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12 answers

My x mother in law came to my house and moved around my furniture. Then when I had my son I was out of it from surgery, while I was asleep she filled out the birth record signed my name and named my child. She had it turned in before they could take me out of my state. How she got away with it I'll never know. It was my first child and I was young. I did not know I filled out the birth record at the hospital. When I went to get his b-cert. all the paper work was in order and his name in place. I know my x helped, but when I showed the signature did not match I was told the only way to change it was to press charges. Of course I lived with the name and learned to love it, but boy I hate her for it!!

2007-04-20 15:42:26 · answer #1 · answered by flateach33 3 · 3 1

My MIL is Polish and a little on the old world side, ya know. Well she thinks she is the greatest mom under the sun, and often calls and gives me "ADVICE". Now there is a reason the root of that word is VICE!!! Because it is a problem! So anyways I have two rants for you, and my daughter just turned 8 weeks old!!!! First at the hospital, when my baby and I were getting ready to come home for the first time, my mother in law shows up to make sure we dress the baby right, and put her in the car seat correctly..etc.. Well my husband went to pull the car around for us, and while he was gone she was holding the baby. She said to me " She looks so much like Zach(my husband) that we could just cut you right out of the picture and no one would ever even know!! I about knocked her out!Staples and all!!!(c-section) Then about a week later she shows up with CLOTH DIAPERS and tells me her grandaughter WILL NOT wear disposable diapers!!! Well she does!!! The cloth diapers went back to the store and bought pampers!! But my advice would be this...Just blow it off, and know that sticks and stones.......you know the rest! Lucky you my mother in law live a mile from me!!!!

2016-05-20 00:31:14 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Boy, I am going to have to keep checking back here to read the stories. I have been divorced for a long time and have forgotten most of the good stories about my MIL.

I will tell you a few mundane ones. She had been talking and talking about these jade beads (my mother had gotten some from friends for her birthday) so on Mother's Day I gave this witch these beautiful jade beads (more expensive than my mother's were and prettier too). She opens them, says "how lovely. NOW, if I only had an off white wool dress with a cowl neck collar I would be able to wear them." Of course she said this just to let me know she wouldn't be using the gift I gave, not because she expected me to go and get her an off white dress.

The next gift giving occasion comes along. I try again (fool that I am). I gave her this very nice piece of semi-precious jewelry. She actually wore this for a while. Several months later something on it broke. She gives it BACK to me to get fixed for her.

I looked in her bathroom (and it was used only by her and her husband) and saw cologne there. It only had about 1/3 of the cologne still in the bottle. So I made note of this and the next gift giving time I got her a gift set of that same fragrence. She says thank in (in that phony voice of hers. hee hee); then several weeks later brings up the subject of perfumes and colognes so that she can tell me that she NEVER would wear perfume or cologne. So, I guess I am to assume, it was the FIL's women's cologne in the bathroom?

She was in the hospital having surgery and asks me to come out to the hospital and wash and "set" her hair. So, I did. I blew it dry and used a curling iron on it. I think combed it nicely for her. She says, "well, it is just going to get messed up again," and then she got back in bed.

I am sorry I can't remember any of the even more tacky things she did. I believe I may have blocked them from my mind.

Spell check wouldn't work for me on this answer but after you have given me the chance to vent, I am sending it anyway.

2007-04-20 16:16:08 · answer #3 · answered by Patti C 7 · 1 0

This wasn't really against me, but my chain-smoking MIL does some not so smart things. Right after the birth of my son, my Hus and I went to visit my MIL for a long weekend. My SIL lives in a double-wide in the back part of my MIL's property, so her three little kids (under 4 years old) are over at my MIL's all the time. Anyway, the boy who is VERY asthmatic and sickly, came home from daycare and fell asleep on her couch. My Hus and son and I left to go get supplies for the weekend and run errands. When we got back, the WHOLE house was filled with spray paint fumes! After we left, she had decided to spray paint on her back porch right outside the door she'd left open. My poor, little sick nephew was asleep, breathing in those fumes less than ten feet from his grandmother. I didn't want my newborn in there, so I had to stand outside with the baby until my Hus could get the house cleared and take his nephew home. And she wonders why he's sick all the time! The doc gives him steroids, which cause behavior problems in him and she fusses over that, too. It also amazes me that she can't work because she has arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome, but she can spray paint for hours and ALWAYS hold those ciggies!

2007-04-20 20:37:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Me & my husband seperated and it was doing the holidays. Drove to her state where I tracked him down thru Bus Station. My mother in law lied said that she had no idea where he was(she lives in a state over 800 miles away from me). Then turned around an going to tell me" us women have needs it's the holiday season I should go out & get some sex to cheer me upbecause she would". But of course she said she didn't mean it the way I took it.
Then during the time had a officer to call me and call me by my maiden name & tell me to stop calling her when she was the one caling me all day every day.

To top it off her birthday is 6-6-60 (NOW HOW EVIL IS THAT)

Now we're back together she calls with this fake voice but I know what's up.

2007-04-20 16:36:58 · answer #5 · answered by CeCe 2 · 0 0

My daugther's father's mother (almost mother in law)..... wow that whole family is nuts. But when I woke up from my c-section And developed the pics I seen she held my new born high. She harassed my mother, and fought with me while I was caring his baby. And His sister wowowowowowowowowow!!!! that's all I can say the crazy girl ran off with her husband sister's husband....Thank God I got away when I did

2007-04-20 16:00:12 · answer #6 · answered by raynemarie03 2 · 0 0

Mine isn't really with my mother in law as much as my mom. I will make this short, hope you understand it all. my husband of 5 yrs and I have been trying for over 2 yrs to have children. no luck. my brother nocks up his g/f of 1 1/2 yrs and who can't even handle her 5 yr old daughter (former relationship). I have always stuggled to get attention from my mom. my brother has always gotten the attention I thrived for. I have had nothing but heart ache and problems dealing with my brother having a baby first. hearing my mom say "first grandchild" feels like someone ripping my heart in two. why can't she understand how I feel? I've told her many times, it hurts and bothers me to hear 'baby this' and 'baby that'. with the past few months I have worked through my problems and can now talk to my brother and I am happy for him. Yet every time I talk to my mom, all she talks about is 'the baby'. she once told me "it's hard for your father and I to choose between your brothers happiness and your sadness". why does she need to choose? I am sorry to vent here, I know this all sounds crazy. but I have always fought for my mothers attention, and I didn't want my children to feel they had to as well. so it was so very important for me to have the first grandbaby. so my children wouldn't have to compete with my brothers kids. does any of this make sense or am I just crazy? Thanks for listening.

2007-04-20 16:04:20 · answer #7 · answered by TJ 2 · 0 1

Wow, sorry that you guys have had such bad experiences. My mother-in-law is awesome. She is a great friend and grandma. She is always there and willing to help.

2007-04-20 16:25:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't have a mother-in-law yet. Sorry!

2007-04-20 15:35:26 · answer #9 · answered by sweetdollツ 7 · 0 2

I would if I could......I might have a mother-in-law soon......NOT!

2007-04-20 15:48:56 · answer #10 · answered by Auntie2 2 · 1 1

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