Firstly, it helps to be serious about the question. I am assuming from your other two questions that you are not very serious.
2007-03-25 17:03:44
answer #1
answered by NONAME 4
First step is to know that you are a sinner, everyone is a sinner. If you have a bible: Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" Sin goes back to Adam and Eve that is why we are born sinners because we are offspring of adam and eve. Now you also must believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins, literally. Jesus is God in the flesh, he lived a sinless life and is the only one ever to do so. John 6:47 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." I'm trying to make this easy to understand. In simple terms I believe in God and that he sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. He rose from the dead 3 days later and is now on the right hand of God. If you accept Jesus Christ into you heart and believe these things than you shall be saved. In John 3:7 Jesus says to Nicodemus "Ye must be born again." Simply believe on Him as the one who bore your sin, died in your place, was buried, and whom God resurrected. Romans 10:13 "FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON HIM THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED" Ok that should put the nail in the coffin. I really hope this isnt to confusing please email me at in you need questions. But really find a baptist church, a bible preaching church, not catholic or mormon where they have other sources than the bible. All you need is the bible and someone who can interpret the bible correctly. So please find a baptist church, preferably an independent one and trust me you will be saved if not already.
2007-03-25 17:20:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You accept Jesus into your heart. You make a conscience decision to give your life to Christ and let Him have control. That is all you have to do to be saved and start over.
You should start attending a local church to fellowship with other believers. Be Baptised as a sign and seal to your new relationship with Jesus and repeant of your sins (that is to turn away from them).
After accepting Christ as your saviour, you will automatically start being convicted of specific sins. That is the Holy Spirit working in your life. You should continue to strive to be more Christlike in your walk with God. Obey His teachings and read your Bible daily. Pray without ceasing (that is to acknowledge God's ever presense and keep an open ended conversation with Him throughout your life).
Your salvation does not depend on your own works, but that of Jesus who died to give you the opportunity to start over. Not only will all your sins be forgiven and washed away, every sin you ever do for the rest of your life will be forgiven. Grow in your faith by trusting God in all circumstances.
When you accept the salvation of Jesus Christ, your sins are completely erased. God will never remember them again. They are at the bottom of the ocean, as far as the East is from the West.
2007-03-25 17:11:00
answer #3
answered by RedE1 3
John 3: 16
2007-03-25 17:03:27
answer #4
answered by SeeTheLight 7
Praise be to God!
This is wonderful to hear!
Believe that Jesus died to take away your sins. Believe that He resurrected and is alive in you (through the Holy Spirit). Believe that He and the Father are one. Confess your sins to Christ and ask for forgiveness. Pray and ask God to come into your life and into your heart. Tell Him that you want a relationship with Him and show Him... by making efforts to build upon that relationship. Things wont always be easy but stay in the Word of God, "for man cannot live off of bread alone" He needs to be spirtually fed also. You are new today. He wants you just as you are. Jesus loves you!
2007-03-25 17:10:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Friend I had so many sins you couldn't list them all and you could,if really wanted to, call upon our Lord Jesus Christ and confess all your sins asking forgiveness of them and except him as Lord and Savior. He will wash away past sins - as he did myself - and you could start anew but really a virgin once that boat sails she is Gone > Gone > Gone.
2007-03-25 17:06:01
answer #6
answered by S.O.S. 5
repent, acknowledge that you have sinned, and accept jesus christ as your personal lord and saviour. he is willing to forgive you and just like what he has promised, once we repent and ask for forgiveness that comes straight from our hearts, he would forgive us and would forget all of our sins.
his promise is for real. jesus christ is knocking at the door of your heart. jesus christ is the only way for us to be saved from our sins and that is why he died for us and rose again. when i accepted jesus christ as my personal lord and saviour, my life has changed and has never been the same again. now, i can shout to the rest of the world how blessed my life has been and how thankful i am for having my lord and saviour jesus christ in my life.
piece of advice, go to born again christian church.
god bless! =)
2007-03-25 17:25:43
answer #7
answered by 1:57 PM 2
Romans 10
sorry Paris you won't be a virgin again.
2007-03-25 17:04:19
answer #8
answered by robert p 7
* Confess to being a sinner.
* Ask God's help to repent (turn away from your sins)
* Accept Jesus as Lord of your life (turn control over to him)
* Seek to please God
* Tell others
2007-03-28 21:46:17
answer #9
answered by lda 4
Become baptized. You must repent first,
2007-03-25 17:10:35
answer #10
answered by Midge 7