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15 answers

Since the fall of man, man'smind has been turned against God and directed toward many persons, things, and matters other than God. Furthermore, man is controlled by his mind, doing the desires of the thoughts. the desires of man's thoughts, whether they are good or bad, are always contrary to God and are directe towrd persons, things, and matters other than God. because of this, man also behaves himself in a way that is contrary to God and is thus directed towrd persons, things, and matters other than God. Therefore, man should repent and have a change in his mind so that his conduct and behavior may also change accordingly. The repentance that God desires is that man would have a change of mind and turn towrd God. Such a repentance is not only to correct man's wrongdoings; it is even more to turn the mind from things other than God to God. A person's repentance is nothing less than his change from rejecting God and being turned against God to desiring god and being turned toward God. Real repentance should be a repentance unto God (Act 20:21) a turning in reality from all things to God

2007-04-18 06:56:50 · answer #1 · answered by show me the way 2 · 0 0

You cannot "do" Wicca, but you can "be" Wiccan. I'm going to presume that you are quite young, and attempted to use the Craft in a negative way & without a teacher of knowing--big No-No, but now you know what can come of that, and have new wisdom to choose other-wise, yes?

There is no need to "repent" (to regret or feel remorse for)...you live & learn...you can recreate yourself in every moment. If you were not happy with your experience make a new choice in the matter...you can either do more indepth research into the belief systems of Wicca, which would provide you greater understanding of that, or not...you could research other beliefs and acquire more knowledge of them, or not...but in all your seeking, truths will ring your heart chimes...your inner voice will scream "Yes, that's it!"...these you take from all things and simply leave the rest...that which you hold dear becomes YOU...and that, my Dear, is what you are here to be.

And Good Journey in doing so!!!

P.S. to you & all who may read this answer...the Craft is nature-based...it is a learned understanding of how the universal structures can be manipulated, and takes great wisdom of how that manipulation effects the Whole of everything. It is a powerful resource of knowledge and although, yes, it can be used with negative motives, it should never be...just like nuclear warfare...it's repercussions, if used as such, are devastating...to say the least.

2007-04-18 14:03:24 · answer #2 · answered by MsET 5 · 2 0

Ah, the great divide between Wicca and Christianity. Repenting is the act of divulging your perceived sin to your clergy and they then absolve (forgive) you of it, thus relieving you of any responsibility for your actions because there is no consequences.

Wicca is based firmly on taking responsibility for your actions. Karma plays allot into Wiccan belief, what some call The Rule of Three, stating anything you do, good or bad, will come back to you threefold.

Now I personally don't believe threefold, but I do believe that every action, good or bad, has an opposite and equal reaction. It may not come back to you in the same manner, but you do bad, bad will happen to you. You do good, then good will happen to you. Everything in nature has a balance, and giving without receiving, and receiving without giving is not balanced. You give, you get back... good or bad.

You have to decide what you think is the Way.

2007-04-18 18:10:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wicca is not something you "Do", Either you are or you are not a Wiccan, it's not a hobby or a team sport, it is a religious calling.

Main Entry: 1re·pent
1 : to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of ones life
2 a : to feel regret or contrition b : to change ones mind
transitive verb
1 : to cause to feel regret or contrition
2 : to feel sorrow, regret, or contrition for

One doesn't become a Wiccan because they are told to, like any other religion, if you do not truly wish to be a follower of a religion, no one can make you.

2007-04-18 14:45:38 · answer #4 · answered by Black Dragon 5 · 1 0

What does "doing Wicca" mean?

2007-04-18 13:41:53 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 2 0

If you "did Wicca," you'd know.

So, which are you lying about, the Wicca or the Repentance?

2007-04-18 13:44:39 · answer #6 · answered by LabGrrl 7 · 5 0

for one of The True Christian Faith to repent means to honestly regreat what was and honestly mean to strive not to do it again. To go to God and tell Him honestly with full and compleat sincerity that you regret what was and you do not wish to continue that way... there is more to it as far as TheTruth of The Faith goes...

If you have questions concerningthe basics of The True Christian Faith you may email me... one honest question will receive one honest answer to the best of my ability

congratulations for striving to free yourself from the deceptions of wicca.

2007-04-18 13:46:44 · answer #7 · answered by idahomike2 6 · 1 1

Did wicca? Is that like doing a joint or something? You're not making any sense.

2007-04-18 13:44:51 · answer #8 · answered by Julia Sugarbaker 7 · 1 1

Repent means to cease that activity, confess it, ask for forgiveness and declare that you will never do it again.

2007-04-18 13:43:34 · answer #9 · answered by Preacher 6 · 0 0

Pray. Ask whomever higher being you believe in for forgiveness. Be serious, be honost, be truthful with yourself and your higher being, tell everything that you believe you did that you believe was wrong and if you are sorry for whatever you did...mean it. Tell "God" you are sorry and will learn from your mistakes.

I don't know what you believe in so I tried to keep it from insulting you.

2007-04-18 13:44:46 · answer #10 · answered by mrs_nisius 3 · 0 0

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