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OK see my boyfriend called me up last night and was like look I am taking you out on a date, So I said ok I will get ready and be over at your house in an hour. Then he told me to where someting nice but made me look like a whore. So I didnt say anything. Well when I get over to his house he was like we are taking my car come on lets go. Then I asked him where we were going and he wouldnt tell me. So we get to his friends house and there is like 15 guys over there. They where all drinking and smoking and having a good time. So I was like what are we doing over here and he was like this is our date. So we sat at his friends me be n the only girl in sight for miles and he was telling his friends all this stories about me and how I was good in bed and that I give the best head and I could get any guy off in less then 2 mins. So then his friends where all like he man I will give you $20 if you let your girl give me head. And I got up and left. So guys how should I take this?

2007-05-10 04:12:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

14 answers


2007-05-10 04:16:28 · answer #1 · answered by kc 5 · 0 0

you obviously care about him to be able to get ready for a date in an hour! (my gf usually take around 3!)

but you need to tell him to never pull a stunt like this again!

he made you feel awful infront of people that are going to be seeing you alot if theyre his friends so you're always going to be nervous about being around them

you gotta say that he went too far and you didnt like it.

plus his mates were trying to pay him for you to give them head....its just all so wrong

maybe find a guy that can treat you with a little more respect?

hope iv been some help

2007-05-10 04:20:22 · answer #2 · answered by samsam 2 · 0 0

First of all I will never do this to my gf. Bring gf to friend's house with so many guys around somemore! Only waste her time doing nothing! A selfish act I can say!
Since he don't respect and cherish you why not do something to blow him away. Don't mix with them anymore, your bf treats you like a sex object which is bad. He gone too far just treat him as your normal friend from now on, hes not a nice guy. Why not give yourself more choices look around you for a better guy.

2007-05-10 04:32:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i Know that you are looking for a guys advice but i think that you need to leave him. You dont diserve to be treated like a whore and be past around like that. It dont matter what the othwer guys in this site say. YOu diserve to be treated good and i bet that you can find yourself some one way better then that low life.

2007-05-10 04:23:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

this a$$bucket apparently does not know how to treat a lady,he looks at you as a whore and has did since he first met you.get rid of this d***head now before he ruins the rest of your life

2007-05-10 04:25:28 · answer #5 · answered by capricorn-saturn 3 · 0 0

I think he is a disrespectful mother------ you should find someone that appreciate you for you and not for what you do in bed plus, what you do in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom and the way you please him is nobody business.it sounds like you try to please him and he try to please him friends so you tell him get the 20 dollars and for him to give his boys some head. yes, he must think that you are a whore. in my book he is a real drop-shot.

2007-05-10 04:30:45 · answer #6 · answered by carleto d 2 · 0 0

he should win the award for scum of the year. No, actually the century. If you haven't left him already, do it now.

2007-05-10 04:22:31 · answer #7 · answered by the man 3 · 0 0

you really have to ask??? --- kick the guy to the kerb --- he is a uncaring inconsiderate non entity --- there is someone a lot more everything out there --- best wishes

2007-05-10 04:18:26 · answer #8 · answered by trader1867 7 · 0 0

pretend that you will give him head and after you take his pants down, uppercut his berries and tell him whi you did it.then you can forgive him

2007-05-10 04:26:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2007-05-10 04:33:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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