all. You have to make a decision on your childs life. You made an adult decision by having sex, well the result to having sex is limited, but the pleasure was momentary. Now this will affect the rest of your life. Was it worth all the pain? You need to pray over this, sincerely honey. We can't tell you what to do, we can only give advice, however, you and the childs father have to truly make an adult decision.

2007-05-11 06:24:42 · answer #5 · answered by TargetPractice 2 · 0 1


When I was younger, I, well, wasn't totally responsible. There were times when I thought I could have been pregnant. The thought of telling my parents that was scary. Yet, I couldn't fathom the thought of an abortion. It would not have been the baby's fault that s/he was conceived. My only choice would have been open adoption. I knew that there was no way I could have kept the baby, but no way I could just give him/her up without any contact of his/her life.

I have a friend who became pregnant her freshman year of college. She kept the baby. All four years of school she was on the dean's list. She had the help of friends, as she did not live in the same state as her parents. There were several late evenigns when I babysat for her so she could meet up with study groups. (She chose that college for a reason and she wanted to stay there.) She really impressed me. I did not do well when I was in school and I lived at home with no kids. I took classes after my husband and I married, but interrupted them when we decided the time was right for him to go to grad school. Now I'm pregnant with our first child and the mere thought of this tiny, independant life inside of me; The mere thought that God CHOSE ME to bring this baby into the world and raise her is humbling. Awe inspiring. It's also a wonderful thought to think that God has a purpose for this child, though, of course we don't know what. It's only been in the past couple of years that I've fully grasped that God has a purpose for my life, but I'm still trying to figure out what. (I belive that a large part of it is to be the traditional wife and mother.)

I'm not saying that you should keep your baby. Not at sixteen. When I was sixteen, I barley knew my head from my feet. However, I belive that God blesses us with abundance (money, material objects, able bodies and minds to do volunteer work, etc.) so that we can share with those who are without. My husband and I also plan on adopting. We were looking into adoption through the aforementioned Lutheran Social Services a couple of months before I conceived. We had also talked about going to some adoption information seminars at our church which took place about the time we found out of my pregnancy. For us, I know we are where God wants us to be.

As it's been said, only you can make this decision. Please, find somebody to talk to about this.

2007-05-11 11:55:29 · answer #6 · answered by Vegan_Mom 7 · 0 1

I think you should have this baby. Once you hold that little bundle in your arms things change...he/she is first priority and nothing else matters. If you decide not to keep the baby you can always give up for adoption and bless someone else that may not be able to have children. More then likely you will regret on down the road if you have an abortion...specially when you decide to have more kids and realize that you killed your first one. At least with adoption your child still gets a life.

2007-05-11 08:44:43 · answer #7 · answered by bpfashion123 3 · 2 1

Why is abortion the only choice. You say you don't want to regret it, well, what about adoption. You can give your child "LIFE", while also giving an adoptive couple the dream of their lifetime, parenting. With so many adoptions being "open" these days, there is a very good chance you can still be a part of your child's life. I am an adoptive Waiting Parent in Maryland, If you would like to chat further about this, please let me know. Abortion is not the only answer.......

2007-05-11 06:12:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I was pregnant at 15, kept my baby and finished high school early got a scholarship to help pay for college because I was a teen mom with dedication to my future... I worked full time since I was 15 and now at 24 am the Assistant Controller for a large contractor. I am working on my BA (Already have my AA) and my son has attended private school since he was in Pre-K. I have done all this with $0 help financially from my ex or the gov... the only thing I had was family to help watch my son while I went to school at night. Believe it or not I still had a lot of time to spend with my baby too, becaue I went to school part time after high scool. SO, It can work out!!!!!

2007-05-11 13:53:09 · answer #9 · answered by i gET bORED eNTATAIN mEH 3 · 0 1

i got pregnant at 16 and i did have an abortion i feel it was the right thing for me to do as i couldn't provide the child with anything i didnt want to become a burden to my family and i didnt want to lose my freedom
some of the answers i see have said you should have the baby and get it adopted/fostered you ill tell you how that would feel you would of gone through a whole nine months of pregnancy and labour and birth not to have anything afterward it would be best for you to decide which situation you would cope with better i have never forgotten my abortion i felt horrible and sometime wonder how i would of coped if i had the baby but i know that my life would of been turned upside down if i did have it
people have mixed views on abortion dont let that influence your decision
if you really dont want the child then yoiu need to think of how you are goign to deal with this
then once you have choose a contraception to avoid having this to deal with again ill be thinking of you
its your choice your body and your life xx take care xx

2007-05-11 05:55:45 · answer #10 · answered by frustratedwoman1979 1 · 0 2

Dont' abort your child...if you're unsure of what to do, don't decide yet. Because anything done uncertain will make you regret it later...girl, it's not the end of the world, having a child will motivate you more to strive harder, not for your sake but for the child. Life is hard, yes, everybody is having a hard life right now, there's no question about that, but, are you sure you're the type who easily gives up????

2007-05-15 05:08:05 · answer #11 · answered by CheKWa 1 · 0 1

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