I am a Christian. The Bible says that: "JESUS is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIGHT, No man (or woman) can come to the father but by ME (JESUS). Alot of people get Christianity twisted. It's more than religion, really it's more of a realationship. A relationship with the Creator God ("Yaweh") thru his son Jesus Christ.
2007-04-18 07:43:29
answer #1
answered by Truth 2
Taoist. Taoism has few 'religious books', though most feel that the Tao Te Ching 'describes' tao well enough. Of course, there is the problem that Taoists believe the Tao to be beyond description. That's why Taoists like poetry because it can give a flavour of Taoism.
Taoists believe there is a flow in the universe, and it is called tao. Tao flows slowly; however, it is never stagnant and is incredibly powerful and keeps things in the universe balanced and in order. It manifests itself through change of seasons, cycle of life, shifts of power, time, and so forth.
When you follow tao, you become one with it. Being one with tao brings best outcomes, because in that way things will fall into place as they are meant to be
I think the easiest introduction is The Tao Of Pooh.
Oh, and you might find the Beliefnet questionnaire interesting to find out more about beliefs.
2007-04-18 07:54:59
answer #2
answered by Nobody 5
I'm an animist. I don't have a holy book. I see myself as a small piece in a large jigsaw puzzle, not the most important piece, just a piece. Well, it's a nice analogy, anyway.
I enjoy Marcus Aurelius's Meditations, but I wouldn't say I set my life by his work.
Good luck on your search.
Remember - there is no 'wrong' religion if it's the right one for you. What matters is Your relationship to what you see as the 'Divine'.
If it feels good in your heart, and you know that for you it's true, then anyone who tells you different is expressing their opinion. They're not necessarily wrong, but they're not necessarily right, either.
2007-04-18 07:45:26
answer #3
answered by Orac 4
I am LDS (Mormon) and we study from the KJV bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine & Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price, and any other worthy and uplifting literature.
Good luck in your search, email me with any questions about the LDS church - I would be glad to answer.
2007-04-18 10:32:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am Pagan/Witch/Wiccan.
Other than a lot of New Age, Neo-pagan books, there are few comprehensive books on Wicca. Wicca is not a religion that can be gotten from a book.
2007-04-18 07:38:21
answer #5
answered by Black Dragon 5
(`1) Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God, and instead of adhering to a creed based on human tradition, They hold to the Bible as the standard for all their beliefs.
(2) They worship Jehovah as the only true god and freely speak to others about him and his loving purposes toward mankind.
(3) They believe, not that Jesus Christ is part of a Trinity, but that, as the Bible says, he is the Son of God, the first of God's creations; that he had a prehuman existence and that his life was transferred from heaven to the womb of a virgin, Mary; that his perfect human life laid down in sacrifice makes possible salvation to eternal life for those who exercise faith ; that Christ is actively ruling as King, with God-given authority over all the earth since 1914.
(4) They believe that God's Kingdom is the only hope for mankind; that it is a real government; that it will soon destroy the present wicked system of things, including all human governments, and the it will produce a new system in which righteousness will prevail.
(5) They believe that 144,000 spirit anointed Chritstians will share with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom, ruling as kings wiht him. They do not believe that heaven is the reward for everyone who is "good"
(6) they believe that God's origianl purpose for the earth will be fulfilled; that the earth will be completely populated by worshipers of Jehovah and that heses will be able to enjoy eternal life i human perfection; that even the dead will be raised to an opportunity to share in these blessing.
(7) they believe tha the dead are conscious of absolutely nothing; that they are experiencing neither pain nor pleasure in some spirit relam; that they do not exist except in god's memoty, so hope fo rtheir future life lies in a resurrection from the dead.
(8) they believe that we are living now, since 1914, in the last days of this wicked system of things; that some who saw the events of 1914 will also see the complete destruction of the present wicked world; tht lovers of righteousness wil survie into a cleansed earth.
(9) They earnestlly endeavor to be no part of th ewolr, as Jesus said would be true of his followers. they show genuine Christian love for their neighbor, but they do not share in the politics or the wars of any nation. They provide fof the material needs of their families but shun the world's avid pursuit of material things and personal fame and its excessive indulgence in pleasure.
(10) They believe that it is impportant to apply the counsel of God's Word in everyday life now , at home, in school, in business, in their congregations. Regardless of a person's past way of life, he may become one of Jehovah's Witnesses if he abandons practices condemned by God's Word and applies its godly counsel.
Please visit the official web site of Jehovah's Witnesses at
2007-04-18 08:07:23
answer #6
answered by Vivimos en los Ultimos Dias 5
I am a follower of the Islamic faith. Islam is not a mere religion with rituals; it is a complete way of life. The Holy Qur'an is the sacred text of Islam.
2007-04-18 07:35:00
answer #7
answered by Shafeeqah 5
Devout practicing Roman Catholic. The Bible is my fav book.
2007-04-18 07:40:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I am a Muslim and read many books, and here is some knowledge about religions:- http://byefareed.0catch.com
2007-04-18 07:32:29
answer #9
answered by byefareed 5
LDS here but you already have the B.O.M any questions you can email me :D
Good luck on your spiritual journey!
2007-04-18 08:16:12
answer #10
answered by divinity2408 4