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then how do they explain fossils millions of years old, geology palientolgy. The fact of differing stages of evolution found in fossils with timelines to correctly match them. If an actual christian could answer this honestly it would be great. I want to know what you really think?

2007-05-10 14:06:35 · 20 answers · asked by bartone1181 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

It's possible as God was creating the world residual life started to form on a living planet that he had to destroy before we could live here.

The Mayans believed the world has been destroyed three times already, the first time by beasts (dinosaurs), fire (meteor) and water (the flood). This fits in with what I explained above, beasts controlled the world and were killed by fire, the flood killed the Nephilim (Goliath was one of these).

2007-05-10 14:18:10 · answer #1 · answered by Sean 7 · 0 0

Noone is disputing the fact that there were animals on earth millions of years ago.
The argument stems from the belief that one being evolved into another. I believe that there were a large variety of animals living millions of years ago & some were similar 2 each other, just like it is today. I dont believe that the lion evolved into a tiger which evolved into a leopard which evolved into a housecat. I believe that there was a lion AND a tiger AND a leopard AND a housecat, all separate creations of God.
These animals I just use as an example as I am aware that we are dealing with a different variety of animals here. But are the skeletons of these animals not similar enough that a few million years from now scientist will be speculating that these animals evolve from each other?
Fossilize a German Shepherd's skeleton as well as a wolf & a coyote, & 50 million years from now people will be using those fossils 2 prove that evolution was occuring in the year 2007.
A scientist will be saying. " We found a perfectly preserved skeleton of a Timberus Wolfus that dated back 50 million years. And then we also found the hip bone & leg of a similar creature. Now that hip bone dated back 49 million years & it was smaller & the femur was shaped slightly different. This proves that this smaller creature evolved from the Timberus Wolfus..."
Get my point?

By the way, the accuracy of the time line is limited to hundreds of thousands of years.

2007-05-10 21:44:18 · answer #2 · answered by Ethslan 5 · 1 0

The time lines were formed on a pre-disposition that there was a time line.
Ok. The Bible starts in recorded time.
Where does it say at all that this was the first attempt at creating the life on this earth?
We were told in Genesis to re-plenish the earth.
The differing stages of evolution have not yet been proven with a direct correlation, they have assumptions. The time in between is so vast the only possible explanation is that evolution occurred and this was the start and that was the result.
Evolution is the change in inherited traits from one generation to the next.
Cancers, bone diseases, chromosomal abnormalities such as Down's syndrome can all fall under the category of evolution since they are genetic traits passed from parent to child.
There are thousands of genetic mutations that are destructive.
Where are the ones that are productive today?

Get A Grip.

2007-05-10 21:20:05 · answer #3 · answered by Get A Grip 6 · 0 0

actually - I didn't know fossils proved differing stages. Fossils are bones turned to stone no?

I will still stand on my first instinct which tells me that attempts at dating stone are not accurate proof of age.
As well, fossils found in "differing stages" of evolution do not mean that the fossils found were related to each other, and the timelines to 'correctly' match them are still speculation given the wide varience in the data of the strata so to speak.
there are fossilized clocks, hats, teddybears, waterwheels etc. Does that prove that it takes millions of years to fossilize something?
Doesn't "baby Lucy" really just look like a baby ape of some sort to you? When scientists stated that her vocal chords were so tiny that her cry would have sounded "much like a baby chimp" that just threw me.... why wouldn't it sound like a chimp? How do they know if the chords aren't even there to test? etc.

blessings :)

2007-05-10 21:31:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Many Christians believe in intelligent design. That is, earth and man evolved with God's hand. If you consider that the day as described in Genesis may in fact be billions of years, the sequence laid out is, in fact, evolution. First there was simply light and dark; then there was land, then water, then vegetation, then fish and birds, then mammals, then man. Evolutionsts say this is the order in which we evolved, but without any particular purpose. In other words, we're just part of an unending and unmanaged process. Christians believe that the purpose was, in fact, to create man. So, of course, there would be remnants of this process. I am a Christian and I see no conflict between God and fossils.

2007-05-10 21:28:06 · answer #5 · answered by macguff 3 · 0 0

well the problem with the fossil record does not show evolution but shows creation. well atleast thats what Richard Dawkins wrote.

The prominent British evolutionist Richard Dawkins speaking of the Cambrian fauna, has made the following comment: "And we find many of them already in an advanced state of evolution, the very first time they appear. It is as though they were just planted there, without any evolutionary history. Needless to say, this appearance of sudden planting has delighted creationists". Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker (New York: W.W. Norton Co., 1987).

2007-05-10 21:37:23 · answer #6 · answered by rap1361 6 · 1 0

2 Peter 3 : 8 .. But , beloved , be not ignorant of this one thing , that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years , and a thousand years as one day .. ********** Now for your HONEST evolution answer ********** During " all " of recorded human history there has "never" been a substantiated case of a living thing being produced by anything other than another living thing !!!! As yet , Evolutionism has not produced any scientifically creditable explanation`s for the origin of such immense complexities as DNA , the human brain , any many elements of the cosmos !!!! It is highly premature for materialist to claim that all living things evolved into existence , when mans` own science has not yet (" to this day " in all of recorded human history ) discovered how even one ( 1 ) protein molecule could actually come into existence by any natural process known to man and his science !!!!!! There is no scientific proof that life did ( or ever could ) evolve into existence from non-living matter !!! Further , there is substantial evidence that " spontaneous generation " is impossible !!! Only DNA is known to produce DNA ( mans` science can`t ) !!! No chemical interaction of molecules known to man and his science has even come close to producing this ultra- complex code which is essential to all known life !!!!! CREATION 101 = Matter cannot create itself !! Order cannot be created from disorder !!! Knowledge has to have an original source to start from !!! Knowledge cannot create itself , remember " matter cannot create matter from nothing ; all proven bythe science of man ?? Here`s your real answer in Genesis 1 : 1.. IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH !!!!! GOD is the Solution !! Not the confusion and the delusion of evolution !!!!!

2007-05-10 23:32:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

While here on earth, there are a billion mysteries in this world which we will never know the answer to.

Everything has it's purpose!

2007-05-10 21:30:01 · answer #8 · answered by Sweety 4 · 0 0

Science does not claim a 10 billion year history of the world. Such a claim is beyond its scope. It only claims that, if we assume that the present laws of nature were always in force, then the world is that old.

2007-05-10 21:13:51 · answer #9 · answered by Steve 4 · 1 0

Christians with half a brain would accept evolution as a proper and fitting explanation of the creation of the world. They think that the Bible deals with actual historical accounts of events that actually happened. Like the story, in saying story I mean "myth", of creation and the best: Jonah and the Fish(haha) They think that since the bible deals with God and that it was written by God through his scribes, that it all contains "factual" accounts and all it says is true, no questions asked. All one can do is chuckle at the confrontation of such brainless thoughts.

2007-05-10 21:21:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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