Basically, if God ran the judicial system, every crime would have the death penalty.
2007-04-18 08:07:00
answer #1
answered by Eleventy 6
No, no. There is a lot of confusion on that. There is a great difference in sins. Murder would be far graver than a little white lie. However, its not how big or bad the sin is that sends you to hell. Its the fact that you have sinned. The Bible teaches that if you commit just one little bitty tiny sin-then you are a sinner and destined to hell. And, hell has only one level.
The whole bottom line is this:-everyone has sinned. We are all destined for hell-no one can escape. There is nothing you or anyone else can do to save you from hell. However, God know this-so He made a way for us all. And that way is Jesus.
Read Romans 10:9-15,17. Then John 3: 1-21.
2007-04-18 15:17:13
answer #2
answered by Desperado 5
I recall reading about the seven deadly sins a few days ago. It goes like this...
In the 6th century, Pope Gregory the Great was the first to describe the seven deadly sins. He ranked them as follows (from the most serious to the least): pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, and, finally, lust. While later theologians balked at the idea of ranking sins in this way, Pope Gregory determined the position of each sin based on how much of an obstacle it poses to love. the end, I guess you're breaking the rule, regardless of which one. I suppose, if you happen to believe in an all powerful god who happens to see and know all, the sin won't really matter. It would be the intent behind the infraction and whether you truly repent.
So many 'Sunday Christians' out there believe that, whatever they do, as long as they repent and 'take in Jesus', they'll be saved for a golden afterlife. I guess this, above all else, it what prevents me from believing in the Christian religion. I could never get past the question of repentance. Am I repenting because I am sorry? Or, am I repenting because I know this is what I'm supposed to do/say in order to get to heaven?
2007-04-18 15:10:43
answer #3
answered by Quinton1969 3
If God's standard, "pass mark", is perfection, though there is indeed a vast difference beween a liar and a murderer, they both fit into the category of "sinner". In those terms the degree of sin matters not at all. The question being put is "Is this person perfect?" so the answer "Very nearly" does no better than "Nothing like" would.
Fair also doesn't come into it. *IF* God exists, god makes the rules.
I'm an atheist, but the *concept* makes perfectly good sense. I'm quite clear on what Christianity teaches. "Being good " to get to heaven is a non-starter, because no-one is that good. The occasional liar and the murderer are in the same (sinking) boat.
2007-04-18 15:20:07
answer #4
answered by Pedestal 42 7
What any person says doesn't matter. What does God say? There is a difference in the mind of God between murder and lies -
thats why God states that a murderer is to be executed and sent straight to Him -
He does not say to execute liars. Of course there is a difference in sin. What Scripture says is that all sins HAVE THE POSSIBILITY OF BEING FORGIVEN.
There is only one sin that is not pardoned,
and it is impossible to commit that sin until the antichrist is here on earth, so thats moot. All other sins can be forgiven, but murder and rape cannot - God will not forgive those sins until the person has been confronted by the victim or victims.
That sounds fair to me.......
2007-04-18 15:09:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Okay, I'd like to try to give you a 'good answer' to your question. God is LOVING and FORGIVING ... and he is 'so forgiving' that he had his SON 'born as a full human' (even though he was also 'fully God' at the same time) to grow up as a human and be CRUCIFIED to 'pay the price' for ALL OF OUR SINS. God is 'outside of time and space' but the FACT that Jesus died for our sins is ETERNAL. So, telling a white lie is 'forgiven' and so is 'killing someone out of pure (and evil) spite' ... they aren't really 'the same kind of sin' but what Jesus Christ 'did' when he died on that cross over 2000 years ago was SO POWERFUL that it takes care of 'every sin committed' on this planet ... before he was crucified and after he was crucified. If you can 'twist your mind' around that 'story' you'll BEGIN TO SEE ... and it doesn't matter to God what 'religion' you are or even if you have a religion ... if you are 'good' and can make someone else 'happy' ... even for less than a second in your whole LONG LIFE ... I'll 'see you in Heaven' ... and won't that be GRAND???
2007-04-18 15:12:27
answer #6
answered by Kris L 7
Actually, nowhere in the bible does it actually say all sins are equal in the eyes of God, it implies it, but never says it flat out. In fact Jesus makes refrence to false prophets suffering more punishment than anyone else
Jesus also says that to hate someone or be angry with someone is the same as killing them, and to even think in a lustful way is commiting adultery.
All these examples were to prove to us that "good works" arent enough, because no matter how good we are, well still be sinners, thats why we needed a savior, Jesus
2007-04-18 15:13:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Of course there is a difference between sins. Sin is just that we are not right with God. But sin is a sin is a sin comes from that fact that no one is sinless and we all fall short from the glory of God, and we all need Jesus for our salvation.
This saying is that we would not brag and boast. God forgives when we ask forgiveness.
2007-04-18 19:05:22
answer #8
answered by SeeTheLight 7
It's called the sin curse. ALL men have sinned and the penalty is death. God intended mankind to be immortal. But because of his sin, the world was given the penalty of death. From birth, every living thing is essentially dying. God also, gave the provision of his only Son, Jesus, to make a path back to him. The main point here is this: NONE of us can stand before God as sinless. You can only receive the punishment of death unless you are covered in the blood of Jesus Christ. You can be a murderer or a unsaved person that has done good all his life. You are still a walking dead man without Jesus.
2007-04-18 15:08:11
answer #9
answered by papaz71 4
I don't agree with this. I think it comes from the idea that any sin, no matter how little it is, will keep us from living with God without the sacrifice of Jesus.
I believe that there are degrees of sin though, some that are more difficult to repent of than others. Some that will lead us to hell faster than others. Of course through repentance and forgiveness we can remove the stain of just about any sin.
2007-04-18 15:10:44
answer #10
answered by joatman71 3
Well, you know the 10 Commandments - Don't You???? OK, Then - Jesus said 'if you commit one - you have committed all!"
Oh Well - I guess that's it! The is a Very Narrow Road to Heaven! A Very, Very Extremely Wide Road to the way of the World! I think I'll take the way for the Lord and Try Very Hard to do according His Will!
Something to think about.....I Do Pray that THIS will Touch Your Heart that you will see the - Truth!
Take Care and God Bless!
2007-04-18 15:54:31
answer #11
answered by Anonymous