for most children, having time out in a certain specific spot,,,,, and having clear cut rules,,, written down,,,,,,, works well. if you havent tried this, you could,,,,,,, write his rules down,,,,,,,, divide it into the ones which get an automatic time out (such as hitting), and others which will have a warning first, then time out (back talk etc.) then use it,,,, each and every time he does the wrong action,,,,,,,, no extra warnings,,,,,, set the limit he sits for 5 minutes,,,, get yourself a little kitchen timer,,,, or use your microwave timer,,,,,, use the same method with his sisters,,,,,,,, if they are very young,,, make the time to sit less,,,,,,
make sure and have an special time each day to spend with him one on one,,,,,,,, even if its for just 15 minutes,,,, blow bubbles,,,, play chase,,,,, color a page together,,,,,,,,
another idea, to use along with the others, is to have a bonus,,,,,, maybe get those little stars,,,,,, and for the days he improves his behavior (at the start that could even be only having few time outs, or sitting in time outs properly,) give him a star,,,, it could even be a check mark on a calendar,,,,,, when he has earned 5 or ten stars/checks, he gets a special toy,,, something small, purchase that toy and have it perhaps on top of the fridge,,,, show it to him then put it away,,,,,,,,, we all strive harder when we think a bonus is a stake, a tangible one we will be rewarded with,,,,,,
not sure what discipline you have used in the past with him,,, some children are just very strong willed,,,, though his adhd probably enhances it,,,,,,,,, you really need to start very young with children,,,,, by age 2 at least,,,, but you can catch up, just be steady and unwavering,,,,,,,,, it takes effort, but does work in the long run,,,,,,,
2007-04-09 00:42:51
answer #4
answered by dlin333 7