Not exactly normal. It seems they are putting you and your brother in an akward position. You are right they have it mixed up. They are supposed to provide for you not the other way around. To except money from your younger brother is also wrong in many ways. I guess the best advice would be to just wait it out hopefully they will go back to work so they don't need your brothers money. You could also bring up the point " you want me to work and you are not working what kinda since does that make" Good luck I feel for you.
2007-04-20 18:12:40
answer #1
answered by Brett E 2
In this day and age it's not normal for the kids to support the family. But not long ago that was common and expected. However in either case, the threats to the cat are over the line.
But your attitude kind of stinks too. I don't know why your parents are unemployed, but obviously if your 14 year old brother makes enough to put food on the table your parents are not in a position to support you. Instead of just expecting and demanding support they can't give, get a job and help out for now, but move out as soon as you legally can. You might be surprised though how expensive it is to live on your own.
Good luck.
2007-04-21 01:11:05
answer #2
answered by rohak1212 7
Are they trying to get jobs? If not, then what they are doing is wrong. I'm no professional, but I do agree with you, it IS their job to put food on the table, not you and your brothers. They should be doing everything in their power to take care of you and your brothers. I don't know you or your family, and I won't pretend to, but the only way I can see your parents leaning on you and your brothers for support financially is if they are physically unable to do **ANY** kind of work, whether it is manual labor or a desk job. I'm sorry you have to go through what you are, God Bless and Save You and Your Brothers!! By the way, where do live that your 14 year old brother can get a job? Last time I checked, hardly anywhere hires 15 year olds, let alone 14 year olds. The only way I can see it is if he baby-sat or tutored.
2007-04-21 01:09:24
answer #3
answered by Ashley 1
Well, now there are two answers to this question. How long have they been unemployed? If it is just for a short time, I would help out until they got jobs. But if they are just sitting on their butts expecting you and your brother(s) to support them, then that is not right. If that is the case, you should call The Division of Family Services. Even if you get sent to live with another family, you would be in a more loving and caring environment. Or, you could request for you and your brothers to live with another family member or close friend. Good luck.
2007-04-21 01:11:29
answer #4
answered by Katie R 3
Advise child services and take it from there. Try to be strong until you are 18 or you can go to family court and have yourself emancipated. An emancipated minor has the same rights as someone over 18 years old. You can go out on your own. But at 15, you should not have to worry about supporting your brothers or parents.
2007-04-21 08:57:40
answer #5
answered by weapon_30 4
That is emotional abuse at the least, and if it is as serious and sad as you say, then you shouldn't deal with it any longer. tell a teacher or a counselor. But be prepared for what will follow, social services will be on top of your family in a second and you may if they deem neccessary have to go to foster care. As will your siblings. If you feel like it is miserable but you are safe, in absolutely no danger, you can just suffer through the horrible time that being a teen sometimes is and try for emancipation when you are 17. Or wait till you are 18 and then leave and never look back. We all have messed up chapters of our lives, but no, I wouldn't say what you are going through is normal at all. good luck.
2007-04-21 01:11:57
answer #6
answered by Magdalene 2
I don't know about law & stuff. But i can only say that ur parents are going through a bad situation where they must be feeling guilty for being unemployed & not able to fullfill ur needs. they must be in depresion . so being very rude or moving out will not help .
try to get free with them . Make them to talk to u openly let them release their guilt & tension to u then try for a small job for only make the home going.
u are thier resposiblity but when the house goes on crises all of u have to be united & get it out.
Best luck. God is with u . He will show u the way
2007-04-21 01:13:48
answer #7
answered by dilu 3
It is the legal responsibility for the parents to take care of you until you are 18. Go to social services and tell them your story. Good luck! You are only 15 you need to have these years for yourself. Be advised that you and your brothers might be taken away and put int a foster home.
2007-04-21 01:24:38
answer #8
answered by orcarius 3
You should get a job and help support your family!!!! That's what families do!!! Stop being so damn selfish and contribute instead of whinning all of the time you toad!!! I'll bet at least half of the people you'll ever meet in life had a job when they were 15 and they were paying their own way!! Maybe not for food but clothes, extras etc... GET A FREAKING JOB YOU LUMP!!!!
2007-04-21 01:06:27
answer #9
answered by Nehru 3
No this is not normal! You did not bring your parents into this world to raise and take care of, they had you and your siblings. I do believe in helping older family members. and even helping out parents who are ill or disabled, but to expect children to support you because you are to lazy....NO
2007-04-21 01:24:58
answer #10
answered by Jae C 2