once duhhhhhh read your bible
2007-04-20 21:36:33
answer #1
answered by Aztec_Angel 3
You're question is not silly, it was worth asking. According to my knowledge and understanding of the Bible the Lord is God and creator of Heaven, the earth and all the heavens (this is the term used for universe). I am not saying that it is not possible or unlikely that there is life elsewhere in space, however, our souls are born into flesh bodies here on this earth in this second earth age. I want to keep it simple here, so just put that on the shelf for a minute if you do not understand. God created earth and all of life on earth for His pleasure. He made the earth His footstool. I'd say that makes this planet pretty special. I doubt there is a planet like ours anywhere among this vast universe. The Lord plans on making Heaven on earth, I mean, wow. The Lord is complex, He formed this universe to make our existence here possible. Now, remember, Jesus is the incarnation of Christ, the Son of God. Therefore, He was a man, and it was through the Lord's powers that He was able to achieve acts of the super natural. It was Jesus's (remember however, he was The Messiah, he was still a man with free will, The Lord's most beloved son incarnated into the flesh) choice to complete God's plan and sacrafice Himself. Once and only once. God brought His flesh from the tomb and He fought and conquered death on the third day after, making His sacrafice enough even to offer those already in the grave everlasting life. He is with God now in Heaven, but His flesh left this earth just as Elijah's, being to glorious for the dust of this earth.
2007-04-20 22:06:55
answer #2
answered by LADY ~ 3
Hello there. I don't know if I should say something as controversial as this, but here is an LDS view. Jesus is the galaxial Christ (I'm not sure if that's LDS doctrine, but it is consistent with doctrine, and it is what I beleive). Jesus could well have visited other planets to reveal himself to prophets and people, but I believe that one Atonement was enough for everyone.
Jesus visited his "other sheep..., not of this fold". The Book of Mormon describes his visit to the people in the Americas (as a glorified ressurected being). I believe he may well have visited other people on Earth, too, but the records of these visits have not yet been revealed to the world. There is no reason why he could not have visited other planets, too.
What an excellent question!
2007-04-21 00:24:33
answer #3
answered by MumOf5 6
It is my belief that Jesus only died once for the sins of all mankind. This is what the Bible says. The Bible is silent on the possible existence of life anywhere else in the universe. Therefore if there is life elsewhere it is unlikely they would have any impact on God's work here on Earth. Also, if God has chosen to have life on other planets then it would be up to Him to provide them with a plan for salvation if they needed it.
On the science side of this question, the probability of life in the universe is so remote that even having one (Earth) is evidence that we have a creator. Check out "reasons.org", and/or Lee Stroeble's book "the case for a creator" for the evidence for the uniqueness of Earth.
2007-04-20 21:43:50
answer #4
answered by the_guy_with_the_answers 2
Once for all according to the Bible.
You may want to read C.S. Lewis' space trilogy -Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, That Hideous Strength.
Although science fiction, Lewis discusses some of the themes you are asking about.
2007-04-20 21:50:00
answer #5
answered by biblechick45 3
When satan choose to rebel against God everyone in every part of God's vast space was watching to see how this would play out you see in Isaiah 14:12-15 we read that satan has A "i" problem where in Isaiah 53 Jesus [the second member of The Godhead] is just the opposite, satan says the way to up is self or "i" the Way in which God says to be is forget about self, put others first, and the reason we worship anyway is NOT so God can enjoy it, its so WE won't be tempted to look to "i" and we can have our faces pointed to the right way, to GOD who can handle worship and so our "i" won't get to be a problem, you see even worship is for our good, find out more about the free salvation that God is giving you "IF" you will meet the conditions upon which it is based free bible lessons www.amazingfacts.org talk to me also wgr88@yahoo.com God bless
2007-04-20 21:40:57
answer #6
answered by wgr88 6
Sacrifice means to make sacred.
Do the alien planets speak English and use the term "Christ" as well?
Does metaphor apply? Do these being necessarily sin?
2007-04-20 21:45:52
answer #7
answered by Christian person 3
I'd think God would have a different messiah for every planet, assuming every planet with life needed one like ours did, why assume the aliens all screwed up?
2007-04-20 21:44:10
answer #8
answered by Matthew Star 3
Not that he would necessarily need to sacrifice himself on every populated planet - they might be rather advanced spiritually and culturally and cooperate with him better.
2007-04-20 21:40:46
answer #9
answered by Sadhaka 2
I can see how you might think like this and it can even start to become more convincing the longer you dwell upon it,but it really is only speculation and because there is no evidence of any kind to support this theory it cannot hold truth.
2007-04-20 21:43:15
answer #10
answered by Sentinel 7
Once for all. Since He is God in the flesh, why would He have to be limited by having to do things over and over.
Grasshopper: Let the mantis pray, it is his way.
2007-04-20 21:37:19
answer #11
answered by Lover of God 3