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16 answers

They know Israel is abomination of desolation and don't want to get destroyed

2007-04-09 01:03:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

Whatever gave you the notion that "Jews" , or any Jewish person or family in particular, need to disclose anything regarding their very personal decision on moving back to Israel. In summary this individual choice, not a duty or a requirement, does not requires any justification whatsoever to anyone. This includes you so mind your own business and stop asking stupid questions please.

Update - Hello, I do not think your question was malicious. I do think it was a bit offensive in that it presumes a lot about Jewish individuals( by the way many prefer the term "people who are Jewish or Jewish people" versus Jews since that term has been used with hatred and vile purposes by individuals over the milenia). The Jewish population worldwide consists of many races, languages, and nationalities just like the Christians and Muslims or any other large religous group. The fact that an indicudual identifies with the jewish religion is only part of the story and for many a simple matter of personal religous beliefs. The baisc element connecting jewish indivduals is the beleif that: 1) we are here to do good deeds and help people. 2) We should not do unto others that which we would not like to have done unto us, the reverse imperative of the golden rule and as such very different that christianity in how it controls or regualtes behavior 3) The path to god and heaven is varied, complex and not something a individual can say with certainty is known. So we believe that a budist, muslim, christian or a jewish individual can find salvation and enter gods kingdom aftet death, again quite different from christian dogma.

Now to you question: 1) Doesn't the Bible say that all the Jews are going to wind up in Israel when the Messiah comes? 2) My question is, since Israel has been created, why don't all the Jews move there?

Well, as you well know the Jewish faith believes that the messiah has not arrived and we wait patiently for this to occur. The bible is called the Torah by jewish folks and consists of the first five books of the "bible" as you call it plus other books which christians and jewish folks do not hold in common unlike the first five books. "The LORD liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries…and they shall dwell in their own land." In other words once the messiah arrives the jewish people will join him in Israel, namely Jerusalem, and he will rule the earth in peace for all people. Since we do not believe that the messiah has returned to earth we will not be leaving our countries and going to Israel as a people although some have left and started early in this regard. As an aside, when the messiah comes to rule earth the notion of countries and the need for standing armies and policing of the populations will cease to be relevant. God will help us all. Last point, and you can go to the bank with this, nothing you say, do or cite will convice a Jewish person that Jesus was the messiah, and most Jewish people would consider anysuch converstation or selling to be completely rude and off the chart disrespectful of our beliefs. Please note that the Jewish religion once again does not believe in a single path to god nor do we have any tradition of evangelistic actions. We are live and let live folks who would never dream of trying to convince you to change your beliefs on the messiah, nor interested in your thinking that jesus was the messiah.....period.

2007-04-10 11:09:37 · answer #2 · answered by tk 4 · 1 1

When God's perfect time is ready for them to go back to their Land in Israel, God will speak to them to go, We just had a few hundred Jews leave the Untied States to move to Israel, Because they said that they felt an urge to go back to their land, Even though they were born here in the USA they felt that urge that This is not their land & home, But Israel is.

2007-04-09 01:13:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To be honest, I have no idea why. Yes, Jews have every right to be in the US along with every other race of people that we have here but, it just seems to me that the real reason they don't go back home to their so-called homeland is due to the violence and bloodshed that occurs everyday there. I'm sure their lives are much better here, they're already established here, so really it would be a big hassle wouldn't it?

2007-04-16 19:09:59 · answer #4 · answered by jamus 2 · 1 0

Hmmm......How do Irish people justify their decision not to move back to Ireland, now that there is no longer a potato famine?

How do black people justify their decision to remain in America, now that there is no longer slavery?

According to the logic of your question, there should be no caucasians--or blacks, or asians--living in North America, since they all have homelands to go back to.

People move around or stay put according to their future prospects. It's been like that since before recorded history. People leave one place and go to another because they are looking for a better life for themselves and their children. People stay in a place as long as life is good there--meaning they are safe and they have enough to eat. Isn't that why you live where you do?

2007-04-09 01:03:01 · answer #5 · answered by lyonefein 2 · 2 0

look pal,i'm not even a jew and i take offense to that.they don't have to justify anything to you and no one else.who are you to try and tell anyone where they should live .there is no true american.we all came from africa.this is the land of the free.anyone who wishes to stay here is protected by the constitution.won't you grow up and be the change this world needs to see.by the way ,jesus was a jew.should all religion that is centered around him also go back to isreal?people of olor don't ask"why don't white people get out of Africa?',now do they?

2007-04-16 16:24:45 · answer #6 · answered by MammaT 2 · 0 1


2015-07-24 17:13:48 · answer #7 · answered by LEONARD 1 · 0 0

Because most Jews aren't crazy? perhaps?

2007-04-09 00:55:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They'd rather live in NY City and winter in Florida.

2007-04-09 00:54:43 · answer #9 · answered by Debra D 7 · 2 0

Same reason Muslims don't move back to Muslim countries. They like where they are.

2007-04-09 00:56:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I tried and was told because I believe in the Messiah Jesus I can not have right of return-but still the easter message I will not spurn=promised in Isaiah 52:13-53verse 12
Princess there is a higher love from above =REFLEXIONS FROM YESTERDAY = Easter Reflected-Exciting now and a prayer that helped stop my life from being boring & a love letter enjoying now in the Bible from God. I prayed, "Jesus help me, come into my heart and forgive my sins, be my friend, amen." and Jesus said "I love you and knock on your heart door to come in, forgive sin and help you as your friend, in fellowship you with me and me with you. Revelation 3:19&20 all because of Calvary death innocent for our sins, and resurrection. Easter, annual festival commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the most important feast of the Christian year. Easter is a joyous occasion because on this day Christians celebrate Christ’s victory over death. To those who believe in Christ, Easter also symbolizes their own participation in his death and rebirth to a new life.

Easter is celebrated on a Sunday yet once Jesus is recieved in heart Easter is every day in the new wonderfull life.

Have a great week princess, peace David I am not ashamed of the Gospel of the Messiah Jesus for it is the power of God unto salvation to all that believe=Romans 1:16

I visit and share the gospel and make a fine living so I have the best of both worlds in Israel and out

2007-04-09 00:57:53 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6

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