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Back when I was a kid Beetle Juice was a phrase that what one would call someone who wasted their time insulting people just to be annoying! Now that Beetle Juice is used for a Character of a Cartoon! What can we call those annoying putdowners I call them Beetle Juice they'll think it's an compliment instead of a putdown! Well anyone that wastes time calling people something just to be annoying sure isn't a good person! I guess such people are on The Dark side.. They will probably land into U know where! Beetle Juice cartoon was the stupidest cartoon I every saw! If U don't notice the Change of meaning of the words I guess you're too young to know about it?

2007-04-22 07:45:13 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Quotations

1 answers

Beetle Juice is strictly a knock off of a star called Beetle Guise. Not positive of the spelling but think it is in the Orion constelation.

2007-04-22 22:20:02 · answer #1 · answered by Ret. Sgt. 7 · 0 0

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