Nope. If I were God I'd figure out what was wrong with me that I made bad creations. I mean when Edison took hundreds of tries to come up with the lightbulb we didn't blame all of his attempts for failing to be a good lightbulb. No Edison just kept trying til he got it right. So if "God" was pleased with his creations he wouldn't create a hell at all b/c then he would have specifically been creating something to torture it...the same way many of us used to pretend Barbie crashed her car off a cliff and died.
If I were God and had a creation and a heaven (far-fetched but I'm working WITH you here)-- then obviously I made the creation in order for it to see the heaven I made as well. So I'd either allow my creation into heaven (my rules, I can do this right--if I didn't make the rules then I'm not God am I) or I'd fix my creation so that it followed my rules and went to heaven. It's not really recovery. If they were "bad" or "sick" and needed to recover--we are back to it being my mistake in their creation. But I'm God so I didn't make a mistake. And if I didn't make a mistake, then they are correctly made and don't need "recovery".
Hell or Recovery...neither b/c I made them perfectly the first time (being perfect i know i did this) and therefore they would not need a Hell or a Recovery but just go to heaven.
2007-04-12 12:47:41
answer #1
answered by phantom_of_valkyrie 7
Recovery. If I were God, I would understand that these souls were only learning to express themselves, using what information they have been provided with. (Genetics, environment, upbringing, culture, etc.) Unlike myself (I AM God, remember?), these human beings cannot be everywhere at once. They cannot see everything, understand everything, or indeed, not always know when what they've done is wrong. They see life through a tiny peephole in the cardboard box that hangs over their head.
Therefore, to help them recover, I'd take that box away from their eyes, and I would let them "borrow" my ability. I would make them see the world from all angles, through all eyes, through the view point of every particle of existence. Their "punishment" would be their new understanding of what just they had done in their life, what they had helped and what they had hurt. I would let them stew in their emotions for a while, let them feel poisoned by grief, anger, misery, confusion, etc. I would answer any and all questions that arose with patience and honesty.
Then when the storm passed, they'd exhausted all their questions, and their souls had finally calmed in acceptance, I would stick the box right over their head again and shove them back to Earth for another round.
Well...If I were God, that is what I would do. Who knows what the real one does, if there is one.
2007-04-12 20:04:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Another ridiculous question posted by someone who has not accepted the Truth of Jesus Christ, but I appreciate the use of the word hypothetical. One who is created and finite can never comprehend the thoughts of the infinite Creator. You do not define what is 'bad' or 'wrong' and you make the assumption that someone could make all right choices. The truth is everyone makes wrong choices, but does that make them bad? History records only one person to have ever made all the right choices and that was Jesus Christ and He provided a way for any and all to recover from evil and addictions, but they are responsible for whether they accept God's free gift or reject it. The one and only true God will never force Himself on anyone or infringe on their own free will. He does not send anyone to hell but He will let anyone choose their own destiny, whether it be heaven or hell. I'm just glad I am not god because I do not know if I could give people thousands of chances to accept me as He does.
2007-04-13 15:04:50
answer #3
answered by Pastor Rick 2
Just a note to begin: I'm assuming we're dealing with the Christian religion simply because it's so common. If we're talking about Judaism, Islam, or otherwise, I apologize.
God does try to help us recover. Why do you think he's sent Jesus into the world to teach and save? A huge chunk of the old testament is prophets teaching Israel lessons. I take a somewhat deistic view on this subject. I don't think God likes to directly affect our world, so he sends messengers. We have the choice of whether to listen to them or not, and if we don't we must accept the consequences.
2007-04-12 20:06:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First of all,God doesn't make "bad" creations.They make themselves bad with their own bad choices.Secondly,God knows and sees all their bad choices,and He does work in ways they may not see at the time to keep them from making bad choices,but they completely ignore the "warnings",if you will,and continue doing whatever they want to do,whatever the consequences.God cannot be held accountable for what people do of their own accord.Thirdly, God does and has,countless,countless times helped people recover from every day bad choices,but that doesn't mean that there aren't repercussions.How else would we learn from our mistakes?
2007-04-12 20:15:15
answer #5
answered by ? 6
HELL was made for satan and his angel followers.
HUMAN BEING's were NEVER suppose to go there.
You will remain with the god you choose, while you are on the Earth, when you Leave the Earth for GOOD.
Spiritual Laws.
Can't be broken.
Choose Wisely.
(there, I answered your damn question!)
no offense intended!
but if you leave the Earth without Accepting Jesus as your Saviour, you will be damned (not in the Presence of GOD--thats what damned means) for a long time.
Again, sincerely hope this helps!
2007-04-12 20:02:36
answer #6
answered by maguyver727 7
First off Hell is only eternal torment because it is complete seperation from God. If God is love, joy, kindness, gentleness, peace, patience, ect. then without God you cannot have any of those things. God views your life on earth as your choice for eternal life. If you live abiding by His will then He wil see that you accept Him and want to be with Him, so you will go to heaven, but if you reject Him or you go worship other gods then He will take this to mean that you don't want Him and thus you will be seperated completely from Him, which is Hell. God does not want to be seperated from anyone, but He gave us freewill and He respects our decisions on earth, even if they displease Him.
2007-04-12 20:01:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't know how I would act if I were God. I am human. I don't have infinite wisdom and I don't know all things. As a human with my shortcomings, I may opt for rehabilitation, but that is just me. I have learned that God is sovereign and He does what He does. He is not looking for us to agree with Him on all things, just to trust Him in all things. He sees the end of things and we do not.
He sent the Saviour Jesus Christ so we have a way out of hell, but He is not going to force Him on us. The choice is always ours to make.
2007-04-12 20:13:00
answer #8
answered by Jouvert 5
He did try to help them recover. After the first two, Adam and Eve, screwed up and proved to be as you call them "bad creations" he implemented the next plan. He sent his son and laid out the rules for receiving salvation and avoiding hell. Now all you have to do is confess and TRULY believe in Jesus Christ and ALL sin is covered before and after accepting Jesus Christ. How much easier can he make it?
2007-04-12 20:04:01
answer #9
answered by Fire&Ice 1
God gave us the free will that we have. He wants us to choose Him. He could of made us love Him but when somebody chooses you it means so much more than if somebody has no choice but to choose you. If somebody chooses to say I love you it means so much. God wanted the same feeling we get whenever we are chosen by someone else. We are made in the image of God and if I was a betting man I would bet that God likes to be chosen as much as we are.
2007-04-12 19:53:57
answer #10
answered by bradsoccerlewis 2