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why do they push christianity so hard even though they contradict themselves. i mean even with something as basic as the ten commandments they break it being christian. God said i am the ONE true God thou shalt not have any before me. i mean i know they try to say its a trinity and they are all one but that just doesnt make sense. when God said from the beginning I am the ONE true God. doesnt that kinda contradict the trinity?

2007-04-22 18:33:37 · 26 answers · asked by DaSdEn 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

well jesus was a man too..just because he said he was doesnt make it true..i can say im the president of the world but that doesnt make it true. its fine that people believe in it, they can believe what they want but dont push it on others.

2007-04-22 18:41:19 · update #1

and i dont care to hear what john said jesus said or what paul said jesus said.. just because one person said it was true because they heard another guy say it is not proof at all. and it doesnt begin to correct the contradictions. when people defend it so strongly with even more nonsense it makes the case that maybe it isnt true at all

2007-04-22 19:03:23 · update #2

26 answers

Never to use the bible to teach Christians about their own irrationality because after all is said and done, it just goes back to that precious bit of voluntary schizophrenia Christians call religious faith.

2007-04-22 18:39:12 · answer #1 · answered by Zenrage 3 · 0 5

*braces himself for the potential amount of flak he'll probably have to take after making such a bold statement*

Well, the sad truth is, many "Christians" don't actually know what they're talking about. I say this not only on a religious level, but also on a historical level. Apparently not enough people are aware that most of what they believe in stems from mythological sources.
The immortal soul/afterlife ideas as well as the multiple god (trinity) concepts trace back to ancient Babylon and Egypt. These were merged with Christian beliefs in the 1st few centuries BCE. The "Church Fathers" blended these ideas in order to gain more converts. The Catholic Church was somehow born out of this, and the Holy Roman Empire had an extensive domain.
Of course, eventually some people found fault with the Church (like the fact that 'ordinary' people weren't allowed to read the Bible for themselves) and broke away. Martin Luther is best known for this, and there are other denominations (Calvinist, Methodist, Baptist, Anglican/Episcopal, etc.) which show evidence of dissatisfaction with the Catholic Church's views at some point in history.
Even though all of these factions broke away from the Catholic Church, many kept some of the same false doctrines, and therefore were not effectively freeing their members from spiritual darkness. That's probably because even now, with a fairly good rate of literacy, most "Christians" don't read their Bibles. They instead rely upon their religious leaders (who merely repeat what tradition has taught them) for understanding the Bible.

All that having been said, anyone who has actually read the Bible and compared scripture after scripture would reasonably conclude that God and Jesus are two separate individuals (who never claimed to be the exact same person). Jehovah God is the Father, the Almighty God. Jesus Christ is His Son, who has been properly referred to as 'Mighty God', 'Prince of Peace', 'Immanuel', etc.

But look at history. How often do "Christians" accept being told that they're wrong about something? Compare the humble, zealous Christians (even under the abuse of the Jews and the Roman empire) that lived in the 1st Century to those you've read about in the last 1600 years or so. You know, the ones that initiate crusades to take back the Holy Land and such...

2007-04-23 02:05:55 · answer #2 · answered by DwayneWayne 4 · 0 0

(longish post, I beg your indulgence)

The Trinity IS one God. It's like an egg (if you will). There's a shell, there's a white, and there's a yolk. All are different aspects of the egg, all server different purposes, but all are part of the same egg. (This is a very simplistic analogy I know, but it's a good starting point). Or an apple that has skin, flesh, and seeds but it's all still one apple.

Another analogy would be a Parent. Take your father for example. You had the guy who slept with your mom, the guy who tucked you in at night, and the guy who went to work but they're all the same guy. (yes I realize that this isn't always the same guy but I'm trying to paint a picture here). So you might say that the Trinity is God's different roles.

Similarly God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are all part of the same God even though they are different from each other. They each have a different purpose. Just like the different parts of the egg do different things or a human might have different roles in life. God the Father is the Creator, the big guy, the rule-maker. Jesus is the mediator, his purpose is to bridge the gap between man and God (because we can't follow the rules). The Holy Spirit is the part of God that communicates through the ages, the 'active' God, if you will. But these are just aspects, persona, roles, if you will, of God (the Trinity). They are all part of the same God, they are each God, and they each have their purpose.

It's not a simple concept nor one that's easy to grasp. I commend you for inquiring about it (though not necessarily your tone). Yes, Christians break the commandments that we're supposed to obey, repeatedly and constantly. But the important part is not the rules, the important thing is the relationship.

Feel free to email me through my profile if you wish to continue the conversation.

2007-04-23 02:16:51 · answer #3 · answered by LX V 6 · 0 0

Actually no. The bible calls it the Godhead..Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Man calls it the trinity.
I believe there enough bible texts to show this. I have a feeling that this question is accusatory because it is a blanket statement and assumes too much. What doesn't make sense is the people who come on here and take so much out of context and just want to point the fingers on that basis.

Heb. 1:8
God the Father called the Son "God."

Isa. 9:6
The "child" is called the "Mighty God."

Mt. 1:23,

Is. 7:14
Jesus is called Immanuel, which means "God with us."

John. 1:1
Jesus (the "Word") is called "God."

1 Tim. 3:16
Paul said Jesus was God "manifested in the flesh."

Col. 2:8.9
Paul said Jesus was the "fullness of the Godhead bodily.

John. 20:28
Thomas said to Jesus, "…my God."

Titus 2:13
Paul called Jesus "the great God."

Phil. 2:5,6
Paul said Jesus didn’t feel it was wrong to be considered "equal with God."

John 5:18
The Jews wanted to kill Jesus because He was "making Himself equal with God."

John 10:30
Jesus said, "I and the Father are one."

Gen. 1:1;

Col. 1:16
The Bible said God created all things and that Jesus created all things.

Mic. 5:2
The messiah (Jesus) had always been in existence.

Isa. 44:6; Rev. 1:2,8, 11,13
God claimed to be the "First and the Last." So did Jesus. God clearly states that He is the only savior. The Bible also says Jesus is our savior.

This I believe is enough texts to show there is substance to the 'trinity" belief..however it is the Godhead.

2007-04-23 01:48:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Re: Ten Commandments
Because we are human. Fortunately, our God is a forgiving Father.

Re: Holy Trinity
GOD the Father: The Creator (Gen 1:1, Jn 1:1) GOD the Son: The Redeemer (Jn 1:1,14) GOD the Holy Spirit: The Sanctifier (Jn 14:16-17,26, Mt 28:20)
All are from God and are God.

2007-04-23 01:49:08 · answer #5 · answered by santan_cat 4 · 0 0

you christians... This guy asks about contradictions. You reply saying there aren't any. Someone says Jesus and God are the same. "I and the Father are One." OK. that's fine.

Except when Jesus talks to God in the Bible! He has conversations with him! He asks God if there is another way to save people. He asks God to forgive people, "for they know not what they do." If he was God, why would he do this?

2007-04-23 01:58:03 · answer #6 · answered by ajj085 4 · 0 0

The unity of God is harder to understand for humans than a person's oneness because we are simpler beings. The way Christianity has traditionally explained the Trinity is through the word "homoousious" which means one substance. God is one substance with unlimited possiblity so a human being containing part of the substance (Jesus) praying to the home source if you will is not in contradiction.

One metaphor for this is a solar flare. The sun is of one entity but a solar flare becomes separated from its source temporarily and is still of the same substance. When they are reconnected though they are indistinguishable.

It may seem contradictory or hard to understand but there is very clear and logical teaching on this.

2007-04-23 01:40:50 · answer #7 · answered by David 2 · 4 1

No contradiction, All three from the trinity are in the Bible and in several places all at the same time. God is a single being existing simultaneously as three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Not a single one of us, that includes you and I, could follow the Ten Commandments, so clearly we need a Savior, that is the meaning of the commandments.

2007-04-23 01:42:23 · answer #8 · answered by exodust20 4 · 2 2

I'm a Muslim, I'm asking that same question to Christians but I have no answer, why Christians don't share the same belief? why some of them say God is Jesus, some others say Jesus is the only son of God others say God has other sons (Adam. Israel...)others say God is One. So don't they feel in their hearts that there's something wrong?

2007-04-23 04:24:20 · answer #9 · answered by SouA 3 · 0 0

they do it all the time. they hide and refuse to face contradictions because if the bible is wrong in even one place and god dictated it that would mean that god was wrong and that would shatter christianity. so they pretend not to see it or try to interpret it in a favoring way. its just a defense mechanism called denial. i agree that they can believe what they want and i wouldnt care, but they cant keep it to themselves they want to bother everyone else and pretend everyone else is wrong and burning in hell. and thats what i have a problem with, the only time you are truely wrong is when you think you are completely right. there are alot of different answers, noone can say for sure who is right or wrong.

2007-04-23 01:54:44 · answer #10 · answered by jessica39 5 · 0 0

Christians do not contradict ourselves. Jesus is one with God because He is the Son of God. When we turn from our sins and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, God gives us the Holy Spirit. God Himself comes into our lives and gives us the power to become His Children.

2007-04-23 01:50:32 · answer #11 · answered by Apostle Jeff 6 · 0 1

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