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Ok, I just want to know your opinion on this. I'm sure you have all heard about the vegan couple whose baby starved at 6 weeks. GRANTED it seems like they didn't feed their baby enough food at all...and I'm sure there are other very healthy vegan babies out there now. I'm not passing any judgement at all, I just want to get your take on this.

What do you think?

btw i'm a vegetarian...

2007-05-04 07:32:24 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

yeah, i PERSONALLY wouldn't feed my baby a vegan diet....nor would I push my vegetarianism on my kids...but when they are babies, yes, they need certain nutrients that are in breast milk--- that's not even a question to me.

2007-05-04 07:40:59 · update #1

i agree about soy milk...i think it is disgusting personally...there's nothing like getting the nutrients from regular milk..that's why i could never go vegan.. i think dairy is very important to have..preferably organic, too.

2007-05-04 07:54:20 · update #2

Lucy 44...well, then maybe you should get enlightened and with the times...because there ARE vegan babies out there, ie this case i am talking about.

you shouldn't criticize younger people just as much as we shouldn't criticize older people...all i'm saying is we have to keep up with the times and what is going on now, in 2007.

2007-05-04 08:09:10 · update #3

gal_D....i'm sorry, but i children should be encouraged to make their own decisions. My parents let me, and I think I turned out A ok. I am sick of the vegans that try to push their ideals on you. I have nothing against vegans, my 2 BEST FRIENDS ARE VEGAN..but they NEVER EVER comment on my decision to eat what I eat, or anyone else's decision. You have to do what's best for your children, and giving them OPTIONS is best. Get off your high horse, please.

2007-05-04 13:46:47 · update #4

29 answers

Babies (animal and human) are meant to drink milk. It is what milk is for in the first place. If this couple was not giving their child milk (breast milk or formula, whatever) that's silly. Even though it isn't technically 'vegan' it is what that baby needs to survive.

2007-05-04 09:02:02 · answer #1 · answered by Karen B 2 · 4 2

I'm surprised that so many people still believe that vegans do not receive enough nutrients/protein/etc. With the exception of vitamin B12, there is absolutely nothing nutritional that a typical meat-eater's diet contains that a vegan diet does not, and a simple daily multi vitamin easily takes care of that.

Vegans are not martyrs sacrificing their own health for their beliefs (although many surely would, they simply don't have to) Vegans understand that animal products are completely unnecessary and therefore the suffering and harm that comes to animals as a result is completely unnecessary.

Saying that a vegan diet is OK for adults, but you shouldn't "force" your child to suffer is like saying that "If you don't want to eat candy bars and soda pop, that's fine, but you shouldn't deprive your child". I think that "forcing" your child to eat healthy is called good parenting. The main problem is that so many people are misinformed and believe that a vegan diet is unhealthy. That is simply not true. (Although vegans obviously can eat unhealthy diets just like meat-eaters - a proper diverse vegan diet is quite healthy)

That newborn baby did not die because his parents didn't feed him enough hamburgers. He died because they deliberately did not feed him. (hence the murder charge, not manslaughter) Newborn babies need only mother's breast milk (their mother's, not some cow's mother) or at the very least a formula, which there are vegan alternatives.

According to wiki (link below)...
"The American Dietetic Association considers well planned vegan diets "appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy and lactation,"[29] but recommends vegan mothers supplement for iron, vitamin D, and vitamin B12"

A little vitamin supplementation (which I believe is recommended for most if not all pregnant mothers?) Is all that is required.

Remember, vegans are against suffering, and deliberately starving your baby to death is completely opposite anything remotely vegan.

2007-05-05 15:46:19 · answer #2 · answered by vegasvegan 1 · 2 0

Although first hand I do not know any vegan parents practicing this with their babies, using logic and life experience I DO think that there are successful vegans who feed their babies only vegan approved items and can still manage to keep them healthy through that source of energy. From what I understand, there are ways to go about it if you do enough research to supplement your daily need for each vitamin and nutrient needed.
As for the allegations regarding this being an inappropriate way to feed a baby~ I think its nonsense. I would have to agree with your point in that the baby was just not fed enough. Parents need to do their research in dealings with feeding a baby vegan sure only I'm sure, but I believe it is possible.

2007-05-04 07:47:28 · answer #3 · answered by Mg 1 · 4 0

I hadn't heard that story. That is very sad indeed :(
If the baby was breast fed as babies are meant to be then I don't think there would be a problem with the baby being introduced to a vegan diet at around 6 months old but nursing should be extended until at least a year old and preferably beyond in a vegan household because soy milk is just unsuitable for babies.
Or if breast feeding is not an option then a vegan couple should at least break the rules for their baby because a suitable formula based on cows milk is the next best thing after human breast milk. Soy is just unsuitable.

The problem with soy milk is trypsin inhibitors which are growth inhibitors and soy is known to have some adverse effects on the thyroid gland. Also, it is loaded with phytoestrogens, which mimic the female hormone oestrogen. All in all it is not suitable for young children except as a rare treat.

2007-05-04 07:44:06 · answer #4 · answered by ♥zene purrs♥ 6 · 2 3

I read this news story about it...
"Fulton prosecutor Chuck Boring said the verdict isn't a condemnation of veganism, a strict form of vegetarianism that doesn't allow the consumption or use of animal products. Instead, jurors believed prosecutors' assertions that the couple intentionally neglected and underfed the child and then tried to use the lifestyle as a shield.""The vegan diet is fine," Boring said after the verdict in the Georgia case. "These parents lied about what they fed him. He just was not fed enough."

It sounds like these people were just terrible parents who should never have had a child to begin with. There are cases of children neglected and murdered by starvation every year by their meat-eating parents. It has nothing to do with the food philosophy, it is the lack of food, period. The parents should go to jail for life. How sad that the meat eaters are now grabbing at this straw to try to beat us down. How about the millions of parents who are killing their kids by feeding them nothing but animal fat and empty calories? Of course nothing will be done to them.

2007-05-04 14:58:14 · answer #5 · answered by Tracey F 2 · 7 0

Veganism is quite healthy for babies and children.
Idiots are not healthy for babies.

Everyone, vegan or no, understands that soy-milk is a supplement to cows milk, NOT a supplement to formula or complete nutrition.

Just as I am sure there have been plenty of idiots who have killed their babies by using cows milk, these idiots killed their baby by feeding them only soy-milk (and apples or some nonsense.

Some people should not be allowed to breed... including several of the meat-eating answerers on this question.
I personally could never force an innocent child to eat animal flesh, but that is just me. They can make that decision when they are old enough to understand what it is all about.

2007-05-04 13:04:04 · answer #6 · answered by Squirtle 6 · 8 1

I think those parents were just plain stupid. Soy milk and apple juice are NOT at all a good thing to feed to a baby for its nourishment. Babies need breast milk or formula. However, breast milk from a vegan mother may not contain enough protein for the baby. It's fine to be a vegan or vegetarian, but a baby has basic nutritional needs that only breast milk or formula can give it. Breast milk is important for preventing allergies, as well.

What do I think? Babies should not start out vegans (who don't drink milk), because they need milk to develop properly.

2007-05-04 07:41:38 · answer #7 · answered by Enceladus 5 · 0 2

Im not convinced that a baby's needs could be met with vegan alternatives. I am open to being shown that it can work though.
If someone did enough research and was getting regular health checks I would be all for them putting their baby on a vegan diet--I feel that way about any baby feeding though. We have proven time and again people do stupid stuff with babies-just make sure the kid is being taken care of and there is no issue with me.

2007-05-04 07:42:07 · answer #8 · answered by Showtunes 6 · 2 1

The way I see it. Meat-eaters that grow up to be meat-eaters don't keep their children on any other diet but what they eat. So why can't vegetarians/vegans do the same?

My kids are going to grow up as vegetarians until they turn 13 (which is when I made my decision). Then they can choose to stay vegetarian or eat meat, knowing full well that I will not be cooking or using my money for them to eat meat.

2007-05-05 12:43:17 · answer #9 · answered by Deb 3 · 3 0

I am the mother of two children raised vegan since birth .. and now my 2 1/2 year old grandson also raised vegan since birth ... first where is this misconception that breast feeding your baby is Not vegan ? Of course it IS vegan .. second that child was 6 weeks old and weigh 3 1/2 pounds (who was born at home and obviously had no doctors care) .. that is tragic , it was starvation, it was murder and it was not being vegan that killed that poor baby .. it was murder by bad parents .. for heavens sake my sons were born bigger....both over 8 lbs and my grandson over 8 lbs at birth as well ........ and yes my sons survived healthy as could be ! now 30 and 24 ..still vegan ...still healthy ... about 50 percent of ALL children are allergic to cows milk and given soy substitutions (as myself and 2 of my sisters..never had dairy) so what does that tell you ... those parents were sentenced to life as I believe all vegans would agree they should have been ... so please Do not blame vegans and our diet , .. anymore then every child that is starved to death by an omnivore .. do we blame their diet choice for the babies death .. we simply say they were murdered by bad people who happen to be parents !!

2007-05-05 15:35:48 · answer #10 · answered by connie b 6 · 3 1

i respect other peoples beliefs and feel like everyone should raise their children on those beliefs(within reason). I personally belive there are enough baby foods and varieties to raise a baby on veggies in addition to normal baby formula. I think vegan parents should expose babies to meat varieties and let the children decide when they are a little older, what they want to eat. A 6 week old baby shouldn't have been on baby food to begin with. Furthermore, baby formula would have provided all the necessary nutrition needed at that age. I think the parents of that poor baby were starving it from formula. By the way, what the hell were they giving the baby as a breast milk/ formula substitute?

2007-05-04 07:41:35 · answer #11 · answered by wolfdance1978 2 · 1 3

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