AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. They are taking longer and longer and it's not like they go bad... you have years to use them. Don't wait, it could take up to 6 months to get one if there is any problems! And you don't want to be stuck last min. We got ours 1 year in advance!!
2007-05-10 03:33:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Get it now!
The rules change on January 1st, 2008 so that anyone entering Canada has to have a passport. Right now it is only for people flying. The closer we get to the Holiday season, the more people are going to be applying and the wait time is just going to keep getting longer. Besides what if there is an issue (knock on wood) like they lose your birth certificate? (yes you have to mail it to them & they send it back) Then you have to go through the process of getting a duplicate birth certificate.
With all the added stress of planning a wedding, why wouldn't you want to get things out of the way when you can?
It's not that expensive. ( It cost me $157 because I had to have them put a rush on it)
2007-05-10 16:42:23
answer #2
answered by Chris10L 2
I would do it as soon as possible. With the law of needing a passport just to go to Canada now the increase of passports needed has gone up. It takes much longer now to get your passport than in the past unless you pay double to get it quicker. I was told that it would take at least 10 weeks or longer for it to be processed. Better safe then sorry. Get it done now.
2007-05-10 10:40:00
answer #3
answered by LadyD1019 4
There's a backlog of applications already - so getting a passport may take longer than you expected.
At least now's a good time to be gathering the necessary paperwork together - like birth certificates etc.
Getting passports now is one less thing you have to worry about as your wedding draws near.
Don't forget to mention your name change when applying for your passport.
Who says you have to apply for a passport together? Why not go ahead and get yours now and let procrastinator husband (who has other, more endearing traits, I'm sure) worry about his own.
Consider this too - and gosh, I"m sorry to bring it up - but if he doesn't get his within a reasonable amount of time - or argues with you about you applying for your passport early - let this be a warning of things to come. This may be a sign of someone who is controlling and passive/aggressive etc. and not quite the prince charming you thought he was. Sad but true. Just food for thought.
2007-05-10 11:43:32
answer #4
answered by Barbara B 7
get them now or soon, remember not to get your passport in your new last name, seeing as though by the time you leave for your honeymoon you won't have your named changed offically yet. Passports take like 4-6 weeks to process sometimes longer. So why not just get them now, so you don't have to think about it!
2007-05-10 13:50:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Give yourself at least a good 3 months before the wedding. It wouldnt hurt to get them now either since the passport laws have changed, so a lot of people might be trying to get them.
2007-05-10 11:04:14
answer #6
answered by ELW 3
Better safe than sorry, right? It took about 2 and a half months for my Mom's to come back, but that's because everything went through okay. But why wouldn't you just go ahead and get it now and get it out of the way? Men and procrastinating. I'll never understand it. Remind him of Murphy's Law. If something can go wrong, it will. Go get it as soon as you can so you don't have to worry about it anymore. Besides, I have heard horror stories of people not getting their passports back in like 6 months because their names happened to be the same as someone on a terrorist watch list or something and they had to go through all kinds of red tape to get it processed. Good luck and congrats!
2007-05-10 10:44:33
answer #7
answered by tehuskey513 4
my fiance and i are going to thailand for our honeymoon. i applied for a new passport and received it about 6 wks later. Here's a tip for your passport pics, instead of paying $13 (which is what i did) at the post office, go to a walgreens, or photo booth at the mall and take those pics for $2. It's cheaper and better quality!
good luck and have fun on your honeymoon!
2007-05-10 11:08:56
answer #8
answered by Shrimpboat 3
Get one now! When my fiancee and I got ours it took 6 weeks but at the end of that six weeks I had mine and all he had was a letter stating that he didn't send enough info. This was 2 weeks before the vacation! Thankfully they expedited it and got it to him before we left but it was definetly to close for comfort! They will take as long as they want to on those. So I would go ahead and get it now just in case something happens and they need more info from you because they don't call you to tell you these things.
2007-05-10 11:50:12
answer #9
answered by Wendy Kim 2
It depends on where you're cruising from/to. If you are a U.S. citizen and leaving from (and returning to) a U.S. port, then the requirement is that you need one for CRUISES that depart after 01/01/2008. If you'll be home before New Year's Eve you don't actually need one yet.
That said, you're going to need one eventually anyway. You might as well get the process started now. Check with your travel agent to make sure you don't have any stops or side-trips that would make you need a passport. Otherwise, you don't need one for cruising yet.
2007-05-10 15:56:06
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Passports take months So he better start the ball rolling now!
that way on the off chance it gets held up you have it in plenty of time!
Congrats & have a great time!
2007-05-10 10:49:16
answer #11
answered by Sazzy 4