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This is a continuation of another question I posted 'Which name should we choose for our MaltiPoo Yoshi or Chaz' and I got a response about the breed I chose...We went to animal shelters where the adoption fee was 25.00 - 150.00 (according to what shelter we went to) and ended up finding him in the classifies. We chose him not only because he was a cutie, but because he had a great personality, I only paid 200.00 for him (which included vet visit and up to date shots he's was 3 months when I got him) and no I wasn't looking for this paticular pooch, we found each other. I didn't ask for some of the responses I recieved and when I responded to their response to my surprise some got offended. It's very sad that there are breeders who treat dogs like they do for profit. And no I wasn't aware of that. All I know is that I saved a life and we are happy with each other. Most Americans are of mixed races so do you have a problem with you? Why do some hate on this new breed of dogs?

2007-05-10 11:39:20 · 16 answers · asked by twistedroots 1 in Pets Dogs

16 answers


It's about the money. These dogs are cranked out for profit. By buying a dog like this you are supporting the problem. We don't hate the dogs, we hate the underlying industry.

2007-05-10 11:43:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

It's not the dogs themselves that's the problem - it's the breeders. The breeders of so-called "designer dogs" are taking dogs of two different breeds that are usually not the best representatives of their breed and breeding for large profits. They are not new breeds - because they are mixed from two specific breeds that have been developed over many generations, there is a large variability in the dogs - even puppies of the same litter. There are no standards for what constitutes a high quality Maltipoo for example and one puppy may look markedly different from the next. These breeders also often advertise these dogs as hypoallergenic (they aren't) or no shed (wrong also). Just because something is crossed with a poodle doesn't mean it will get the poodle coat.

Responsible breeders pay careful attention to their breeding lines, making sure that only the healthiest dogs that meet their specific breed standard (which is usually established by conformation showing) are bred. The parents go through many health checks for genetic diseases before being bred and they offer health guarantees. Designer breeders don't do this and they often don't provide the screening of potential buyers that good breeders do.

What designer dog breeders do is provide mixed breed dogs that are as good as any other mixed breed dog you can get from a shelter - but usually for a much higher price.


Oh and Noota - there is no such thing as a minature Shih Tzu, so I'm having a hard time believing the pet store you were working for was as ethical as you claim it to be.

Stephanie - realized my error upon rereading the post. Thought she said she went to a shelter.

2007-05-10 18:52:03 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 5 0

I would expect a puppy mill to have purebreed dogs - thats how they get the crosses, by crossing two pure breeds.
Years ago these crossbred dogs were known as 'kennelmaids accidents'.
The difference between a breeder and a puppy farm is that the breeder will usually show their dogs; will work to improve the breed, and keep their dogs even when they're old and past it. They are in the breed for their own interest, not because of whats fashionable today.

Unfortunately there are still too many people who are in it for the money and its difficult to stop it. As long as theres a market they'll do it, but I don't see the point of shouting at the owners because a lot of people just don't know about the problem.
At least you ended up with a healthy, mentally normal pup so the breeder can't have been too bad.

2007-05-11 09:10:27 · answer #3 · answered by sarah c 7 · 0 1

Your first mistake is that you are comparing humans to dogs. That is immoral. Another mistake is thinking that people that campaign against puppy mills do it because they hate the breeds produced. Ridicules! Puppy mills are a horrible industry that mass produces pure breed dogs to supply to an ignorant public. The dogs are kept in minimal conditions to maximize the profit. They are kept in small cages all of their puppy producing lives. You should really do some investigating and learn about puppy mills. I have personally visited several and have been actively trying to get my city to outlaw the sale of puppies at pet stores. Almost all PM puppies are sold through pet stores.

It wasn't quite clear whether you purchased your dog from a back yard breeder or a puppy miller. But the sad fact is that you paid for your dog. That money now profits the seller and prepetuates this horrible industry. By your "saved a life" you have supported this industry. If you are not going to adopt or rescue then you should support those that breed to improve the breed. Buy from a reputable breeder, one that either shows or participates in organized dog activities to which their breeding program is designed to improve the quality of the dogs. There isn't anything wrong with mixed breed dogs and they are just as good and loving as any dog but, they are produced under all the wrong reasons and you should not support that with a purchase. Adopt, rescue, or purchase from a reputable breeder. One that is much more interested in you and the home one of their dogs is going to live in than the money exchanged.

2007-05-10 19:08:35 · answer #4 · answered by DaveSFV 7 · 2 0

Designer dogs/pure bred dogs - both can be found in shelter, why hate on one and not the other...

Okay. Let's take a pure bred. Any pure bred will do but for the sake of simplicity lets go for Goldens.

For many, many years these were known as great family dogs. Trustworthy, playful, loyal, gentle...

For one reason or another there was a surge of interest in this breed. Instead of these dogs being available through experienced breeders who concentrated on keeping the breed true to type in formation and character, now you have a bunch of back yard breeders taking advantage of a trend.

Hey Goldens are the flavour of the moment. Let's make a buck from Flossy! So they advertise in the paper, find a male of the same breed and go for it. Perhaps they even time the birthing so the pups are ready for Christmas.

No testing has been done for genetic flaws that could be passed on from either parent or for temperamental issues that would preclude a dog being bred by an experienced breeder.

No home suitability checks are carried out because these BYB's do not care if their pure bred Goldens are going to good homes. They are in it for the money.

So now you have generation after generation of Goldens being bred which are more prone to various health issues and do not have the same strength of character that was bred into the original lines.

Now lets multipy that by the number of possible 'designer dog' breeds. Hey xxx from Sopranos has a Puggle! It's so cute. Let's look for one of them. The worth of a Beagle/Pug mix just shot through the roof.

Never mind that the resulting designer dog can carry the worst traits of both parents. Right now they are 4 legged GOLD.

It's about money, sweetheart and the fact that living, breathing animals should not exploited like this season's hot accessory.

Yes, the shelters are full of designer dogs. I wonder how many of the families who dumped them there would have done so if they understood that buying a pretty puppy puggle, they were buying a pig in a poke. Maybe instead a cute snub nosed love-bug they ended up with a snorting, baying, bug-eyed snapper.

Meanwhile the shelters are filling up like leaky boats.

Why are designer dogs despised? The individual dogs are not but the trend that spawned them and those who buy into it are. At least by me.

2007-05-10 19:29:37 · answer #5 · answered by sky8oxer 1 · 3 0

I agree it is not the dogs we hate it is the industry that is the problem... Also with the pet population where it is and numbers that are euthinized each day any industry that just cranks out pups that could possioably end up at the pound( and more than likly will) is not a good one.I have a german shepherd and a shiba inu, they are both rescues that had no place to be. I did not pay a penny for the high dollar dogs..... If someone truly wants a purebred dog there are lots of places to get them and not help these so call back yard breeders and puppy mills.

2007-05-10 18:53:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

there is no such thing as reputable breeders, anyone that breeds doesn't love animals, they just love the money, with the amount of unwanted dogs/puppies in this world, true animal lovers would not even think about adding to this problem, breeding is wrong. i don't hate or dislike any dogs, i love them all, i just hate the breeders, the puppy mills and the pet shops that sell them, they are all as bad as each other. also you didn't 'save a life' you just supported the breeders and are helping them to produce more unwanted puppies, it's a shame you didn't adopt a puppy from the rescue shelters, that would have been saving a life.

2007-05-11 05:56:55 · answer #7 · answered by ♥sandpaper kisses♥ >^..^< 4 · 1 0

Most of these people are all about the profit. Of my five dogs, two are from "reputable breeders". The 12 year old chihuahua is blind and anti-social because she was kept in a pen and bred every time she came in heat. She was also abused. They shoved a small metal rod down her throat to keep her from barking (trying to crush her voice box). I got her when they closed the place down for these kinds of deplorable practices.
The second is a 17 year old shih tzu that the breeder was going to destroy as a "bad example" of the breed. That breeder is still in business.
I'm sure there are good breeders out there somewhere. People who take pride in what they do and genuinely care about the animals. The ones who have an "oops!" and call it a designer dog are not on that list!

2007-05-10 18:58:26 · answer #8 · answered by 5gr8k9s 5 · 3 0

um...puppy mills are bad in general regardless of the type of dog. People dont like the "designer dogs" because they make you pay purebreed prices for a mixed breed dog. I love all dogs, but they are not a new breed anymore than a lab mix is a "new breed" Most breeders of these dogs are in it for the money, and do not do the proper research to guarantee against health problems, which wind up hurting the dogs in the end. Not all, but most. Thats another reason why people are against these "new breeds" because irresponsible breeding and mixtures cause unnecessary suffering to innocent animals. Im glad you and your dog found eachother, and there is no question he deserves to be loved and cared for, but for every one that buys from these people marketing mixed breeds as new "designer" breeds, 10 more breeders crop up, and in the end it is the animals who get hurt. And people get ripped off, paying hundreds of dollars for a dog without papers. if you are not buying a purebreed why pay for one?

2007-05-11 00:59:14 · answer #9 · answered by **0_o** 6 · 1 0

Firstly, I am glad that you found an animal that you connect with.

Secondly, you purchased a mutt. MaltiPoo is not a recongnized breed.

Thirdly, the adoption fee at the shelter is returned to the shelter. Most are not-for-profit organizations. That adoption fee helps care for the multitude of animals that are signed over each day. The $200 that you paid the "breeder" goes directly into his pocket so that he can breed and sell more mutts.

Fourthly, dogs that leave shelters are given a basic examination as well as distemper vaccines and dewormer. Some shelters do heartworm tests, spaying/neutering (or discount certificates), and bordatella vaccines as well. They often send pets out with a free "first exam" certificate for local veterinarians. Often times, new owners are given coupons so that they can also purchase heartworm preventative and flea and tick medication for their pet as well.

No one hates the dogs. It is the system that is hated.

2007-05-10 19:16:59 · answer #10 · answered by Daisy101 2 · 5 0

It's the reasons behind why they've been bred though,alot of dogs from puppy farms etc have been bred for money reasons only regardless of the dogs welfare.Im not agaisnt crossbreeds what so ever,but it does seem to be that everyone is breeding "hot crosses" at the moment and charging alot of money for them....even more then some pedigrees!!I have 2 crossbreeds a yorkie x jrt a "yorkrussel" and a whippet x labrador a "whipador",as long as a dog is healthy and happy thats the main thing.

2007-05-11 00:12:10 · answer #11 · answered by Heavenly20 4 · 0 0

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