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I am a 14 year old boy and I became a vegan two weeks ago. When I first told my parents they were like "NO!!!" and my mom started crying. They said that it's not normal and I must have a problem and I need to see the doctor. Then next day they finally took me to the grocery store because I refused to eat anything that came from an animal. My mom still cried and they thought I was crazy. Its been two weeks and now they are upset again and saying I have to eat "normally" and eat what the rest of my family eats. I don't know what to do and I'm really upset. I became a vegan to help not to hurt and make my family upset!

2007-05-04 14:04:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

17 answers

Wow, your parents seem really upset. I take it you're not from an area with a significant veggie population. Congratulations on becoming a vegan, but it must be hard upsetting your family like that. You should tell them that your choice is not meant to criticize or hurt them in any way. Explain your decision as calmly and neutrally as possible. You should get some information together so that you can reassure them that you're going to eat healthily and that a vegan diet is even endorsed by the government as a healthy diet. You should also become more involved in cooking. You're old enough to cook your own meals to eat with the family. Maybe you could even start cooking for them once a week or so, not to convert them (bad idea--don't try that!), but to share what you're learning and help them understand your new diet. Check out the websites below for some info. It's important that you be able to back up your choice with some good facts, especially if they take you to a doctor.

I'm sure they're just rather shocked and confused at the moment, and if they've never been around veggies before, it must be very unfamiliar to them. Plus, teenagers always seem to be coming up with crazy ways to torment their parents (my dad only gave up on the idea I was having a phase after 7 years!). ;-) Just be as understanding as possible about how they feel, persistent and firm with your own beliefs, and try to not get too emotional or heated during the discussion, as this might trigger a reaction from your mother.

Good luck. :-)

2007-05-04 14:52:06 · answer #1 · answered by Flamekat 4 · 2 0

My parents got really pissed off when I became a Vegetarian, I looked up some Really cool vegetarian meals and made them for them, I also cooked all my own food. Heaps of the people who answered this question are vegan or vegetarian, it's a perfectly normal thing, why don't you find some people in your local area who are vegan? It's important to stand up for what you believe in so if you think you can get your parents to accept your decision, do it! But if your going to be fighting with them about it day and night, maybe you should go a step down and become a vegetarian first, then when they've excepted that, go to the next level. Also, don't let people discourage you or tell you it's stupid, your doing a really good thing and your parents will except your decision in time.

2007-05-04 19:37:07 · answer #2 · answered by Pepper 3 · 0 0

Congrats on becoming a vegan! There are many good posts here, but I'll keep it short, This is what I think is most important for your parents to accept your choice:

- They have to see that you're eating well, and that you're healthy...and not missing out on anything. So find some good healthy vegan recipes on the net. When they see all the good food you're eating, they'll calm down.

- Explain to your parents WHY you decided to become a vegan and why this is very important to you. Show them information that made you give up meat and dairy.

2007-05-05 05:06:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Offer to do the shopping (or at least make the shopping list and pick out the food, since you are 14 you probably won't be able to pay for it or drive to the store) and cooking for the whole family. Then you can eat what the rest of the family eats and everyone will be saving animals.

Do your research about nutrition, point your parents to the American Dietetic Association position statement on veganism as well as this link
(Search the site for the position statement, eatright.org is their website.)

Areas of concern:
Iron (spinach is a good source)
B12 (fortified in lots of foods, you can also get nutritional yeast.)
Omega 3 Fatty Acids- walnuts, flax seed

Other areas your parents will want to see addressed, but aren't really concerns.
Vitamin D- spend some time in the sun
Calcium- green leafy vegetables
Protein- everything has protein, it's very rare to have a protein deficiency, but beans and nuts are high in protein.

(Do your own research as well, I just got you started.)

You may also want to look into a daily multivitamin, it's recommended that everyone takes one anyway, not just vegetarians.

2007-05-04 14:22:44 · answer #4 · answered by Vegan 7 · 3 1

They are upset for two reasons:

1. they are very ignorant on the topic
2. you are going against/rejecting their lifestyle

Get that book "Becoming Vegan" and get them to read it.
Go to the library and load up on vegan books. Start reading them, and see if they'll have a look too. Hey, some people I know who became vegan -- their parents later became vegan too!! It's hard for me to imagine having such a close relationship with one's parents, but I come from a different world (type of family).

I tried that with my parents though, basically, all those books I got from the library just sat there gathering dust. They never read them. Oh, did I forget to mention that I pretty much hate them and they are evil bastards, so I was not surprised at their negative attitude. So, if you do not hate your parents to the core and have gotten along fine with them up until this point, then don't worry. Your mom probably thinks you are going to waste away and die, and your dad thinks you are bordering on becoming gay too. Ha ha, seriously. You'll have to show him all these famous vegan bodybuilders and fitness and Olympians just to settle him down a bit.

See, everyone knows that eating all this crap American food is really bad for them, but they are in total denial. You are trying to shatter their world of denial -- you are basically telling them, "Mom, Dad, I don't want to eat your food that is not good for me and it also harms the animals and is not good for the environment." It's like you just spat in their face. My friends from other countries who are vegan find it very very weird at the reactions parents have to their children becoming vegan... freaking out, yelling, arguing, tormenting, crying, forcing, .... Yeah, really weird stuff -- something for psych students to do a study on. Good luck, and check back in and tell us how it goes from time to time, that would be great, we haven't heard back from others that have asked the same question previously.

2007-05-04 22:03:55 · answer #5 · answered by Scocasso ! 6 · 1 0

It's a very good decision to become a vegan! Your parents probably just aren't familiar with the world of veganism! Your parents are probably just worried with the lack of knowledge to what it is, and what it means, and why you want to become one. Just sit down, and explain to them it's normal, there are plenty of people who chose this lifestyle.
If they're paranoid just research it on the net, and show them a little more about what it is. Don't worry, don't let your parents worry. Good luck, hope things go well. P.S. My mom reacted the same way, and I'm almost 20! Minus the crying. lol.

2007-05-04 15:24:04 · answer #6 · answered by shootsamshoot 3 · 0 0

You should be very proud of yourself for making such a mature decision on your own. Just keep at it and they'll get used to your choice. Also, do lots of research in to what you can eat so that you're never hungry enough to eat meat or other animal products. There are some great websites with examples of vegan foods and some good books with vegan recipes. My favorite cookbook is The Vegan Family Cookbook:


http://Vegweb.com has some great resources too.

Good luck!

2007-05-04 14:17:42 · answer #7 · answered by ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3 · 2 0

im not vegan but currently vegetarian but morningstarfarms has some great meat replacements for vegetarians AND vegans all it takes is some label reading and just a warning if u don't know jello (and other sweets) is A NO NO it has gelatin which is

a nearly transparent, faintly yellow, odorless, and almost tasteless glutinous substance obtained by boiling in water the ligaments, bones, skin, etc., of animals, and forming the basis of jellies, glues, and the like.

if u or anyone else doesn't believe me look it up in the dictionary i hope i was some help =]

2007-05-04 14:35:37 · answer #8 · answered by Sierra<3 2 · 1 0

First, take a couple of deep breaths.

Now, remember always that your parents love you and worry about you. No matter how old you are, that will never change.

You and your parents need to know that this is a change than can be done in a very healthy manner. They're concerned that you're not doing it that way, and they're probably right, at least for now.

I'm giving you some sources for all of you to read. They'll help to put your parents fears at ease, and help you to stay healthy.

Oh, and you need to learn to cook.

2007-05-04 15:15:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Explain to your family that it's not to hurt them but to help your own body.

Fact is.. I was a vegan for almost three years and my cholesteral was a 36 and people struggle to get theirs to under 200... so it is much healthier. You are eating the pumped up animals meet-meaning all the steriods that they have been pumping into the animals to make them grow bigger. Have your parents buy you "BOCA" prodcuts or "QUORN" products or "MORING STAR" products... they have fake meets that remind you of meet but have the protien you need in them..... examples burgers, chicken nuggets, bacon, sausage, turkey, chicken and other look alike fake meets. Some are a required taste but a lot of the products especially "QUORN AND MORNING STAR" PRODCUTS.

Good luck and be healthy!!!! Tell your mother and father that it's not drugs or alcohol and you are going to make sure you get protein but not in the same way that they choose to get the protien. It's a life change that is great for the body over all. Just watch you don't over eat starches b/c you'll gain a lot of weight because of the salt in the products. The salt retains water and you don't want to do that. eat more veggies and you'll be feeling great all the time! Oh yeah don't forget all the fruits!!!! My favorite!

2007-05-04 15:05:58 · answer #10 · answered by Deanna M9903 2 · 1 1

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