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10 answers


Where did you hear this one?

Christians, and more specifically, Catholics celebrate and relive the Passover not only every Sunday, but also have the opportunity to celebrate it EVERY DAY!

Jesus was born and raised a Jew. He lived in a Jewish household, practiced Jewish customs, and even went to the synogogue to pray.

Jesus came not to do away with the old, but to fulfill it.

Jesus was the founder of Christianity. During the Passover feast, he washed the feet of his Apostles, which was the institution of the Priesthood, where Christ said, "as I have done, so you must also do."

"During the meal, he took the bread, blessed it, and gave it to his disciples, saying 'take this, all of you, and it it. This is my Body, which will be given up for you. DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME.' Likewise, he took the cup, blessed it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, 'take this, all of you, and drink from it. This is the cup of my Blood, the Blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven. DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME."

Each time we celebrate the Mass, we have the opportunity to take part in the Transubstantiation, something so amazingly beyond our comprehension, we gaze in awe at the marvel of our God. The simple bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. And to think, the man whom we celebrate every week gave his life for us-- for our SINS.

The Eucharist is not a symbol! It is really really really JESUS!!

The Passover is remembered through the Last Supper, and both will live in the minds, hearts, and beings of Christians throughout the world.

And now, the Sabbath in a nutshell...

The Sabbath was the day of resting for the Jews. Since Jesus rose from the dead after three days, we as Christians call Sunday OUR day of rest.

Under no circumstance have Christians done away with Jewish traditions. They are the root of our faith you know!

Thank you.

2007-04-20 11:09:58 · answer #1 · answered by CatholicTeen15 2 · 0 2

Many Christians do.

The Latin term for "Easter" is Festa Paschalia. Feast of the Passover. Easter is a corruption of Festa.

Many of my Protestant cousins (i mean that as it pertains to my Christian family all over the world - not blood relatives) celebrate Holy Thursday - which is the Passover.

As for the Sabbath, the Hebrew Sabbath is the last day of the week. Saturday. The Christian Sabbath is the day Jesus rose from the dead. Sunday. Dominus Ressurexit in the Latin.

Don't listen to Fr. Guido. He's been smoking too many cigars and his head is all full of fog. Easter comes to us from the Jews. Not the Pagans.

But the Pagans did take from us the 5 pointed star. The Jewish star has 6 points. The Star of David. The earliest Christians used the 5 pointed start to signify the 5 wounds of Christ. It was a symbol of protection that is still seen in windows of homes and barns of the Pennsylvania Dutch.

2007-04-20 10:52:29 · answer #2 · answered by Max Marie, OFS 7 · 2 0

people who think of the Passover is Jewish are incorrect. in actuality the final Supper is a Passover Seder. Jesus died in the process the dinner social gathering of Unleavened bread. So a Christian, beliving in Jesus' dying and ressurection could have the capacity to work out this interior the Passover meal. it incredibly is by using this that there is a upward thrust of the form of Gentile Christians actual celebrating the Passover (somebody reported Messianic Jews). yet, others (hi Hogie) are astonishing in asserting that there is not any regulation requireing any Gentile to rejoice it. yet, there is not any longer any regulation with tell them that they can't the two. i think of it may be great for the two Jews and Christians to rejoice it as nicely as each and every of the feasts interior the Bible. for sure the Passover is an significant competition to the two Jews and Christians. via the way: The Passover is somewhat distinctive from the social gathering everyday as Easter.

2016-10-28 14:02:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They don't want to be like Jews. Thats why their sabbath is sunday and not saturday, and they dont celebrate passover. Instead they celebrate easter. I think that the early christians did celebrate passover and had the sabbath on saturday until paul changed christianity from a jewish sect to a world religion.

2007-04-20 10:58:36 · answer #4 · answered by arzbarz 2 · 0 1

We can ponder the Last Supper, then, in light of the Passover tradition, keeping in mind that the Lord himself established the sacred observance, later to fulfill it and reestablish it as the sacrament. Our new passover is the partaking of the bread and wine.

The importance of the Savior’s resurrection occurring on Sunday was emphasized when the sanctified Sabbath day was changed from Saturday, the seventh day, symbolic of the day of rest from the labor of the Creation (Ex. 20:11), to Sunday, the Lord’s Day (Acts 20:7; D&C 59:12), the glorious day of the Savior’s resurrection.

We break bread, now, on the Sabbath day. Read Acts 20:7 of proof of this change from Saturday to Sunday. Thankyou.

2007-04-20 10:59:24 · answer #5 · answered by Arthurpod 4 · 1 1

There were early christian sects whom maintained Jewish tradition, and many scholars cite the fact that Jesus himself celebrated the passover.
The Judao-Christian sects were suppressed by the orthodox church, and have been lost to antiquity.

2007-04-20 10:53:22 · answer #6 · answered by Yoda 6 · 0 2

Because Jesus is the whole reason for the passover. He is the perfect sacrificial lamb.

We don't need blood on our door jamb if we accept that His blood has paid our sin debt.

???Has He paid yours???

2007-04-20 11:06:22 · answer #7 · answered by witness 4 · 0 2

Christian practices are mostly pagan in origin, but they won't admit it.

December 25th = Birthday of Mithras.

Sunday = Day of Roman worship for Sun Gods like Mithras.

Easter = Pagan Spring festival.

Nuns = Remodeled from the Vestal Virgins of Rome.

The Pope (Pontifex Maximus) = Roman pre-Christian position held by both Julius Caesar and Marc Antony.

2007-04-20 10:50:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6

ask the Catholics.......they changed Gods Holy Days into man-made Holidays and changed the sabbath to the first day of the week not the seventh..........they say they do it in honor of Jesus..... but to honor Jesus you do what He did and said to do.

2007-04-20 10:57:46 · answer #9 · answered by zee zee 6 · 0 3

because not all christians come from Jewish origin

2007-04-20 10:52:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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