The Scriptures you need to read are the 13th chapter of the Book of Revelation.
The mark of the Beast is descibed as a type of identifying factor which will be imposed upon people in the last days by the Beast (that is, the Antichrist, the prophesied world leader) and his government. Refusal to accept the mark will prevent people from being able to buy or sell and conduct business in the government of Antichrist.
The nature of the mark is a matter of conjecture, but many have suggested it could be some type of microchip implanted in the forehead or right hand which would enable the government to exercise direct control over all its citizens.
The Bible sets forth that this will have moral ramifications and acceptance of the mark will place them under God's wrath which is to be poured out upon the the realm of the Antichrist. Thus to escape the wrath of God the people of God will be required by God to refuse to accept this identifying feature and place their trust in God to protect and provide for them. The duration of Antichrist's rule is limited to perhaps 3 1/2 years, perhaps to 7 years, but not beyond that; then his realm will be destroyed by the final judgments of God listed in Chapters 15-19 of the Book of Revelation, and Christ will return to establish His earthly kingdom and overthrow Antichrist, and bind Satan and cast him out of the earth for 1000 years.
At some time before, during or after these events; God will physically remove His True Church, raising the dead, and transforming the bodies of living believers to be compatible with the Kingdom of Heaven, and made in the likeness of the resurrected body of the Lord Jesus Christ.
(see I Corinthians 15:50-58; I Thessalonians 4:13-5:9; and Philippians 3:20,21)
2007-04-22 13:05:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The mark of the beast is the symbol that the non believers will be wearing, after the rapture comes, the people left on earth will not be able to buy, sell or trade without this symbol, Because the antichrist will be in control of everything and anyone not loyal to him and his regime will be martyers for Christ. Unless they take the symbol of the beast, no one knows it could be a microchip implanted in your arm, or wrist, it could be a tattoo of some sort, it may even be a brand but once you take this, there is no turning back you will belong to the devil and will not be able to enter into Heaven, I will find some scriptures for you, start with Rev 13 but those who have ears to hear let them hear, you may not understand alot of it if you have questions let me no there is way more and you need to know the beginning before you no the end, Boo.,
2007-04-22 16:51:58
answer #2
answered by Kbella 3
The Bible is a book that is meant to be understood. There is history, peotry, prose and prophecy, the best money advice you will ever receive and great songs of praise that I wish we still had the music for. My suggestion would be to start by reading the entire book. Begin in the gospel of John in the new testament and continue through Revelation. Then start in Genesis and through the rest of the old testament, finishing up with the other three gospels. You might want to consider purchasing a Halley's Bible Handbook. It has a great collection of archeological finds that back up what is written in the Bible along with the museum the artifact is displayed in. If possible find a church in your area that teaches the Bible verse by verse and find others who believe as you do.
As for the mark of the beast, It will be something on the forehead or hand that allows you to buy and sell. Perhaps an implanted chip or something of that nature. It will definitely be something you can refuse to receive.
2007-04-22 15:26:02
answer #3
answered by CaTcHmEiFuCaN 4
I've read the bible beginning to end several times. You know what I got out of it? I went from being Christian to Wiccan.
But I support all peaceful religions, so here goes and happy learning.....
The mark of the beast is never fully described, there are only hints at it-most of it occuring in the book of Revelations, and the unpublished Biblical books. It is supposed to be a number that in the end times, is mandatory for consumers to take part in commerce. And that God''s true followers will shun it. It's also a number that is somewhere physically on the body of the antichrist, and that number is sixhundred sixtysix. That's it. THere are no more specifics, but plenty of people have taken it upon themselves to add to it and speculate from it. Some people think it's social security numbers. Some people have some crazy notion of an implant we will use in the future like a credit card. It goes on and on, but it's all just theories and allusions to fact.
As for THE beast, people have made that number fit many different people, from Napoleon to Hitler to Saddam-but apparently we're all still here, and they're all dead. Personally, if I were a Christian, I'd be checking the neck of Dubya :)
Biblical theologists think that the 666 number is a numerological reference to a name, and that the numerical values of the letters (in Hebrew) of the name of the Antichrist will add up to that number, and that THAT person will somehow "mark" the condemned people. And then Hansel and Gretel shut slammed shut the oven door and lived happily ever after. The end.
2007-04-22 13:00:34
answer #4
answered by dragonlady 4
God's Holy Spirit teaches believers (John 14:25). It takes humility to be teachable, and an openness to the things of God. So the only way you can begin to start learning and understanding is to pick up the Bible prayerfully, and trust God to lead you into what HE knows you need to understand (at any given time). I very much doubt that he would want a beginner to his Word to start delving into Revelation! That may come later, but you might need to start with the milk of the Word, and only progress on to the meat of the Word once you have begun to 'grow-up' in Christ.
However, on the Revelation Q, there are 4 main ways of understanding this prophetic book. The Historicist, the Preterist, the Futurist and the Spiritual approaches. There's a book detailing all 4 called "Revelation - Four Views - a Parallel Commentary" edited by Steve Gregg, published by Nelson in 1997. It's worth having if you want to be aware at the outset of the pitfalls awaiting interpretors of this awesome book! May God bless you.
2007-04-23 02:55:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It is said the mark of the beast " Satan " will be put on the individuals forehead or right hand this also generally refers to the number " 666 " in reference to the name and number of the so called beast. You will find the most details about this in the King James Version of the bible the writings of John while in prison Revelations it is very interesting reading I would suggest reading this text several times each time something new catches your attention. Good luck studying it! Some of Daniel also mentions end times in chapters 8 - 12 these are the easiest to understand.
2007-04-22 12:53:42
answer #6
answered by S.O.S. 5
I know and understand some of it, which is probably all anyone can truthfully claim.
The mark of the beast is also referred to as the number of the beast, and in the Bible it actually states this will be the number of a man (possibly the last anti-christ, remembering the Bible also states there will be more than one anti-christ).
It's all part of the Revelation of John, the bit you're most interested is in Chapter 13, but don't stop there, Revelations is a fun book to read (just remember it is almost totally metaphorical).
If you look up "Bible passages" on the net you should get some sites with links to specific passages.
2007-04-22 12:53:28
answer #7
answered by Taliesin Pen Beirdd 5
The mark, or the name, or the number of his name ... it is the number of a man. Revelation 13.
Does it not describe man's system set up in defiance to and opposition of God?
Consider the tower of Babel, Genesis 11, a religious system against God's revealed truth, holding humanity in that geographical location against God's command to spread out and increase. Since they all spoke the same language it would have resulted in encompassing all of humanity to a common purpose against God. An Antichristian system before it's time. That is why God confused their language and they were scattered.
Throughout history various leaders of absolute power have arisen and imposed their systems albeit locally but in similar antichristian manner.
With modern technology and communication such a system or systems could possibly arise to encompass the whole world. Likely that would be the final one before the end.
Only those sealed by God, Revelation 9/4, Ephesians 1/13, 2 Corinthians 1/22, Ezekial 9/4 will escape and remain true to God, though they may pay with their lives and with persecution.Revelation 13/15,17. The rest will be deceived by the one who deceives the whole world, that liar and murderer from the beginning, John 8/44, Revelation 12/9, and will be given over to all deceivableness of unrighteousness because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved. They will be strongly deluded to believe a lie and will be damned because they believed not the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2.
This is already happening, and has happened to a greater or lesser extent through history but towards the end it will be even more than before.
How terrible and awful are these things and how vulnerable we are except we flee to the Saviour for our redemption and salvation and that we might be strengthened for or delivered from those things that come to try all who dwell on the earth. Luke 21/36, Revelation 2/10, 3/10.
2007-04-22 13:56:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I do not have my bible hear to give you the scripture references, but maybe this will help a little. The mark of the beast is a characteristics which will be evident in people who seek after their own fleshly desires, mainly "greed". The number 6 is the number of man which represents being in the flesh or a work of the flesh. But when 6 is multiplied to get 666, instead of it representing maybe one person's situation, 666 reflects mankind a whole society. Or, all of mankind walking after the lust of their flesh. So the beast works through the flesh to establish his "sign" (greed) in those who are totally given over to him. For example, you will notice today more than ever more people are trying to start a business because of the current state of the world. People are trying to gain money for themselves and only themselves. Their interest is all about them and them alone. The mark of the beast is already and has been here for a while. I could write alot about this and show you the scriptures and how the mark of the beast is already here.
2007-04-22 13:00:36
answer #9
answered by super saiyan 3 6
Understanding the bible can be difficult because of some of the historical references that we don't 'get'... for example, Jesus said He was living water - that might not mean all that much to us, but to people living in a dry desert environment, water was literally life! Water was precious, without it you died..... in this day and age, the meaning has been lost... so if you want to understand the bible, a good place to start is by going to church, joining a bible study or getting a biblical commentary. Also, take your time reading it, pray over passages, ask God to help you understand the meaning in your own life..
The mark of the beast is a mark that the anti-christ puts on his followers.. it is on the hand, unless you don't have hands, in which case it is on the forehead.. with this mark, you can buy and sell, otherwise you can't. Many people believe that the mark is going to be a computer chip inbeded in the skin, technology that already exists and is used for pets... The chip, which sounds like an awesome idea, really, for tracking people, for banking, shopping etc.. is not a good thing, the bible tells us... perhaps because we could also be killed by the chip? My understanding is that the leaders wanting to use the mark are against God and His principles... by allowing the mark, we are stating that we are following them, not taking the mark, we are not putting our trust in God... who forbids the mark. I hope this helps... but I really hope you will continue to look for answers ...
2007-04-22 12:59:37
answer #10
answered by Laura S 4