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If god was real why would he let innocent people die? Innocent good people that wanted to just get an education. God even let a Holocaust surviver die to in Virgnia Tech. Is god real? There's so many gods out there Buddha, Sheeva, Allah, like million gods? Which one is real? Is there even a god? Was god created so people dont lose hope, commit bad things like crime?

2007-04-18 10:56:22 · 35 answers · asked by sleepypandaah 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

35 answers

You've got it wrong. Why did WE let it happen? How long will it take us to learn to live together in peace? What else could God possibly expect from us. We ARE our brother's keeper!

How did we (humanity) let that boy continue the way he was going without doing something about it? Did no one notice that he was in serious need of medical attention?

Do we need to make changes in our mental health laws since Reagan turned all the psychiatric patients out on the street?

Is only in the RS section that everyone expects to just sit back and blame God? Yes, it's God's fault that I don't have a better job and a bigger car. Go ahead and pray all you want, but doing nothing and waiting for miracles is counter-productive!

Look at how indifferent we are to the current genocide taking place in Darfur, Sudan. Surely God weaps to see that we continue to let his children die needlessly. It's not too late. Do random acts of kindness for your neighbors. Make a donation to help those suffering in Darfur. Please don't feel that you've done your part simply by saying a prayer!

2007-04-18 10:59:09 · answer #1 · answered by Hatikvah 7 · 3 2

"Why does God let certain things happen?" What are the possibilities? 1. God is not all-powerful and therefore cannot prevent many bad things from happening. 2. God is not all-loving and therefore doesn't always care that these things happen. 3. God is not all-knowing and therefore can't predict these events so he is sometimes as surprised as we are. 4. God has a plan and somehow all the pain, injustice, and imperfection we perceive somehow fits into that plan. It would seem to me that if 4 is the answer then God is probably not all-powerful, etc. - those just being nonsensical concepts that theologians came up with so God would not be angry with them for not praising him high enough. In Exodus 3:14 Moses asks the being he takes to be God what his name is. The traditional answer is that he said "I AM THAT I AM" - this kind of lends to this idea of a static, all-(fill in whatever you want) type of "I AM" God that never changes, but just sort of is, forever and ever. The fact though is that the verb in the original Hebrew of Exodus 3:14 is in the future tense ("I AM" really calls for the present tense verb). In the footnotes of the NIV translation they give an alternate translation of "I will be what I will be" which makes some sense to me. Maybe God is not some static "I AM" but is becoming what he chooses to become and the imperfect world we see is a manifestation of that becoming? Perhaps if God lives in all of us, a belief that some have, then there is no suffering that anyone experiences that God is not there, right along with them, experiencing that suffering and pain too? So maybe God is not a hypocrite - he never asks anyone to experience anything that he does not also experience? lwk

2016-05-18 02:32:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

God is very real. Bad things happen because without bad there couldn't be good. There has to be one side of the coin in order for their to be the other. Also, bad things make us stronger people so that more good things could happen. Also, about the Holocaust survivor, did you ever think that maybe he survived so that he could help save the people that he did?
Also, as far as which Gods are real. I think that everyone should figure it out on their own. However, I personally believe that all the deities that humans have come up with throughout history are all aspects of the One Divine.
I do believe that some people worship a Deity because they don't want to lose hope. That's all. I hope I helped.

2007-04-18 11:20:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anachronist 2 · 0 2

I've been waiting for someone to ask this question. Let's answer this first -- if there is no God, then why do bad things happen to good people? Because there are bad people in the world. Evil people. Mentally ill people. Deranged people. If there is a God, then why do bad things happen to good people? Because there are bad people in the world. Evil people. etc. etc. God created us with the ability to make our own decisions. He told us from the start what His rules were and what He would do to reward us and punish us. And He has allowed us to learn from our mistakes. To help each other and teach each other. To watch over each other and when we see others stray, to bring them back in line. Life is a hit and miss process. But when someone has a mental illness, the situation changes for everyone around them. This guy showed signs and was offered help several times. We don't know about his family life. We don't know exactly what was his whole story (yet). But God doesn't personally come to earth and start nor stop people. He puts other people in our lives to influence or interfer with us.

If God was to completely control our lives, then we would be live puppets on strings and we would have no free will, no choices, no rights, no thoughts. Then we would have no purpose to live and God would have no purpose to create us in the first place. Yes, it's terrible what happened. It's terrible when anyone is killed. It's terrible when a mother drowns her children. It's terrible when a suicide bomber blows up 160 people in the middle of a market. It's terrible when our loved one dies of cancer or when our child is hit by a car and dies. But we have to face it. Every single person that is born dies. Either by natural causes or by their own hands or by someone else's hands. It's just the way it is. I watched TV all day yesterday about UVT and I thought it was great that the teacher, president, counselors all talked about prayer, God, and faith to get rely on to get us through this and to know that these loved ones are in God's hands now and they are looking down on us and are at peace and in no pain. They are waiting for their loved ones to get to Heaven some day. That was the first time I've heard so many people talk about God at once during a horrible disaster. Shows you that many aren't angry at God for this and many believe.

2007-04-18 11:50:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes God is real. The bible says that the proof of Gods existence in His creation. All the stuff He created; supper big, supper small and super complicated, - are the proof of God existence.
Now to your real question... Why did He let happen. I will try to give you short answers to things that are very complicated. #1 Because of Adam and Eve, Satan is temporally in charge of this earth (this would require a lot more explanation).
#2 God wants a family that wants Him more than anything else,,, so He created mankind with "freewill" to chose. If God interferes with freewill it is not freewill (this also needs lots more time to explain).
#3 God knows everything that will happen before it happens. God knows which of those people that died would chose Him and therefore would someday go to heaven and He knows those that will never chose Him and will go somewhere where there is no God and no hope and no love. Because Gods knows these things, it would not be mean of Him to take those people to heaven early because this world stinks with unfair cruelty. It is also not mean of God to let people go to hell early because to God it is not early. People will spent millions and millions and millions and millions... of years in heaven or hell, therefore the very very short lifetime on earth which is always less that 120 years is like a blink of an eye.
I know that I did not answer your question very well. I only hope that I might have shown you that there are points of view that you are not aware of. Everything I said is based on my understanding of what I read in the bible. God wrote the bible (yes He did use people to hold the pen but God's Holy Spirit did all the writing).
God wrote it to tell us everything He wants us to know and to answer every question that we are capable of understanding. But while on earth, we cannot possibly totally understand the mind of God. This is a quote from the bible "EYE HAS NOT SEEN, NOR EAR HEARD, THE THINGS THAT GOD HAS IN-STORE FOR US."
Please don't hate God or think He is not real. He loves us more that any human can understand. Not even the angles know why He loves us so much or what God's plans for us are. Simply tell God that you don't understand, and that you would like to understand more.
The bible says GOD WILL GRANT WISDOM TO THOSE THAT ASK but you must ask humbly and with the respect that God deserves. You cannot bully or shame God into telling you anything. P.S. Ask God about Jesus, who he is and what has He done for you.

2007-04-18 11:33:06 · answer #5 · answered by Thomas H 1 · 0 1

God has a plan for all of us. While our souls are in heaven, we actually get to map out our lives; our hardships, our turmoils, our friends, family, our path, ect ect .. and eventually, our own death. These are our life lessons. We choose how we want to live and when our lessons are done, we go back to heaven with our knowledge .. Our souls are stronger, smarter and ready for the next level of lessons we must go through ........ Heaven can be seen partly as the soul's state of nearness to God; and hell as a state of remoteness from God. Each state follows as a natural consequence of individual efforts, or the lack thereof, to develop spiritually.

We choose how our lives will play out here on earth ... Hall of Souls (in heaven) .. better known as the "Guf" is our planning point .. It's were we start off .. and end back up :o)

Anyhow .. Those are my thoughts on the subject ....

And even though I don't believe in organized religion .. I do believe in God .. Yes .. There is a God .. and he is many things to many different people .. Find your own God and don't let organized religion confuse you~

2007-04-18 11:40:06 · answer #6 · answered by A hot chick with Brains 2 · 0 0

I doubt anyone with any sense of civility would laugh regarding VT.

"If God were real" raises the question of the ages; "God letting innocents die raises yet another; "God allowing a holocaust serviver die at VT implies unfairness?

And there is the point blank question: "is there a God" and if so, which one is real?

Many questions we asll ask from time to time.

God IS. God is more than you would imagine, not a single being nor within your limited grasp; nor a he or a she or an it; all the limitations regarding your abilities to grasp GOD are you limitations owned by you and your fellows as a species; and that's ok.

The ownership of pain belongs to our species, we cannot blame "God" as scapegoat, lest we cannot yet define God as a species; this is clear.

Mans lack of responsibilities is reflected in mans forever placing blame of a "God" they fail to recognize; this same irresponsible actions make mans advancement in spirituality a slow one within the Universe as we know it.

Imagine "God" as the all knowing powerful Christian God most know; then ask yourself, whom is dead to God? Your answer will probably be, No one is dead to "God" as "God" resides everywhere always and at all times; this is the God well known to man, is it not?

Why would such a God "allow" such killing at VT?

The clear implication is "God" allowed it so "God" must be responsible.

The person who shot all the students at VT was not "God", "God" has no power to make anyone do anything, man has yet to define God and most religions do a miserable job of it.

Death isen't "evil" nor is death unatural; death is no more unatural than birth as each are an event of transition; birth is a shock while death is pleseant upon release from the body; this subject has been beaten to death (oops) for a few decades now.

Would you be surprised if you learned persons came to this relm to learn and teach?

Would you be surprised if you learned persons came to die a certain death at a certain time for a specific reason? En-mass deaths can be a karmic payback of sorts, a deed fullfilled or again, a debt paid to teach a lesson in a physical sense. Sound cruel? Only if one is grounded in our thoughts that "Life" is on Earth.

Allow "God" to come forth as supporting energy absent religious zeal and not blame God for all the milk we spill. When we as a species can do this, purhaps we can advance within our own reality we creat.

For those who site religious text that God is this or that; the blinders will eventually be yanked away and some truth may leak in...maybe.

2007-04-18 11:17:56 · answer #7 · answered by Adonai 5 · 0 1

The Divine/God/Gods/etc. had nothing to do with it. If there is at least one thing that almost every religion and faith has in common it is that we all have Free Will.
What happen at Virgina Tech was horrible, but it was a person that caused it, nothing more.
On a side note, Buddha isn't a god, just a teacher.

2007-04-18 11:10:28 · answer #8 · answered by windstrm99 3 · 1 1

i will answer each of your questions in order:

- God didn't "let" anything happen. God gave us freewill to make our own choices.

- again, God doesn't "let" anyone die or not. people die, innocent and otherwise. it's all part of God's plan. why do you assume that certain people should live longer and others should not?

- Yes. God is obviously real.

- there are millions of false gods, but only one true God.

- The God of Judaism and Christianity.

- God wasn't created by people... people were created by God.

these answer can be found in the Bible... they are true. anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar and is doing Satan's work.

2007-04-18 11:13:08 · answer #9 · answered by Rat P... 3 · 2 1

Now that the facts are out and we now find that this killer was mentally ill and was recommended by doctors to be put into a treatment center for treatment in 2005 . You need to find out who was the Wacko judge that refused to have him committed . The way I see it , God provided the preventative measure through the doctors and their findings` , and man and his liberal "don`t hurt anybody`s feelings", and "try not to make them feel different than sane people" overlooked all of the warning signs !!!! It still amazes me that the only time a non-believer recognizes there is a God , it when there is anything negative happening in the world. Man is the one turning away from God , not God turning away from man !! Why do you expect God to be in the classrooms when you have taken Him out of the schools ??

2007-04-18 11:16:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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