you need to keep going back to the dealer everyday..Keep harassing them do not give up..Tell them you will trade the car back in and get another.They need to give you what you paid for the car towards another. Keep making a stink till you get what you want. send a couple certified letters. just keep bothering them they will give in.
2007-04-12 15:47:19
answer #1
answered by I AM BACK 7
I've been fighting my warranty claim for 19 months.
You've got a tough situation, but it's not impossible. On the other hand, it's not likely to be quickly resolved, either.
Incidentally, you say that you "have" a 24-month/24k mile warranty. Did you buy it separately, or did it come with the car when you purchased it? Because if it came with it, I can guarantee they have the documentation about the aftermarket changes made (if they were made by a previous owner.) Before they would've listed it with a warranty, they would've checked those things out. (And that's most likely why they're avoiding you.) Look very carefully at any documentation that was signed or exchanged at the time of purchase -- if they new about the aftermarket parts that would void your warranty and didn't disclose it, that means big trouble for the dealer.
Look into the lemon law, but you should also keep on top of this with the dealership. Do NOT back down. They're hoping you'll go away. In fact, they're betting on it. That's how the game works.
Contact your state's Attorney General office. They may not be able to assist directly with your case, but they can probably offer some suggestions.
But I do warn you -- be prepared to hang on for awhile. And good luck!
2007-04-12 16:21:36
answer #2
answered by ISOintelligentlife 4
Hmm...-I smell the sweet scent of "lemon" here... I'm not sure there's anything you CAN do... -but maybe complain to the BBB & keep after the dealership about repairs... Maybe if you say you're going to make an "issue" of the matter to the local newspaper, they'll be alittle more inclined to help you out. Otherwise- I see alot of walking in your future...
2007-04-12 15:53:37
answer #3
answered by Joseph, II 7
Oil variations, air filters and brakes aren't from now on coated as they're general placed on and tear products the door lock is yet another project. the guaranty covers engine andcontinual practice. because that oil variations are each 3000 miles and also you position on 2000 it really is in elementary words 33% used at the same time as she offered the vehicle no longer seventy 5%
2016-12-03 22:44:42
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Send complaint letters everywhere, and use lots of names (of the people who aren't helping you). Send copies to the dealership. Laws depend on your state, but in some cases, they may be required to help you.
2007-04-12 18:02:14
answer #5
answered by chaseunchase 4
Go to the car dealer's shop personally since he's avoiding your phone calls and have it sorted out.
2007-04-12 16:08:00
answer #6
answered by SGElite 7
Contact the used car commission in your State and tell them what has happened.
They will help you.
2007-04-13 02:35:22
answer #7
answered by ? 7
String 'em up with piano wire.
2007-04-12 16:30:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
try the lemon law
2007-04-12 15:49:12
answer #9
answered by fruitloop247 3