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Industrialized n rich countries say that if they are well prepared and can afford measures, then global warming is not much to worry about..

But environmentalists say that global warming threats our very own existance...rising sea levels will flood coastal areas, where the worlds approx. 60% people live...

2007-04-09 01:44:39 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Environment

19 answers

1. Flooding.
We've all seen the pictures of disappearing glaciers and the predictions of rising sea levels. Most people live close to the sea, but many are in denial about the impact of global warming. They falsely believe that the only change that will affect them will be a few centimeter rise of sea level over many decades. Without government action to move them away into newly-built cities, they will continue to live on land most prone to flooding and most exposed to hurricanes, tornadoes and thunderstorms, until a disaster hits them like we've seen happen in New Orleans. The task ahead is many scales larger than the evacuation of New Orleans, which after all occurred in the richest nation on earth while all other infrastructure in the US was in good working order. Ironically, global warming comes with increased risks not only of flooding, but also of shortage of water.

2. Shortage of water.

Many areas could be hit by droughts, especially once glaciers that previously fed rivers have disappeared. As the weather becomes more turbulent, we can expect more extreme droughts, while the occasional heavy storm wouldn't give much relief, but instead cause landslides and run-off of top-soil. Shortage of potable water causes dehydration in people and livestock, making them more vulnerable to diseases. Lack of irrigation results in loss of stock and crop in many areas. As people and animals move to more fertile grounds, overgrazing of land and clearing land of trees could cause desertification there as well. All this, combined with the increased risk of flooding should increase concerns for famine and disease.

3. Famine and disease.

Higher temperatures will increase the risk of tropical diseases, such as malaria, in previously temperate zones. Starvation is one of the biggest unconscious human fears that may well become a reality that is daily displayed on TV. The most fertile land is typically located just above sea level, where rivers enter the sea. Due to climate change, many areas will need to switch to other crops. This will take time, further contributing to transitionary if not permanent shortages of food everywhere. Food storage and distribution will be hit by rising cost of cooling, while stored food will become exposed to pests and diseases in the face of increased humidity and in the absence of adequate refridgeration. Cost of transport will rise, while many roads may become inaccessable due to flooding and storm damage.

4. Migration and refugees.

Migration will stress the infrastructure of many cities, even if they weren't affected much directly by climate change in terms of famine, droughts, epidemics, flooding or storm damage. Apart from this, people will also be driven away from many areas by pollution, heat, pests, diseases, shortages of water and supplies, and collapse of infrastructure, medical care and security. Many people will seek new habitats, while at the same time many countries will seek to stop refugees from crossing borders. Refugee camps are notorious for the outbreak of epidemics, such as cholera. Without proper planning and action, this could result in human tragedy at unprecedented scale, while refugee camps could become breeding grounds for new diseases like avian influenza.

5. Collapse of the financial system.

The value of money used to be linked to gold, but now is based on economic growth, value of real estate and the value of stock (company shares) and the like. As such factors become increasingly exposed to the the above points, the entire global financial system risks collapse. Instead, a carbon-based system of currency may take over to some extent. Uncertainty about this increases the risk that governments will simply become more dictatorial. In the absence of market forces to guide developments, there will be increased risks that such dictatorial governments take actions that make things worse, resulting in total economic collapse.

6. Economic collapse.

Many countries face uncertain futures, as they are dependent on income from oil, coal, tourism or a single crop that cannot survive climate change. As an example, air travel could become too expense for tourists, taking away the single biggest revenue stream for many small countries. Entire industries, such as manufacturing of cars and airplanes, may collapse. Globalisation has made many industries dependent on access to resources and products that come from halfway around the world, while the cost of transport is likely to go up. Again, such economic collapse may set the scene for dictatorship in many areas, increasing the risk of war and of wrong decisions being taken in general.

7. War and civil unrest.

The above points should increase our concerns about the risk of wars and civil unrest. Production of weapons is one of the biggest industries worldwide, with the clout to influence governments. The oil industry is often regarded as the most powerful influence of global politics. Some countries will want quick and dramatic changes, while other countries may resist all calls for change or may want entirely different changes, setting up confrontation at a global scale and setting the scene for World War III. Within most countries, there will also be opposing groups. The smartest people, who we now need more than ever, may be killed, may end up in prison or may otherwise be silenced, while dictators seek to grab power without any intention of solving the problems.

8. Pollution, in particular as a result of nuclear war, fallout and waste.

As concerns about emissions of carbon and methane increase, industry may seek to abandon pollution standards in order to avoid emission of greenhouse gasses. The nuclear industry may present itself as a "green" alternative, but nuclear fallout and waste should count as one of the biggest dangers in this regard. As concerns about carbon emissions sink in, more countries are considering using nuclear power for electricity, which comes with increased risk of fallout and concerns about the care of and disposal of nuclear waste. Furthermore, many countries are seeking to develop nuclear weapons in response to increased risk of war in the light of the above points. The secrecy under which such development takes place gives cause to concern about global safety and security.

9. Tipping points.

One of the biggest dangers is that, without dramatic action, the atmosphere will reach certain tipping points beyond which sudden dramatic and catastrophic changes take place that are irreversable in the short term. Droughts and more turbulent wheather may cause earthquakes and associated tsunamis, which not only come with loss of lives, infrastructure and fertile land, but which will also make the greenhouse effect worse. So, instead of facing gradual changes that can be mitigated by planned action, we may suddenly face a future in which many if not most people will have little or no access to food, water, medicines, electricity and shelter, while diseases go rampant and gangs and warlords loot and devastate the few liveable areas left. Human beings as a species will face the risk of total extinction, particularly if many species of animals and plants that humans depend on will disappear.

10. Panic.

While each of the above points gives reason to be concerned, many people are still in denial about the severity of the problem of global warmimg. Once they do get the message, though, there's a risk of over-reaction edging into panic. This may result in people buying up all the food they can get hold of, trying to get their hands on weapons, etc. Unscrupulous companies may exploit the situation by deliberately creating scarcity of medicines, etc. This is another reason to be open about these concerns and to come up with planning that makes sense.

Feel free to comment, add and suggest changes to the above ten points, but please note that there is some degree of progression in the above ten points. Next step is to go over the recommendations that should follow. That will be done in an upcoming article, tentatively given the title: Ten Recommendations to deal with Global Warming.

2007-04-09 02:14:27 · answer #1 · answered by Vtang 4 · 0 2

To the guy who referenced ice cubes-youre correct about that specific thing, but sea levels would still rise.

While the icecaps and icebergs would not affect it, mountains and other snowy or iced areas will melt which will flood both oceans and inland bodies of water.

As for global warming-it is real, though there is still no proof that it is caused by man. The current global warming trend is definately being caused to some extent by a general warming of the solar system and as part of the basic up and down temp cycle our planet goes though. Unfortunately we dont currently have a way to know if pollution is making it happen faster, or if it will push it further than it would naturally go.

Global Warming is fact. Whether or not it is a problem, and whether or not we can/should do anything about it are still up in the air.

2007-04-09 02:06:40 · answer #2 · answered by Showtunes 6 · 2 1

Both sides of the global warming debate are very vocal and in many instances can accurately be accused of exaggeration, distortion and even fabrication.

The media often aren't much better, focusing as they do on the more dramatic and sensational aspects and largely ignoring the bulk of the more mundane aspects.

One problem with global warming is that we're in uncharted territory and whilst we know much about it there is also much that we don't know. However, we do know enough to say that it's happening for certain and based on changes over the past few decades we can make predictions for the future (the predictions are very complicated and it takes some of the most powerful computers to crunch all the numbers, there's much more to it than just looking at recent rises and assuming the trend will continue).

In the past we've seen the results of global warming, we're seeing them now and will continue to see them in the future.

To address your specific points - our very existence is secure, we will have to adapt but unless there's some catastrophic change we'll survive.

Sea levels are rising and flooding coastal areas, this has already happened forcing people to evacuate their homes and land. It will undoubtedly continue but these rises are very small and over long periods of time, there won't be any dramatic tidal waves or anything like that. People will have plenty of advance warming and time to move or erect defences.

There are many other consequences, I won't go into detail here but if you want to read about them have a look at these webpages...
Global Warming - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming
Climate Change - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change
Effects of CC - http://profend.com/global-warming/pages/effects.html
Effects of GW - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_global_warming
Future Predictions - http://profend.com/global-warming/pages/future.html
Sea Level Rises - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_level_rise

2007-04-09 02:23:50 · answer #3 · answered by Trevor 7 · 1 2

There is absolutely no question that global warming is real. It's a measurable phenomenon proven by records kept by meteorologists or climatologists. The only question open for debate is what's causing it.

thequiteone clearly doesn't understand the dangers of melting ice. You can't compare it to a glass of water because most of the ice that is melting is on land above sea level, not already in the water like your ice cubes. As this water flows into the oceans, the levels will rise.

2007-04-09 05:45:47 · answer #4 · answered by ConcernedCitizen 7 · 0 1

See Global Warming is a natural phenomenon caused by man.It is basically trapping the rays of the sun within the atmosphere not allowing to escape.This process has been going on for millions of years.However due to widespread industrialization and pollution, the emissions from factories cars are trapped in the same process,leading to excess retaining of heat thus contributing to global warming.Although its effect on ice caps is still controversial,it has many other effects.It can lead to Erratic climate,hotter summers,harsh winters and concentrated rainfall which can lead to floods.
much of these are already seen today,eg.floods in mumbai,snow in dubai,hurricanes in US,etc. So it will be wise if the entire world wakes up now and takes action as it isn't too late!!!!!

2007-04-09 17:56:45 · answer #5 · answered by thewiseone08 2 · 0 1

don't have self belief something you examine and in common terms a million/2 of what you spot. of direction, worldwide warming is actual. The final Ice age has long previous away, has it not? So, we could desire to have worldwide warming. Do people contribute to worldwide warming? probable some small quantity, in spite of each little thing we are heat and we breath in oxygen and breath out CO2, we could desire to affix the priority. what's Al Gore going to do approximately it? Kill lots of persons? perpetually that's what Socialists do while they take administration of a rustic. Is that extra appropriate than destroying their financial equipment and inflicting tens of millions to starve to death?

2016-10-02 10:10:36 · answer #6 · answered by matzen 4 · 0 0

Due to greenhouse effect, the avg temp of the earth and its atmosphere is increasing ,it is called global warming.Due to this the polar ice will melt and sea level will rise by more than 6 metres . There will be thermal expansion of the upper layers of the oceans with the sea level rise by 6cm.Due to global warming by 5degree cel- sea water will submerge coastal areas in Asia and islands like Maldives may disappear totally!

2007-04-09 02:05:57 · answer #7 · answered by ajana a 1 · 1 3

A gradual warming of the Earth's atmosphere reportedly caused by the burning of fossil fuels and industrial pollutants.

Global warming is the gradual increase in global temperatures caused by the emission of gases that trap the sun's heat in the Earth's atmosphere. Gases that contribute to global warming include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and halocarbons (the replacements for CFCs). The carbon dioxide emissions are primarily caused by the use of fossil fuels for energy

2007-04-09 02:27:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Well, it's certainly real. How serious a risk it is, however, is another issue. If I were young, I wouldn't buy any retirement property on the coast. Other than that, however, I wouldn't worry too much. It is certainly not the end of the world and those who say it is do us all a disservice by diverting attention from more serious issues.

2007-04-09 09:06:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

In the very world none one can take blindly this issue of global warming.From my experience ,i have noticed the longevity of summer and the reducing winter season in my town. Of course it is due to our fault of using a large size industry making lot of pollution. Many natural phenomenon like volcanic explosion are adding to this effect.Only one thing we can do "Prevention ".

2007-04-09 03:09:29 · answer #10 · answered by Pintu 2 · 1 1

Very real.

There's a completely overwhelming amount of scientific data showing that it's real and caused mostly by man.

Short version:


The best summary of the data:


The data is why scientists know it's mostly us and not the sun, volcanoes, etc. The data is why the vast majority of scientists think it's real. Proof.


What's going to happen if we don't start doing something about it now:



Note that rich countries can't easily "afford measures" if it hits full force. They can prevent their people from dying, but it will cost enormous sums of money and ruin their economy.

2007-04-09 04:30:05 · answer #11 · answered by Bob 7 · 0 2

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