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God created all living things including homosexuals. Who cares? I am Christian and support it all. Do you think they would choose to be gay when they get killed, harrassed, hurt and threatened for it? That's why it's so hard for them to come out. They are people just like you and me. Why worry about them when you have rapists, child molesters, serial killers, and these REAL sickos. Being gay is not a disease and they are not sick. They are people and they think, breathe, and feel. Even if you are against their "lifestyle" you don't have to avoid them and be disgusted with them. No one should hate anybody for who they love. Love is love.

2007-04-12 03:44:06 · 33 answers · asked by Zara 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

Good question.
As a young Christian I really struggled with this because I have friends that are gay. I work with people that are gay.
And as friends I do love them. I care about them.

So let's dissect:
Against homosexuality? Yes.
Against people who practice homosexuality? No.

The bible does say that it is sexually immoral. Do we condemn others for being sexually immoral (pornography, sleeping with multiple partners, and/or masturbating)? No, we offer them help and treat them as though they have temptation in their lives. Why would homosexuality be any different? God did create us all, and we all have sin to account for, to repent for, and to be forgiven and overcome.
Jesus was hanging out with the people that were outcast by society for their sins (whether they thought they could control them or not.) He said specifically, "I am here for them." He is here for the sinners. All of us.

As Christians our responsibility to correct and bring up is specifically relegated to fellow believers. If there is a believer that is participating in homosexual activity, then the believers around them should help them to work toward overcoming these desires. The best method being former sufferers of the same prison of sin. "Nobody can help you get out of the maze as well as someone who knows the way."

2007-04-12 03:57:18 · answer #1 · answered by blount_4design 2 · 3 6

"God created all living"

Please undertand by rereading your own post that you are assuming. Also consider that you are calling yourself a Christian while loving the sin and not just the person.

"Do you think they would choose to be gay when they get killed, harrassed, hurt and threatened for it?"

1. Nobody with a healthy spirit chooses to get killed...even if there is a time for peace and a time for war. Consider spiritual warfare and the lives of many who allow themselves to fixed on gay agenda, drugs, alcohol etc due to blood relations. We are all are brother's keepers ...would you keep supplying a drug addict or buy a loved one booze just so they got what they wanted ~~~many people do this to their loved one's while waltzing around calling themselves Christians.

2. Any person doing something they know is a sin will attempting to justify it period there are no other results until a person hears the Holy Spirit within after seeing it within others. This explains the feeling of hurt and harrassment which no Christian is processing by telling and living the truth of God's love. If God wanted us to have a mouth only to consume for we would not speak. Keep in mind that those who follow Jesus and walk in his path are walking with God so therefore, others come to Him ...love spreads but so does hatred which will you choose Christian?

3. Threatening to do something to anyone is first a sin...second illegal no matter what the sexual preference it has nothing to do with it.

"Why worry about them when you have rapists, child molesters, serial killers, and these REAL sickos"

1. How is it that obviously missed cases on your part do not bring forth evidence of homosexual behavior? Try again...more education needed on questioners part.

2. If a Christian hates they'd better repent(make changes) within that pleases God - not Satan.

Government and MH are claiming alcoholism is a genetic disease also - which is actually code for it's ok if "I idolized a drinker" somewhere in my past or "I found something I thought would make the pain go away so I wouldn't have to deal". So then, is this God's plan or is Government and MH getting something out of pushing sinful behavior? Hint: they are...research it for yourself.

2007-04-12 04:39:27 · answer #2 · answered by GoodQuestion 6 · 0 1

Those who claim to live by Bible standards are supposed to be against homosexuality.
This does not justify taking actions against homosexual individuals, however, because only God is to judge humans for their errors.

I'm terribly sorry, but I disagree that God created homosexuals. Assuming you believe that the Bible is actually his inspired Word, that idea contradicts the fact that He created male and female humans and told them to multiply. It also contradicts His destroying Sodom and Gomorrah for gross immorality (homosexuality included) and the other warnings and denouncements of this practice in both OT and NT.
I believe that it is possible for certain ones of us sinful humans to be born with such tendencies (just like some are born with leanings 2ward violence), but these can be suppressed and resisted.

Like I said, however, just because homosexuality is biblically wrong (and counterproductive to procreation) does not mean that people should "gay bash". I have never agreed with that.

2007-04-12 05:35:17 · answer #3 · answered by DwayneWayne 4 · 1 0

I personally don't hate homosexuals (people who are gay) I just hate homosexuality which is the sin. Don't you hate the sin of stealing lying, cheating and here is the worst sin that no one can stand, molesting kids or raping? It's all just the same sin is sin whether big in our eyes or or not sin is still big in God's eyes and it is not acceptable. People only react to homosexuals like it's ok because they reason that they are not hurting anyone but honestly they are hurting God.

2007-04-12 04:33:20 · answer #4 · answered by sweetdivine 4 · 1 0

The world's great religions are pretty old, and go back to the days when everyone had to do their part in having enough children to keep the tribe from dying out. So in general, homosexuality, which is not fertile, had to be discouraged.

But now we have a grossly over-populated world, so that reason is obsolete. But I think in a lot of cases it is not so much what people do in private that is at issue, but what they do in public. Many people (including, to some extent, myself) seriously believe in closets. That is, what you do as consenting adults IN PRIVATE is not their concern. However, knowing that they want grandchildren and that having a homosexual in the family would be awkward for them, they do not want public displays of homosexual affection to give their children ideas.

What they perhaps do not recognize is that there is no way to avoid the idea, whether you're oriented toward homosexuality or not. It is an inevitable part of growing up in the 21st century to know that some people are turned on to members of their own sex instead of members of the opposite sex. Parents need to have a polite, calm and hopefully unbiased way to explain to children that "different strokes for different folks" is true in all walks of life, including sexuality.

And let's not forget bisexuals while we are at it. Why should a kid get the idea that if they have any urges toward the same sex, they can't possibly be accepted by the opposite sex as well? That's too much pressure. We need to allow them the opportunity to slowly, carefully find their own way.

2007-04-12 03:54:44 · answer #5 · answered by auntb93 7 · 2 2

This is to Mainworry. You forgot a lot of stuff. I have noticed that a lot of Christians tend to spout out scriptures without mentioning other scriptures. The bible is a great history book. Nowhere else can you find a book that has so much deceit, hatred, incest, betrayal, murder, etc. But, it also has a lot of self-contradictions. ie. "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" and "Thou shalt not kill". Umm....how can you not kill, but not let a witch live?? There are others, but I dont' feel the need to leave such a ridiculously long post full of scriptures. But, I will say this, the exact same book that says it is against god to be homosexual also says it is against god to "spill your seed upon the ground" and masturbate and stuff like that. The exact same people that call homosexuals gross and say they are against god, probably masturbate at least once a month. So, don't attack people with scriptures until you look upon yourself! I have said it before and I will say it again: at least my religion doesn't condemn people for loving who they want.
Bright Blessings!

2007-04-12 04:01:09 · answer #6 · answered by Niki 2 · 3 1

I hate to say this because I dont like to judge but God says to if that brother or sister is in Christ and is doing wrong. Loose paraphrase. You can not be a follower of Christ and support homosexuality. Plain and simple. Love the person very much so but, hate the sin. If you do not hate the sin which is stated in the Bible as an abomination to God how can you be in a relationship with Him? Reexamine youre relationship with Christ before giving yourself title of Christian. I know its just a title that many have but are in fact not. Peace out.......

Homosexuality is a choice. Ask any recovered homosexual. Bring on the thumbs down Im sure to be getting. Oh yeah haha. Peace out once again..............

2007-04-12 03:54:48 · answer #7 · answered by scraps rocks 2 · 2 3

God does not create a person with homosexual desires. The Bible tells us that a person becomes a homosexual because of sin (Romans 1:24-27), and ultimately because of their own choice. A person may be born with a greater susceptibility to homosexuality, just as people are born with a tendency to violence and other sins. That does not excuse the person choosing to sin by giving into their sinful desires. If a person is born with a greater susceptibility to anger / rage, does that make it right for then to give into those desires? Of course not! The same is true for homosexuality.

2007-04-12 04:03:56 · answer #8 · answered by Freedom 7 · 1 2

It is against what God teaches us through the Bible

It is immoral

It harms many individuals who participate

It is not a family oriented lifestyle

It IS a choice to be gay, it has already been proven ( if you read medical reports in journals) that there is not a "gay " gene. It's a choice brought on by life choices such as who you surround yourself with , etc.

You claim to be Christian, if you read the Bible you already know all this though.

and my last point, A true Christian does NOT hate those who are gay, we do hate the immoral lifestyle though. I have a couple of acqaintances who are gay, we get along on most issues, but they know how I believe as to the life they are leading.

2007-04-12 04:05:35 · answer #9 · answered by kenny p 7 · 1 3

Morality is defined by an ultimate moral authority, God. If you are a non-believer, then you have no objective moral truths.

Sin is “any want of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God” (1Jo_3:4; Rom_4:15), in the inward state and habit of the soul, as well as in the outward conduct of the life, whether by omission or commission (Rom_6:12-17; Rom_7:5-24). Sin is not a mere violation of the law of our constitution, nor of the system of things, but an offense against a personal lawgiver and moral governor who vindicates his law with penalties.

Since God, speaking through the inspired prophets authoring the books of the bible, declared homosexuality a sin, then it is a sin.
See: Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9,10; 1 Timothy 1:10.

Thus, homosexuality is just one of a litany of the decay of the perfect moral state found in original creation.

As all sinners, homosexuals can be true Christians. As far as God views sin, homosexuality is no greater or lesser than other sins. All sin is objectionable to God. Since homosexuality is often practiced openly ("in your face"), the reaction by some who have wandered off the “love thy neighbor” reservation is over the top. It may also be the case that anyone that seems to revel in their sin seems defiant or disingenuous, if they are a self-professed Christian. I believe that the true Christian homosexual struggles daily with their sinful nature.

Some resources regarding homosexuality and the bible to help you understand the issue or the reaction of others:

Myths About Homosexuality:

Theology and Homosexuality:

Happiness to Christians is more than the needs of the flesh. Homosexuals must continue to pray for strength to resist their urges and strive to be obedient to the scriptures.

2007-04-12 04:02:27 · answer #10 · answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6 · 1 4

People are properly influenced by what God had written in the bible. Since he frowns on unnatural contact, his followers respect his position before mans opinions.
This is not a proper lifestyle as such, and the reason for it being so negative is due to the disease factor.
Consider this also, the problem is basically among the young.
Seniors have learned to control it.

2007-04-12 03:56:39 · answer #11 · answered by Wisdom 6 · 1 3

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