I have meet some people with gentle souls and others who were soul less.
Yes I did get your little pun. And yes I did LOL
One more edit the more I read the answers and see how many people missed this wordplay the funnier this gets :)
OK another one more edit cause this is starting to annoy me that so few people get it
People look R Soul AS Soul
You get it now?
2007-05-10 09:20:13
answer #1
answered by Pancho 5
Because many people think of themselves as beast like a cow or a wolf. Intelligence and reasoning are things animals do but consciousness of God or higher forces are thing animals cannot do or speak beyond a few sounds. But many people that do not have God living inside of them may as well be without a soul.
Let me explain a little better
we have the flesh- 5 contacts of flesh or the body are 1.see 2. touch 3. taste 4. feel 5. smell
everybody has these senses unless they have lost one
Second we have a little confusion about weather the spirit or the soul is next because both are confused together. But I believe the spirit is next and not the soul
Our spirit also have five contacts to the Spirit world--- the Five senses are 1. memory 2. reason 3. Affections 4.imaginations 5.consiousness
unless you are cut off from the spirit wolrd you can detect demons, angels, or God though these senses ---- good and evil people can both contact this world---- but to say you do not have a soul really means you do not have a spirit body that can contact God or that evil and good do not really exist, but rather we are all like beast and only imagine there are spiritual things at work.
Now the third attribute or body we have is called a soul and that at the marriage of breath of a person and the life inside the blood of a baby becomes the soul; the Soul of man has a nature and it is called a seed in the Bible.
Now the soul only has one of two choices-- you believe the Bible and the words it says or you do not. If you believe then you are a believer and a Christian a follower of Jesus Christ if you do not believe then you are a pagan, a heathen, a gentile, a son of the devil, in the garden of Eden there was only one choice of evil but today there is only one choice for good --- the God of the Bible is that choice and to believe is to save your soul and to disbelieve is to lose your soul.
So to say you deny you have a soul means nothing, except that you want to be free of moral choices
2007-05-10 16:50:48
answer #2
answered by sirromo4u 4
Oh well.
From a materialistic point (some would say existential) of view, souls do not exist based on the fact that this purported entity has never been proven to exist.
In any case, if one would contend that a soul exists, then we would have to surmise that animals, plants and even bacteria may possibly harbor souls.
And just what do souls do anyway? Are we saying that entities without souls are incapable of morals, emotions or feel pain? How do they function, and why do we need them?
In short, there is no proof, and from a religious point of view, souls undergo rigorous tortures for, well, say an eternity, if they don't choose the right deity to kowtow and kiss as-s, so, yeah, I wouldn't want to have a soul.
2007-05-10 16:20:00
answer #3
answered by Beast 1
I must confess I have no idea what you mean by the "R" and the "AS," but the main reason I think people try to deny they have a soul is that they don't want to be responsible for it.
After all, if you have a soul, then you have something to lose, don't you? Something to be sullied or damaged in some way; something which is ultimately responsible for being a good person and living as well as you can within some sort of moral context.
2007-05-10 16:17:49
answer #4
answered by auntb93 7
Some have not learned that the soul is the outer shell of a man.... A living man has a soul..... As a man who has since passed away, has left the host and returned unto the Lord, the breath of life..... therefore, he is but an empty shell.......
What is inside of that shell of man, (the soul), is the image of God which is spirit as God is a spirit..... and it is the part of us which cannot be seen outwardly.......
you will never hear it said from a dead man..... that he has no soul...... Yet, if you hear it said, he is what some call "disembodied".. and he may not know it...... But, will you be still enough to hear it??...... I don't think so.......
So, some question......
but, we all have.....
your sister,
2007-05-10 16:18:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
actually every human is born with 4 elements to balance... spiritual, emotional, mental and physical... the physical is the proof of your life... the mental is the balance between the soul and the physical... the spiritual and emotional makes up the soul... it's not so hard to understand... when healing there is a logic involved in the cycle that makes healing and long life easy.
2007-05-10 16:22:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
They deny they have a soul, because Christ said, "what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"
2007-05-10 16:17:55
answer #7
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
When the mind becomes so attached to the body, he begins to forget that he is the soul that just wears a body that decays.
2007-05-10 16:21:39
answer #8
answered by Rallie Florencio C 7
Or maybe it's that I am a little too brain dead right now to understand...
btw...I think I have a good soul!
2007-05-10 16:21:35
answer #9
answered by ♥Sweetmusic ♥ 5
I know I have a soul. Look at my name.
2007-05-10 16:15:27
answer #10
answered by S K 7