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11 answers

I am a texture person.

I can't handle the texture of fat & gristle. Don't have that issue in veggies.

I eat fish, but it is lean.

Could care less about the slaughter. I love leather!!!

2007-04-13 11:01:58 · answer #1 · answered by Rhi 3 · 2 4

I won't be redundant and list all the benefits that most of the veggies have already explained. I will say, though, that for people who take a special interest in food or cooking, my diet is so much more interesting since being a vegan. My favorite question that people ask is, "What in the world do you eat if you're vegan?" 9 times out of 10, it turns out that I have a much more varied diet than they do.

2007-04-14 00:54:29 · answer #2 · answered by vegan_nerd 2 · 1 0

There are lots of benefits to becoming a vegan or vegetarian - more energy, low cholestrol, better heart pressure, helping the enviroment, not consuming unnecessary pesticides and other hormones, - but I believe it's personal preference on why you don't want to eat meat.

When I met my husband he was vegetarian and I have never really met on before. He is the world's worst vegetarian because he consumes so much cheese!! But he became vegetarian because he got served bad meat in college and he read "The Jungle" and other meat producing books that just sealed the deal for him not to eat meat.

I have done some research on it because I wanted to show him that there is more to life then just CHEESE. So I got this book and it's helped me out a lot. "The Complete Idiots Guide to Becoming a Vegetarian" It helps you start to become a vegetarian and helps you break down the pros and cons of being meat free - plus there are around 5 or more different types of vegetarnism. I am considered a pollo vegetarian because I still eat chicken but not other animal flesh.

For me I made the switch because it was easier to cook don't have to make seperate dinners or worry about what products have meat - but I will occasionally eat chicken when we dine out. Most of the meat free products he eats are really good and if you didn't know any better some of the products you can't even tell they are vegetarian!

2007-04-13 18:31:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

first, I read this book

SkinnyBitch: The Official Web Site :"Skinny ***** is outrageous, wickedly irreverent, and right on the mark. Any young woman who pays attention to this book will become healthier, thinner, ...

and I learned all about the truth of the foods we eat

When given the proper fuel, our bodies function like perfect machines. We feel energized, healthy, and happy. But when we fill up on crap, our poor bodies have no idea how to process it, and we become lethargic, sick, and depressed. Refined sugars and sodas (even diet sodas) are like crack—nearly impossible to resist once we’re hooked. But they are ruining our bodies and lives.

About 99% of the meat in our country comes from factory farms, where animals are raised by the thousands in confined, cramped quarters. In order to prevent disease and promote growth, the animals are given hormones, steroids, pesticides, and antibiotics. We, in turn, are ingesting hormones, steroids, pesticides, and antibiotics every time we eat meat. But it’s been hammered into our heads that we have to eat meat to get adequate protein and iron. The truth is, we can get all the protein and iron we need—minus all that fat and cholesterol—by eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. And these foods don’t pose health risks like mad cow disease, trichinosis, and bird flu.

Now would be a good time for common sense. When we have babies, we breastfeed them, and then at a certain point, we stop. We don’t breastfeed our grown children, or our husbands or friends, for that matter. It is exactly the same for cows and every other mammal on the planet. They produce milk when they give birth, they feed their young, and then they stop. We are the only species on the planet that drinks the milk of another species. We are the only species on the planet that drinks milk as adults. Why? Because the multi-million dollar dairy industry has convinced us that we need milk for healthy bones. That without cows’ milk, we will shrivel up or shatter. However, Yale researchers found that countries with the highest dairy and meat intakes also suffer the highest osteoporosis rates.

The truth is, we can get adequate calcium from leafy greens, vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, and beans. And again, these foods come without the hormones, steroids, and antibiotics found in dairy.

Have you ever in your life met someone who was protein deficient? We’re all running scared that we need these enormous amounts of protein. The truth is, most Americans are in danger of getting too much protein, rather than too little. Diets high in animal protein can impair our kidneys; leach calcium and other vitamins and minerals from our bodies; and cause osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, and obesity. Anyone eating a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes will have more than enough protein in their diet.

The US Department of Agriculture is __________
….not what you want it to be. Certainly there are many well-intentioned people working there who want to keep our food safe. But frighteningly, many high-ranking officials have direct ties to the industries they’re supposed to be protecting us from. It is an enormous conflict of interest and it totally compromises our safety. Our health is being politicized and is up for sale to the highest bidder.

I threw out all my NutrSweet and cow milk and was vegan in 48 hours. My hot flashes are gone, my arthritis is gone and my periods are normal. 'Nuff said.

Oh, by going vegan you save the lives of over ninety animals a year and the environment that growing them from being poisoned.

2007-04-13 21:50:17 · answer #4 · answered by cubcowboysgirl 5 · 2 0

-feel healthier
-more energy
-knowing no animals are being killed for me
-not contributing to world hunger (60%+ grains grown for animals to be killed)
-Not cosuming any hormones and antibiotics through an animal that is given them

Motivation to change:
- Felt so "heavy" all the time
-After research it sicken me to know that most animals are being treated inhumanely. Animal cruelty towards to-be slaughtered animals are exempt from animal rights laws. There is meant to be "humane slaughter" but I don't trust people easily. Chickens get the worst treatment of all.
-I am a Christian who wants to honour God's creation

Do some research and see for yourself.

2007-04-14 06:32:07 · answer #5 · answered by buzybee 4 · 1 0

I don't eat meat - I am not a vegan though. I can't stop thinking about the animals faces when I try to eat meat and it puts me off. From a health point of view, I also think that they put so many chemicals and antibiotics in meat - that can't be good for you.

2007-04-13 18:06:31 · answer #6 · answered by Bexs 5 · 3 0

Vegetables contain a lot of cellulose fibre-In Cellulose the glucose units are linked by beta 1-4 linkage,and we don't have enzymes to break that linkage-so the fibre passes as it is through the colon and prevents colon Cancer.The Fibre also adsorbes/imbibes fat preventing the absortion of excess of fat.It provides bulkage-so the fibre rich vegetable food gives satiation-but approximately 50 % carbohydrates and fat are only absorbed into the system and the remaining 50% go away in the faeces and prevents constipation-bowel movements are good.A number of Vegetable items like Mustard,Fenugreek,Cuminseeeds,
rich in phytochemicals like Alkaloids,sito-sterols,anthocyanins,flavonoides,carotenoides,essential oils,are carminatives, hepato stimulants and improves digestion.All these qualities are absent in red-meat.
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2007-04-13 19:21:33 · answer #7 · answered by ssrvj 7 · 1 1

2 reasons.
Cost. Bag of carrots and peppers vs decent chicken or minced meat. Carrots and peppers were much cheaper.
Nutrition. I used to eat very few vegetables and poor quality meat like sausages and burgers. Just vegetables and soya do me fine. I'm still alive and financialy viable 10 years on.

2007-04-14 14:14:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I become a vegan cause i heard that cows blood touches the cows milk in the udder it and i dont like meat or fish. Uk

2007-04-14 16:18:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

im a vegetarian, and just think about it
eating flesh and muscles and all that goes with it

Besides it's very un-lady-like to eat meat.
i grew up with my mother not eating it and when i saw other women eating it just, seemed, so, male!

oh and FYI jell-o is not vegetarian, and it disgusting
just thought you'd like to know

2007-04-13 19:48:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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