If you can't pay your credit card bills, do you think anyone will give you another loan? Plus, if you get a home equity loan, then if you can't pay that, you're homeless. If you didn't get the loan, the credit card companies can't take your house.
You need to call your credit card companies, and tell them that you can't afford your bills, and try and negotiate lower monthly payments. Tell them that you are over your head, and that you just can't pay the bills. Don't just stop paying your bills. That will sink your credit score. You need to make the minimum payments on your cards, because if you don't the interest will make those balances go up too, in addition to your credit tanking. Also, your interest rate goes to the maximum amount allowed by law ON ALL CARDS if you don't pay them on time. It would take like 40-50 years (no joke) to pay off your cards with minimum payments alone, so pay them off faster if you at all can. Cut your spending drastically. If possible move into a place the size of a closet, and barely shop. Eat Ramen Noodles if you have to. The faster you pay the cards off, the better.
Pay the minimum payment on all of your cards, and pay them off one by one. Once you pay for the card, close the cards if they have high fees (I'm not talking high interest rates, most cards that offer rewards charge fees in order just to have the card) unless you've had the card for a long time. Closing Cards that you've had for a long time will hurt your credit card. Close all store credit cards, and don't open any more.
Use your credit responsibly. If you can't afford your bills without credit cards, then you need to spend less or make more.
2007-03-25 15:35:51
answer #1
answered by chaseunchase 4
Try not to sweat it too much. You're certainly not the only one with high credit card bills. Don't worry about paying them off all at once. Just keep making the minimum payments and set aside money from each paycheck that will not be touched for anything. Just save the money for paying off the balances on the credit cards. Meanwhile....stop using the cards!!!
2007-03-25 22:22:54
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Call a local credit counseling service in your area. They can provide free help in reducing your debts and paying things off more quickly. Meanwhile, make sure you are doing all you can to increase your income and lower your expenses, even if that means 2 or 3 jobs and going without some luxuries for a while.
2007-03-25 22:19:34
answer #3
answered by Jacques 4
Have you checked your credit reports to see if there is something there that it negative? Do you have more debt than income? Have you been employed on your job for a while? There good be many reasons why you were not approved? You may have too much debt already.
2007-03-25 22:19:12
answer #4
answered by chris 3
#1 you can't borrow your way out of debt. Getting another card to pay another is just a way to get you deeper in debt. first, stop using the card. Second, get an additional parttime job until it gets paid off. All of the truly wealthy people that I know, all live on a budget (ALL of them)....
2007-03-25 23:18:44
answer #5
answered by beth102965 1