The most logical answer is to reason on the Scriptures and to meditate on what it says, and using reason can really help to establish the facts...When using reason we can accurately assume that the creative days were a period of extended time, not literal 24 hour days...
(2 Peter 3:8) “. . .However, let this one fact not be escaping YOUR notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.. . .”
We see that Jehovah told Adam that ...
(Genesis 2:17) “. . .But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.””
However, within a time period of less than a thousand years, they surely did die...not within a 24 hour day, but within a thousand year that is one of the examples of why the apostle Paul wrote the following inspired words to Timothy...
(2 Timothy 3:16-17) “16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.”
That way we can gain accurate knowledge and understanding of God's Word. We must gain knowledge of ALL the Scriptures in order to use our sense of reason.
Hope this helped!
2007-05-11 05:11:23
answer #1
answered by wannaknow 5
You have to look back at when the bible was written, and the language it was written in. The bible contains many contradictions, most of which can be traced back to translation errors, on other occasions the bible says things that we have already proven to be wrong (ex. the bible makes many references to the Earth being flat), this is usually to explain something complex (ex Gravity) to a largely uneducated society
So, if we look at the earliest writings, we find that the word "day" does not appear as "clearly" as everyone thinks it does. If you look at the Hebrew word used, you will find it has three meanings:
1) A period of light between 2 periods of darkness
2) A period of light that follows directly after a period of darkness
3) An extended period of time.
The bible gives no concrete evidence as to which is meant here.
However, it also says that the sun was created on the fourth "day". This is the strongest evidence indicating that the word used in Genesis 1 does not refer to a strict 24 hour day, since that would only be possible from day 4 onwards. Although it does not really disprove it either. So it is possible that a strict 7day creation was not what they meant when they wrote it.
2007-05-10 19:38:15
answer #2
answered by Anubis 2
The Genesis account does not say how long it took God to create everything. It simply said that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The 6 days of creation were time periods in which the already-existing earth was prepared to sustain animal and human life. Gen. 1:2 clearly shows that the earth was already in existence BEFORE the first creative day started.
2007-05-10 19:21:27
answer #3
answered by LineDancer 7
Without light there is no continuum for anything to operate within (thus "speed of light" etc). That is why light had to have been created and before that it was "chaos". Read up on Einstein's theory of relativity for more clarity on the space-time relationship.
With regard to creation only taking 7 days (even though that wasn't your question), days could be a nonliteral biblical term, not indicative of 24 hour periods. This is fairly common in the Old Testament. Read "Genesis and the Big Bang", by Schroeder I believe.
2007-05-10 19:27:10
answer #4
answered by ari k 1
God is not subject to time we know this. The example of 7 days is a complete work and its meaning may not be 7 literal earth days. We know that the Bible says a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. We do know many things in the Bible are meant spiritually and not literally, We know for example the Sabbath is used to represent the 7th day of the week but is also used to describe the millennial kingdom of Christ on the earth which is one thousand years. Those who make it to the 7th day enter God's rest salvation. So all things are not literal but often have spiritual meanings.
2007-05-10 19:27:05
answer #5
answered by djmantx 7
Well, Anubis always gives great answers and I am going to try and say this in short....
The Bible the earth and all was made in 7 days...but as all other things in the bible you have to see it in the context it is written in...somewhere in the bible it also says 'a thousand years to us, is like one day to God' . I am not saying that he did not make the earth in 7days...I wasn't there...but it could just as well have been 7 thousand years for all we know. I am a true Christian, so I am not trying to tell you that the bible is lying, but if people take everything in the bible literally...there is going to be some things they won't understand. Well...that is just my opinion...but God is good and Almighty, so it cold have been 7 days or 7thousand days!
2007-05-11 03:00:38
answer #6
answered by Aphrodite 2
Obviously the 7 "days" of creation do not refer to the period of rotation of one tiny planet in one solar system in one galaxy that had not even been created yet. God exists outside of time. There is no such thing as "days" for God. There is also no such thing as "days" anywhere in the universe except on the surface of a rotating planet, and most days in the universe are not 24 hours in length. The "days" of creation are simply periods of time; and we know from science that these periods of time were very lengthy.
2007-05-10 19:23:57
answer #7
answered by PaulCyp 7
He created the world in 6 days, and God can do anything remember, HE IS GOD! I know human minds cannot fathom the power of God, but that is because He is so above us---For even His word says "nothing is impossible with Him"
He rested on the 7th day.
2007-05-10 19:20:38
answer #8
answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6
I've always figured God created time when He began creating, so I'd say time began when or shortly before He created light. This means that the day had begun when He created light.
2007-05-10 19:21:00
answer #9
answered by STEPHEN J 4
the term "Day" is referring to a period of time but not of 24 hours because the rotation of the earth is 24 hours and it wasn´t create, remeber that Genesis is a brief relate expalin the preparation of the earth to support life, not the creation of the universe in the bible "day" sometime means one year, also 1000 years and also a undefine period of time that can be millions of years he is not under the pressure of the time like us.
2007-05-10 19:28:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous