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I have trouble breathing sometimes at night. Its not a constant thing and usually happens once every so often or it can happen three nights in a row and not show up for months.

I'll be sleeping and then all of a sudden I wake up to gasp for breath. Sometimes I feel like I wasn't breathing after I wake up and I have to cough. Most of the time it happens when I'm sleeping on my back. Its scary and I'll never get used to it. I don't snore and I'm not over weight. I do have a deviated septum.

I am also tired all the time. After I wake up about two hours later I need to go back to bed. After I wake up from my nap around two more hours later I need to sleep again. My last Dr didn't really seem to care. She blamed my anxiety.

2007-05-01 09:04:38 · 9 answers · asked by lady_godiva_chocolates 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

Like I said before, Iit doesn't happen all the time. It could be months before the next episode happens. If I go for a sleep test, will they still be able to tell even if I don't have an episode?

2007-05-01 09:31:21 · update #1

I also have a fear of taking sleeping pills. I think that if i take them I might have one of my breathing episodes and not wake up.

2007-05-01 09:33:41 · update #2

9 answers

yes, most likely you do-- see your doc, they will do a sleep study and that will definitely prove whether you have it- which it really sounds like you do--- you will then get a machine to wear at night while sleeping which will allow you to keep breathing throughout the night-- you won't believe how great you'll feel in the morning because it will be the first time since who knows when that you would have slept through the night and by the way, sleep apnea causes heart disease, weight gain and anxiety......so get checked out soon..........good luck to you

2007-05-01 09:10:23 · answer #1 · answered by mac 6 · 0 2

I am not certain, but Apnea can get worse. So perhaps you had it in a milder form till now. I have never had problems till a couple years ago after surgery I was told that I had a sleep disorder. It turns out that my shallow breathing wakes me up about 26 times an hour (not all the way, just keeps me out of REM sleep). I'm also a Heroic snorer.

2016-04-01 04:06:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You may very well have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is normally worst when people are on their backs. Sometimes people will only have apneas when they are on their backs. You can try an old trick. Make a pocket on the back of your PJs and put in a tennis ball. This can train you to stay off your back. It might be worth trying to see if it helps.

2007-05-04 17:03:54 · answer #3 · answered by GEE 2 · 0 0

No question. You've got sleep apnea. Welcome
to my club! To be a charter member, all you have
to do is pay your dues. (Not to me, personally,
but to your local pharmacy or supermarket cashier.)
For $15.00 per month, plus sales tax, you can get a
box of 30 Breathe Right Strips.
Try 'em. You'll like 'em. They'll work.
But, before applying one of the flesh-tone adhesive
strips to the bridge of your nose, make sure you've
washed your face thoroughly--because they will not
work for people with clogged-up pores.

2007-05-01 09:20:19 · answer #4 · answered by Pete K 5 · 0 1

sleep apnea is when you go into a very deep and relaxed sleepto the point when your lungs almost calapsi know this cause my dad has it realy bad.he is not over weight but gose into a very deep sleep and snores very long and loud. he dose not wake up when he stops breathing.we nudge him .i think you should sleep on your side it get that tested .there could be a chanse you have just to be sure go.

2007-05-01 09:13:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

You should go see a doctor who is a sleep specialist. The doctor will have you stay overnight and monitor your heart and breathing. The doctor will be able to determine if you have sleep apnea.

2007-05-01 09:09:30 · answer #6 · answered by Robert S 2 · 0 2

I think you very definitely show symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. You need to have a sleep study done to verify it. If your doctor won't go for it, see another, preferably a pulmonologist.

2007-05-01 09:08:18 · answer #7 · answered by essentiallysolo 7 · 0 2

Yes, apnea is when you stop breating during sleep, it can be a dangerous condition... ESP if you are pregnant! There are treatments.

2007-05-01 09:07:56 · answer #8 · answered by Brent A 3 · 0 1

have you tried benedryl at night when you go to bed. it sounds like you and i are in the same boatyou need to try some celestial seasonings teas they are great for you problem i couldnt sleep well and still cant i know my is medical. you need to quit smoking like i do also that will effect your sleeping habit also

2007-05-01 09:11:00 · answer #9 · answered by george g 1 · 0 2

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