Shadowoffear's - I think you may have been misled, and its important to accept God's saviour. Mohammed may be very convincing, but he died in his sins, rejecting the Saviour God had provided for him.
May God free you from the deception Mohammed was blinded with until his death.
Angels can be very deceiving, and when their message gives one status and power, one is probably inclined to believe them..we are supposed to check all spirits against existing revelation to check they are not emissaries of Satan.
People found it hard to know who Jesus was prior to his resurrection, since a flesh and blood man, who sweats etc, doesn't look like God-in-the-flesh.
Here's a passage of verse where Jesus is worshipped. He's worshipped as Son of Man, but actually no mere mortal is to receive worship.
John 9:35-39 The blind man who has been healed worships Jesus, Jesus accepts the worship and then comments on the blindness of the religious leaders, so sure of their external obedience to the Mosaic Law, unable to see who Jesus is.
Here's another passage where Jesus is not worshipped as such but Thomas exclaims that He is indeed God, and the risen Jesus accepts:
John 20:27
Here's where Jesus claims to be God using the title 'I am'. The crowd want to stone him, as they know what he means.
John 8:58
Hey - the Holy Spirit is experientially known by christians. Acts 2 alone breaks any attempt to regard the Holy Spirit as Mohammed. He is not a man ! I wouldn't want some sinner who denied God's Saviour and full of the 'evil imaginations' that are in a man until he is born-again, indwelling me, thank-you very much. The idea that one man could indwell millions simultaneously is patently daft. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and endues us with God's love, joy, peace, and power.
2007-04-20 08:59:26
answer #1
answered by Cader and Glyder scrambler 7
How can Muslims claim to love and respect Jesus when they accuse Him of lying? As a matter of fact, they even accuse Allah of lying! They believe that Allah pulled a fast one on the crucifixion...Allah let a substitute die while he snatched Jesus up to heaven unhurt, haha, good joke, what? Especially for the poor sucker nailed up as the "fake". What a twist on the Barabbas story!!
But then, Satan's main weapon has always been the lie.....
EDIT: Why is it that every time a Christian says that we need to bring God back out into the open, the first thing everyone says is "but then you'll have to let Allah in too"...why not the Wiccan goddess, or the Pagan pantheon? Is it because Muslims are so much more aggressive about their religion?
And what do we learn from this? Short of beheading anyone that doesn't agree with us (which does seem to be extreme), would it be a good idea if Christians quit cowering in a corner every time someone threatens a law suit?
2007-04-20 07:53:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First of all, the Quran is not antichrist. Jesus said that a Messiah named Ahmad (nickname for the Prophet Muhammed pbuh) will be coming. Second of all, in the chapter Mary of the Quran, God says that Jesus speaks the truth and does good and we believe what he said. We just believe that the Bible once was the true word of God but was later corrupted by people.
2007-04-20 07:42:14
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You speak the truth. I started studying their religion with an open mind. They closed it for me. Jesus is LORD. Praise the truth! They say that anyone that confesses Jesus as the son of God will be put to death. They want to take over the world and impose harsh laws that are against the teaching of Christ. I agree with you 100%. Only the evil one would create such a religion.
2007-04-20 07:57:14
answer #4
answered by tonks_op 7
well guess what, Jesus was mentioned in the Koran and Muslims have to respect Christan's because they are also learn from the bible which came before the holy Koran, so, it is not Antichrist, its just that Muslims doesn't believe in that Jesus is the son of god as it is against the things in the Koran, but Muslims should respect Christians as the Holy Koran says
2007-04-20 07:47:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Do you know Jesus is in the quran? Do you know that Muslims love and respect Jesus? Do you know that the Quran has never been altered not one word? Do you know that the Bible has been altered to many times to mention? Do you know that Jesus said there would be one prophet after him he would be the final prophet and his name will be Muhammad? Jesus is not the son of God as God tells us he has no begotten son. Who is murdering Christians not me. LOL Do you think Muslims only know, live with, work with and are related to other Muslims? My mother is a christian i have NO intention of killing her.
Silly girl!
2007-04-20 07:42:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Hon, you gotta understand, that when God says: all you have to do to be with Me in the hereafter, is to believe in Me and do good, we Muslims REALLY believe him.
Whether someone died for us or not. It doesnt change the fact that that one sentence, makes more sense than anything well ever hear.
2007-04-20 07:41:55
answer #7
answered by Antares 6
I KNOW the Qur'an is DIVINE. Islam is not an evil religion as your comparison to the anti Christ suggest.
Have a good one.
2007-04-20 07:51:07
answer #8
answered by سيف الله بطل جهاد 6
You are talking the talk of crazy people. Jesus is NOT a god, he is a prophet, he did not die, he will return to kill the antichrist so therefore the quran cannot be the antichrist because its a book of Allah's words.
2007-04-20 07:45:16
answer #9
answered by Nunya 5
The Koran is anti-christ? I agree. It doesn't teach the divinity of Jesus as the Son of God.
"But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him. And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged." (Moroni 7:17-18.)
2007-04-20 07:40:02
answer #10
answered by Arthurpod 4