"Prove" is one of those words. "Proof" in math isn't the same as proof in history or in interpersonal relationships or in biology or in any one of a host of other disciplines.
Here is one of the many good arguments for the existence of God: The Cosmological Argument. The argument is simply this: The cosmos is here and must be explained as to how it got here.
This argument is using the law of cause and effect, which states: Every effect must have a preceding and adequate cause. What does it mean by adequate? Well, the building didn’t collapse because a mosquito landed on it. The tsunami didn’t hit because someone threw a pebble into the ocean.
Now, when it comes to explaining the existence of the universe, you only get three possibilities: (1) the universe is eternal (it has always been here), (2) the universe created itself, or (3) something created the universe. There is no other possibility except to claim that the universe is simply an illusion and does not exist—but I don’t think you would buy that. So let’s examine these three possibilities to see which is the most reasonable.
First, is the universe eternal? Absolutely not. We know this is true because of the universally recognized second law of Thermodynamics (the law of energy decay or entropy). This law states that everything goes downhill from order to disorder, more usable energy to less. This law is the reason why heat flows from hot to cold and why this building will fall apart if it is not kept up with. If someone doesn’t believe in the second law of thermodynamics, just challenge them to live forever; even with this awesome machinery we have in our bodies, you will eventually wear out and die.
We can see that the universe is running down and wearing out; the stars are burning up, the radioactive atoms are decaying, etc. As Psalm 102:26 says, the heavens “will wear out like a garment.” Given enough time, the universe will experience what some call a “heat death” where there is maximum entropy; every part of the universe will be the same temperature, and no further work will be possible (speaking of energy transfer); all energy will be evenly distributed.
Eternal things obviously do not wear out because they would have had an infinite amount of time to come to their end. Since you cannot have an end without a beginning, the universe must have had a beginning. Evolutionary astronomer Dr. Robert Jastrow said, “Now three lines of evidence—the motions of the galaxies, the laws of thermodynamics, the life story of the stars—pointed to one conclusion; all indicated that the Universe had a beginning.” And everything that has a beginning has a cause. This building had a beginning, you had a beginning, therefore there must have been a preceding and adequate cause.
The evolutionists know this and so they came up with the “big bang” theory from that “cosmic egg” (the universe exploded into existence). But there is still a major problem—you have to explain where that “cosmic egg” came from. As it has been said, “There must be a cosmic chicken.”
Some scientists like Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov proposed the oscillating universe theory to avoid a beginning. This theory states that the universe acts like a yo-yo; it explodes and then gravity pulls it back in, and then the process repeats itself over and over. But the second law of Thermodynamics still refutes that idea, since each cycle would exhaust more and more usable energy. The universe is not eternal!
Ok, that brings us to the second possibility: Did the universe create itself? I think Hebrews 3:4 answers that pretty well, “...every house is built by someone...” Let’s say I walk into my livingroom and see a crayon drawing of our family on the wall. When I ask my daughter where it came from, will I accept her answer of, “It just appeared there; it came from nothing”? Her grandparents might, but I won’t.
It is pretty clear that something cannot bring itself into existence. As R.C. Sproul has said, “It is impossible for something to create itself. The concept of self-creation is a contradiction in terms, a nonsense statement . . . It would have to have the causal power of being before it was. It would have to have the power of being before it had any being with which to exercise that power.” As it has been said, “Nothing scratched its head one day and decided to become something.” I’m sorry to have to drop this bombshell on you, but from nothing, comes nothing.
Besides, the First Law of Thermodynamics (the law of energy conservation) argues against it. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that in a closed system (without a God, this Universe would have to be a closed system) the amount of energy present in that system is constant (it cannot be created or destroyed), it can only be converted from one form to another. So, if the Universe initially contained no energy, and then it spontaneously generated all of the energy in the Universe, the First Law would be violated. Without intervention from an outside force, the amount of energy in the Universe would have remained constant and unchanged at zero.
And now the third possibility: Did something create the universe? If the universe is not eternal and could not have created itself, then the only remaining alternative is that the universe was created by something or Someone. This would have to be a transcendent, eternal, self-existing being. I can find only one satisfactory explanation to our conundrum, and that is found in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Someone may argue, “If the universe needs a cause, then why doesn’t God need a cause; who created God?” The answer is, everything that has a beginning has a cause; God, unlike the universe, did not have a beginning. Time is linked to matter and space (as we can see from Einstein’s general relativity). If God created the universe, then He created time along with matter and space. If God created time, then He is outside of time and doesn’t need a beginning.
What is more absurd, to believe that God Created everything out of nothing or that nothing turned itself into everything? The fact is, we live in a Universe that is an effect. There must be a preceding and adequate cause for it. The only thing that makes sense is a Creator who is more powerful than anything we can imagine.
I have to agree with Lord Kelvin (the Father of Thermodynamics) who said, “Do not be afraid of being free thinkers! If you think strongly enough you will be forced by science to the belief in God, which is the foundation of all religion. You will find science not antagonistic but helpful to religion.”
2007-04-20 05:07:26
answer #1
answered by Questioner 7
Look out the window, do you really believe there was a bang, and there was the earth??? thats stupid if you do. Look in the mirror, what do you see?? Nothing, or something, if you have a reflection, God created it.Do you look like a monkey?? nope, cuz God himself created those too. If we evolved from monkeys, don't you think monkeys would be gone by now and turned into human?? If the earth was any closer or further away from the sun, we'd die. Would that same bang get it right on?? nope. Sorry, but that's a dumb question. Proof of God is ALL around us. AND the best proof of God is the Bible. It says that he created these things. Don't doubt the bible.
2007-04-21 05:34:12
answer #2
answered by Hmmm 3
I'm just a individual with constrained perceptions, identical to each person else. I believe God does exist, however no longer in any anthropomorphic experience that could be in a position to be tested or measured scientifically. This being the obviously purpose for the a while historic debate, I finish that I can't supply any gratifying reply that could persuade you both approach.
2016-09-05 16:45:24
answer #3
answered by ? 4
same old question, same old answers...
some people seam to believe God prove Him self to them - this is only type of prove available. base on this kind of personal proves I also think God exist, but i ask my self if believing in this prove isn't the sin of pride. men is known for that (Earth in center of Universe - burn the ones saying different,... and many other)
no, Bible can not be considered a prove of God since it was written by man.
2007-04-19 13:36:29
answer #4
answered by bily7001 3
God exists, i know this because i see it all around me. First of all, the world is too perfect to be created by accident. Second of all there are historical recollection's of Jesus Christ being crucified and resurrected. And god has done incredible things in my life.
Look at the world around you, the people, the animals, the plants. Are you really going to be so ignorant as to believe that this all was created by accident. That is a wad of baloney. It's not just coincidence that things are as beautiful as they are. We are gods creation, and it's evident that we are a work of art.
There are also Historical recollections of Jesus Christ. Of course there is the obvious proof, the bible, but if you search hard enough you WILL find other stories that support the FACT that Jesus Christ came to earth, endured great pain, to save us from our sins.
Finally God has played a large roll in my life. I did not go to church my entire life, and when I started attending my church there was a RADICAL change that occurred in my life. Burdens were lifted, i could feel all of my pent up emotions leaving me. I also was burdened with an un-explainable, un-cure-able disease. I Prayed and prayed and recently my condition has disappeared, leaving no other explanation, and baffling doctors.
God exists, it is that simple. However I cannot be the one to convince you. Pick up a bible, go to church if you want real proof that God exists I guarantee you that you will find it. I pray for you.
2007-04-18 09:59:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
1. I don't have enough faith to be an atheist: Norman Geisler
2. Case for Christianity: C.S. Lewis
3. Case for a creator: Lee Strobel
basically the 2nd one uses logic. the 1st one uses science+logic, and the 3rd one uses science. It's the same way you prove that alexander the great exists or the civil war happened. i wasn't there, so i must have "faith" in the historians were telling the truth. its partly a probability thing and an only answer. the only thing that can answer all of life's questions, is that someone made us, he is still working on us, and he has a plan for us.
2007-04-18 09:52:36
answer #6
answered by Droppinshock 3
Sometimes I think about that allot to.I wonder how can we find proof of the lord.But then I look at how the world turns so I know their must be a god.It seems that everyone life is planned out from the day they're born until the day they die.and when you do wrong things come back on you I know that for a FACT.And just giving birth to a baby lets you know that their is a god but this is my opinion I believe in him and I will teach my kids everything I can about the lord......by the way this is one of the best questions I've answered today!
2007-04-18 09:49:45
answer #7
answered by Katrina S 1
See yourself on the mirror...
If you just think that you are just the gathering of cells who is reflected in the glass, then God doesn't exist...
But if you see something more special in your image, something that the more you try you can not explain, if you fell that there is an essence in your being that makes you love and smile and cry and have tenderness, then God exists...
2007-04-18 10:29:38
answer #8
answered by MS 2
Though no one can prove or disprove God's existence, our history reveals the unmistakable footprints of something greater than man.
2007-04-18 11:23:09
answer #9
answered by cashelmara 7
I know God exists because the Bible exists. Prove it? Just look around you and you'll see.
2007-04-18 09:50:18
answer #10
answered by Raven's Shadow 4