Do you think Nuns should be band? Do they scare you? I think they should be band after all the cruelty that goes on and what they have done.
*people in care - they beat them and starved them.
* The Laundy houses where they beat pregnant mothers and took away their babies.
it goes on and on and on.
Have you say what do you think?
28 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Gosh haven't any of you people seen the madaline laundrys???It happened In Ireland?? It happend it was true they disgust me
02:55:20 ·
update #1
sorry about the spelling woooppppsss!!!!!
02:59:11 ·
update #2
You're absolutely right. I'm not sure if the same kind of cruelty does on now but when my husband was a child he was an orphan, dumped on the steps of a convent. The atrocities he talks of were unbelievably cruel. And all in the name of God!!
Yeah right.
2007-04-18 07:56:39
answer #1
answered by ? 5
I went to Catholic School, and yes the nuns were strict, actually some were quite mean. When I left school I was some what put off, because of the strict religious schooling I had. But as I matured and got over my child hood hang ups, I remembered that those days weren't always horrible, there were many happy times too, and the nuns were only mean when we didn't listen to them, in my case that was often. I teach in a pre-school now, I know that over twenty years ago, pre-school was a lot different back then, just as everything else was. Recently I watched a movie, a true story about The Laundry houses, the one with Maggie Smith in it. The treatment of those girls was indeed shocking. So to answer your question, yes Nuns like that should have been banned, but don't blame every one of them because of the mistakes of others. People tend to make generalizations and think all nuns are like the ones in the Laundry houses, when in fact they aren't. The Sisters of Mercy go all around the world working and teaching voluntarily, helping poor people.
2007-04-18 10:47:48
answer #2
answered by Silver 4
What about male nurses that rape elder women in nursing homes? Why aren't you complaining about them?
I went to Catholic school for 8 years and 2 nuns were yellers and the others were very nice. The olders ones seemed mean nd unhappy. But I lived thru it and am over it all. No damage done. I know 4 nuns now from my church and they are all great, happy and always smiling. I've never read or seen any report on TV about nuns in Ireland beating people. Not sure what programs you have been watching. If some nuns are doing this, then complain to the people that con do something about it. Y/A can't help.
2007-04-18 10:01:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm not a Catholic so I do not pretend to have any expertise in this subjuct. However, you make quite a generalisation here. I have worked with nuns who have gone into some of the darkest areas of our city and ministered to the most hopeless members of our society. Few others were willing to go out and minister to, just talk to and help get medical care for the homeless here.
Yes, there have been abuses. Sadly there is a history of this in every walk of life, not just with nuns. Therefore I do not support banning (not banding) them.
2007-04-18 09:56:44
answer #4
answered by toff 6
The larger majority of nuns would never do that, and although the film was based on a true story you have to remember it was about the 50's and 60's not recent. Try not to think they are all that cruel.
2007-04-18 09:55:17
answer #5
answered by *♥* donna *♥* 7
Yes this did happen at one time but don`t go thinking that all Nuns were like this,I too used to have an unhealthy fear of Nuns when I was very young but this was really the fear of unknowing,I have met many great and holy Nuns in my adult life and they are decent God loving women.
2007-04-18 09:54:59
answer #6
answered by Sentinel 7
I think Nuns are same as every one else, some great, some not so great. I was taught by nuns many of whom were very cruel to us - believing that they were being cruel to be kind. My kids have a few nuns at their school who are so lovely and kind. They understand the kids more now, and try and teach children not frighten them.
Time passes we all change, our parents were more strict then we are etc.
Dont think it fair to tar all with one brush though.
2007-04-18 09:59:02
answer #7
answered by worriedmum 4
Not all nuns are mean i think some of they are loving caring people just trying to the sevrve their holy father!
2007-04-18 11:53:02
answer #8
answered by Leah Baby 1
Groups of people who have devoted their lives to helping other people should not be banned.
Those individual nuns who have done things that you describe should be prosecuted and punished.
Stereotyping is ignorant and dangerous.
2007-04-18 09:55:45
answer #9
answered by Free To Be Me 6
God damn Nuns, hanging round in groups on street corners, smoking and drinking alcopops...
There is this group of Nuns that hangs round the shops at the end of my road, each time I walk by they shout and swear at me...
Am taking this to the local Council to see if they will slap an ASBO on them...
... think the short one may just be a penguin who has fallen in with the wrong crowd!
2007-04-18 09:54:35
answer #10
answered by Evil Rock Man 2