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I was just put on Zoloft because ever since I had my son I have been scared that everybody I love is going to die a horrible death or someone is going to take my little girl or my son and hurt them I just worry all the time, don't sleep very good, and I lose my cool real easy. How is a pill going to help me with something like that. What ever you can tell me I would love to know as much as I can. Thank you!!!!

2007-04-10 15:52:38 · 8 answers · asked by Chandra H 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

8 answers

Andrew M. is right on the mark! I couldn't have said it better myself, so I'm just going to say that I've been on it for 3.5 years and that it has changed my life.

There was someone else who said it is for depression ONLY, and that person was very wrong. It's used for a lot of different things, and anxiety is one of them. That's why I take it. I've always had severe anxiety, but never thought I needed help until after my daughter was born. There were a few side effects (diarrhea at first, then horrible nightmares for a couple of weeks), but once I got through them it has been great.

Don't listen to anybody who calls it a "crutch" -- about 20% of the world is chemically imbalanced and could benefit from taking an SSRI.

2007-04-13 09:06:39 · answer #1 · answered by daynasu 3 · 0 0

I was on Zoloft for a while.

Anxiety and depression are caused by a certain chemical in the brain called seratonin. Seratonin is what allows the synapses to function. Different levels of seratonin can make you happy or sad, as it can change the way your brain functions. Zoloft is a seratonin inhibitor, meaning it blocks some of the seratonin from doing its job, which relieves your depression and anxiety.

There was a time when I used to be very depressed. I was put on Zoloft to see if that would help. It did.

I was no longer depressed. However, there were a few side effects. I felt like I had a loss of my creativity, and rarely got excited about things (in a good way), and I lost a bit of my sex drive. I stopped taking it for those reasons. I used to be a bit of an artist, and losing your creativity is a big deal. Now I use other methods to relieve my depression, such as meditation, exercise, and healthier eating.

If your depression and anxiety is really bad, which it sounds like it is, you should give it a try, as well as talking to a professional (psychologist, psychiatrist). That helps as well.

2007-04-10 23:05:06 · answer #2 · answered by andrew m 3 · 3 1

I can't believe I finaly heard someone say the same things I had to tell my husband and doctor before I was put on zoloft. Those were my exact fears, and i could cry at the drop of a hat.
I was on zoloft for 2 years after the birth of my oldest son. the first couple of weeks i thought were hard: trying to sleep and concentrate., then after that all of my symptoms went away. I felt normal and not wacked out. I stayed on Zoloft through my second pregnancy and then after i had her, I went off and have never had to go back on. My GP said it was all hormones from the birth of my eldest sonand my "chemicals" were all back to normal. Good luck and I really do think it helps!

2007-04-10 23:01:03 · answer #3 · answered by tara b 2 · 1 1

When my daughter was born in 1980, [not that long ago!] I felt the same way, I was thinking about building an underground shelter, etc. I believe it is what you can call "maternal instinct" as any mammal has the primal sense to protect her young. Be careful with the Zoloft, drugs only mask the symptoms & are a "crutch", over time they can make you "cripple" to them. Not cripple as in crutch's & a wheel chair, but 'dependent ' on them. Hopefully, your treatment will make you feel better, as we are living in an insane world. Try to find a hobby that will take your mind off things going on around you that make you feel helpless. You might want to get involved in something with a cause or purpose, if time allows. The important thing is to stay focused. Good Luck to you.

2007-04-11 00:29:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The zoloft will help level you out so you can function better. It will even out your moods so you don't lose your cool so easy and so you feel better. I was crying at the drop of a hat with other depression signs so that is the med the doc tried first for me and it worked very well. Don't hesitate to start taking it as you will feel better if it works for you. Give it two weeks to see how you feel and if you have any problems with the med after two weeks then call your doc and let him/her know.

2007-04-10 22:57:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

it DOES work.

Like any drug, keep in contact with your dr, in case there are any problems with it.
Zoloft is a very popular antidepressant, and DOES work. Side effects are rare.

A generic version just came out, so if your prescription bottle says something other than Zoloft, don't worry about it.

2007-04-11 01:59:47 · answer #6 · answered by TedEx 7 · 1 0

Depression and anxiety are related to the chemistry of your brain. Part of the healing process will be talking through your feelings and consciously letting go of these worries, but the medicine can also be a part. Be careful with Zoloft, it's very powerful and makes some people feel physically ill (like they're feeling "electrical zaps" is what i've heard) as they are taking it or especially as they start to go off it. Seeking out help is the most difficult part of getting over postpartum mental troubles...good luck.

2007-04-10 22:57:28 · answer #7 · answered by Amanda 6 · 3 1

yes dear i am on it. but that drug is for depression only. You sound like your on the wrong meds. go to a different doc or tell the one u have its not what u want and its not working. hope u feel better sweetie. If you ever need to chat, I can try to help! hit me up if u need to hun.

2007-04-11 00:41:54 · answer #8 · answered by jocelynnicolep 3 · 0 1

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