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17 answers

eve ate the apple when god told her not to and then got adam to eat it.

2007-04-18 22:09:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

the most popular theological version about the first sin is - disiobedience:
cause the Lord said "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." (Genesis 2.15), but the man broke it under the reason of "The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it." (Genesis 3.12)...
more sophicticated consider that the first sin was - doubts in the Lord's word.... "Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" (Genesis 3.1) - and the woman spoke to the serpent, meaning she let in her head the evil thoughts and doubts in the Lord word... according to the theological (Christian) theories a man should return into divine world by the sacrfice of Jesus, to become a saint, to return into direct divine providence and restore the ability to hear and fulfill the will of God..that the first sin crushed man's initial nature and now a man could restore this ability only through Jesus, Who is the only who could resurrect a man's initial nature spoiled by the first sin...

scientifically there is only 1 explanation (if theology considered to be a science), cause natural sciencies are atheistic and never consider the bible and the first sin at all...

2007-04-18 22:29:41 · answer #2 · answered by Alex A 2 · 0 0

When we sin, we mean we disobey something or we failed something that we ought to do.

Sin = missing the mark.

What was the first sin? We could only resolve it when we know what is the first commandment (I am not speaking here of the Ten Commandment) that God has given to Man (Adam and Eve). God has given the first men (Adam and Eve) the first Commandment: You could eat everything except the fruit of the tree in the center of paradise, the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

They ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. This is the first sin, the first disobedience.

2007-04-18 23:24:57 · answer #3 · answered by Rev. Fr. Jessie Somosierra 1 · 0 0

The first sin was in heaven when Lucifer (Satan) rebelled against God. Read Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel; 28:14 & 17,
Revelation 12:7-9.

The first sin on this earth was also by Satan, when he decieved and lied to Adam and Eve.

2007-04-19 01:01:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hmm, your in religion and spirituality, and you want scientific and logics????

FIRST SIN: Disobedience.

Eve's after she was deceived; Adam's for following Eve's by partaking of the fruit of the tree God told them not to eat from.

2007-04-18 22:10:22 · answer #5 · answered by Carol D 5 · 0 0

A scientific and logical explanation to a religious question? Impossible. There is no science or logic in religion, thats why it's called a 'faith'.

2007-04-18 22:10:21 · answer #6 · answered by Chris 2 · 1 0

You want a scientific answer to that? I don't get it. The first sin was when Eve disobeyed God.

2007-04-18 22:09:47 · answer #7 · answered by cindy h 5 · 0 0

medical clarification do not do something for atheism, oftentimes the theist who were given extra understanding contained in the scriptures are those that commence getting doubt and slowly see the tremendous image, the diverse interpretation of each of the religious branches from an same chapters of any of the abrahamics faiths and their dogmas, at the same time as they were given understanding of the unique interpretations and extra helpful translation, that understanding commence eroding the religion of a few believers.. the fantasies that in case you deny technology, god will be genuine come from some theist with little understanding of both medical procedures and their personal faith.

2016-10-18 02:29:59 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The first sin had to be a very serious matter, Adam also had to fully understand that it was indeed very serious, and the sin also had to be committed with the full consent of Adam's will.

Finally, the consequences of that first sin had to be such that a simple apology, a pledge of repentance, and God's subsequent forgiveness, would still not be sufficient to make all things whole again.

Based on all of the above, we know that the first sin resulted in Adam's total rejection of God, and his "throwing in" with Satan, against God.

Adam even went so far as to transfer dominion of the whole earth, which God had earlier given him, over to Satan.

And since Adam enjoyed free will, God permitted him to make these choices, and to suffer the eternal consequences.

Once all this was done, Satan turned on Adam, and made a slave of him and his descendents, because, as everyone knows, all the offspring of a slave automatically belong to the master.

This presented a serious problem, because man had no ability to overcome the supernatural dominion that Satan now exercised over him.

Furthermore, God was under no obligation to provide his supernatural graces to his enemies.

Deprived of God's grace, Eden soon disappeared, Adam and Eve began to age, suffer, and die, and the world became an increasingly more hostile and forbidding place.

Mankind lived under constant threat from Satan, who was given the power of death over them, according to their free will choice, and according to God's perfect justice.

But this is not what God had in mind when he created man, so God promised to eventually send a redeemer to destroy Satan's evil dominion, forgive sins, defeat death, and restore all things.

That is exactly what Jesus did.

And the only reason Jesus could do it, when no other human ever could, was because Jesus was never "stained" by sin ... and Satan had no power at all, over one without sin.

Under God's most basic law, one without sin is not liable to die. (This was the flip-side of the same law that Adam broke, when he sinned.)

Jesus permitted Satan and his minions, the Jews and the Romans, to unjustly put him to death, knowing full well that this was the only way Satan's evil dominion could be legally destroyed, as no one, not even the devil, had the authority to take the life of a sinless man, let alone the only son of God.

Once Jesus died, Satan was judged for his great sin, stripped of all that he had earlier gained from Adam's fall, and left destitute.

Jesus was raised from the dead and appointed the new head of all mankind. God was now more than willing to forgive man's sins, and our redemption was truly at hand.

Now, anyone who rejects Satan and swears faithful allegiance to Jesus (typically through baptism) is able to have their sins forgiven, become a living temple of the Holy Spirit, and among other things, also become a member of God's own family.

The church carries on Christ's great work of redemption in the world today.

Feel free to email with any other questions, or send for my free Catholic Resource CD.

2007-04-19 02:41:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, according to the bible it was sex/disobedience.
Adam and Eve were told not to eat the forbidden fruit. At this time they were naked.
They ate the forbidden fruit, and suddenly they covered their... PARTS, in shame.

They weren't supposed to have sex... but they did.

It's the first sin in the BIBLE... other sins are...
Being creative, having fun, having sex, living, telling a lie, telling the truth, not believing, believing so much that you cast your life on it, being a good father, being a bad father, being a father, trusting, not trusting, having sex, THINKING about having sex, NOT having sex, living somewhere, NOT beating your children, beating your children, not throwing your children away, throwing your children away, tormenting others, not tormenting others and.... as far as I can tell, living, and not living.

2007-04-18 22:15:50 · answer #10 · answered by Kren777 3 · 0 0

Pride. Sin began in heaven, when Lucifer didn't want to be under the authority of the humble Son of God. In fact, pride is probably in the background of all other sins. What do you think?

2007-04-18 22:11:02 · answer #11 · answered by shirleykins 7 · 2 0

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