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As you all have probably read in the news today, a couple from Atlanta is in court for starving their 6 week old baby boy for feeding him a vegan diet of soy milk and apple juice. They claim they did not know the baby was having trouble till it was too late. They are now accused of malice murder, felony murder, involuntary manslaughter and cruelty to children. I would like to know your opinion on these charages, and I would also like to know if any of you vegans out there do serve your babies vegan diets and tell us what would be fed so people can have a more understanding! Thanks.

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2007-05-09 10:19:29 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

20 answers

This baby was not killed by a vegan diet; this baby was killed by murders. Even the judge knows they used veganism as a scapegoat to get out of going to jail.

These parents thought they could get away with it because they know that most meat eaters (and therefore most of the general public) are completely ignorant when it comes to veganism, and that said public, without any research whatsoever) will believe that veganism is terrible and kills people. That general public is represented quite well by all the answerers at the top of the page.

Would a meat eater feed a baby nothing but apple juice and cow's milk? Of course not, because it is understood that cow's milk is not a substitute for a balanced diet. All vegans know quite well that soy milk is a substitute for cow milk, not formula. And if they ever were not sure, they could read the big label on each container of soy milk that specifically states that it is not to be used as a formula for infants. And these "vegan" parents knew that quite well when they murdered their baby.

I am putting vegan in parentheses because just as someone would not be a vegan if they intentionally killed a cow, someone is not vegan if they intentionally kill a baby or any other human. Vegans believe in life and the right to life for all, not death.

At least the judge was educated enough to see beyond their ridiculous excuse. Apparently he understands that there are tons of people all over the world who were raised vegan since birth.

Sorry if I seem a bit short, every meat eater who reads the news has been asking about this today... but I answered because you were the first polite one.

2007-05-09 11:38:16 · answer #1 · answered by Squirtle 6 · 8 0

Babies absoluetly need formula. End of story. My baby is on lactose free soy formula. You can't get much more vegan that than. Some soy milks are fortified for children, he will be drinking those instead of cows milk when he is 1 year old. He also eat purees fruits and vegetables, and baby barley and rice cereal. He is vegan, and he is super, super chunky, lol. Very healthy baby, 98% percientile on everything, and doctor says he is perfectly healthy.

It isn't hard to keep him healthy, you just need an understadning of the nutritional needs of a child. Those people clearly did not. They might be vegan, but they were not adequate caregivers.

2007-05-09 19:57:36 · answer #2 · answered by fuumaxkamui69 4 · 3 0

I think the prosecuter said it best here:
“No matter how many times they want to say, ‘We’re vegans, we’re vegetarians,’ that’s not the issue in this case,” said prosecutor Chuck Boring. “The child died because he was not fed. Period.”

It is not about a vegan diet, as they are healthy as an diet done properly. This is a pair of parents that neglected their child and then tried to find a scapegoat.

No baby should be on a diet of soy milk, or even regular milk for that matter. There are soy based formula's that are nutritious for growing babies. They are fortified with vitamin,minerals, iron, etc, just like regular baby formula. Brest milk is best for babies and if possible a infant should be getting breast milk.

Vegan parents do not put animals ahead of thier babies they choose to raise thier children free from the pestisides, hormones, etc found in meat. There is no difference between parents raising thier children vegan and parents that choose to raise thier children to eat meat. Either way you are forcing your child to consume what you do.

Just because eating meat is considered the norm, doesn't mean it is the right or even healthy. Childhood obesity is on the rise, and one of the major contributers is fast food. Eating at McDonalds seems to be the norm now adays, does that make it the right way to eat.

There are plentyy of vegan parents that are raising healthy vegan children. On the flip side there are plent of neglectful meat eating parents out there as well. Parenting has nothing to do with diet. These parent(if they can even be called that) were neglectful and more was going on than poor diet. Malnutrition does not just happen, it is slow. They were aware and chose not to seek professional help and advice.

2007-05-09 18:19:20 · answer #3 · answered by Prodigy556 7 · 8 1

These weren't vegans.... they're child abusers. Plenty of omnivorous parents starve their children in similar ways and it's appalling no matter what intentions are behind it. It's really important for babies to be breast fed for the first 2 years of life. Even more critical for vegan babies, because they need the specific proteins in their mother's milk to develop. Soy milk packages clearly state that they are not suitable as a substitute for infant formula. If the mother couldn't breast feed, they should have used a suitable soy based baby formula. I say shame on this couple for abusing their child, and shame on them for blaming it on veganism. And shame on the media for highlighting cases like this without showing all the happy and healthy vegan babies out there. Or the malnourished omnivorous ones. Like the prosecutor said, this case wasn't about a vegan diet, it was about tragically poor parenting.

Healthy vegan babies are breast fed (or given soy formula) exclusively for at least six months, and then have solid foods introduced--just like healthy omnivorous babies. They eat mashed up veggies, fruits, and grains, --just like healthy omnivorous babies. The only difference is instead of pureed meat, veggie babies get pureed tofu and beans. :-) Check out this website for more info:

2007-05-09 19:25:35 · answer #4 · answered by Flamekat 4 · 4 0

I don't understand what would be unnatural for the baby to have breast milk, it's the most natural source of nutrition for them. If the mother is a vegan and she nurses the baby, doesn't that make the baby a vegan too? I honestly don't know a single vegetarian mother, vegan or otherwise, who did not breastfeed, or atleast attempt it.

2007-05-09 22:28:17 · answer #5 · answered by momof4boys 2 · 5 0

This question is stupid! First of all, I know of no 6 week old even eating vegetables, let alone meat at 6 WEEKS OLDS! Being vegan had nothing to do with this child as he wasn't continually fed the proper nutrients provided by either breastmilk or formula. So quick to think vegans are malnoursihing their kids, because they don't do things like you!

2007-05-09 19:27:34 · answer #6 · answered by Sunshine Swirl 5 · 9 0

I think the parents were willfully neglectful. At the very least, they could have asked a pediatrician if that type of diet was okay for the child, and the pediatrician would have told them the appropriate thing to do. Soy milk is NOT milk.

2007-05-09 18:46:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It is NOT necessarily always unhealthy. THe parents of the 6 week old fed the baby ONLY soy milk and apple juice. Children do need protein, but it can be given in eggs, tofu, and soymeat products. Vegan children also need to tell the doctor of their diet, and the doctor will tell you if the child needs more protein.

2007-05-09 18:26:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Babies have a critical need for iron and other nutrients that regular soy milk does not supply.

There IS such a thing as soy-based baby formula, which does supply all the nutrition a young baby needs and is digestable by them. However, at one year of age they will need to be eating mostly table food, and they require iron, protein, calcium, and fat to thrive. A vegan diet is possible for children but extremely difficult.

The parents deserve what they got, because they did not pay attention to the baby as it wasted away, skinny and listless and starving. They should have gone to the doctor. They should have paid attention to the warning signs. No one should ever put their ideology above their baby's well-being. Never ever ever put the lives of animals over that of your own child.

I think veganism is fine and dandy for full-grown people who decide that's what they feel good about, but should not be imposed on children at the cost of their health.

2007-05-09 17:42:19 · answer #9 · answered by KC 7 · 1 5

Babies are naturally vegan - babies should be fed breast milk for at least the first year of their lives.

2007-05-09 18:12:17 · answer #10 · answered by nightngle 4 · 6 1

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