usually women are asked to wear normal clothes not too short etc
i never heard that before and it shocks me!
2007-03-25 14:02:52
answer #1
answered by Chocolat 7
Jehovah's Witness women in 99% of the time do not wear pants to our meetings at the Kingdom Hall or when we go door to door. (Any other time is okay) This is out of respect that it is a place of worship. The men also wear suits and ties.
If someone new comes and is wearing pants, jeans etc.. they are still always welcome. Some may have to come straight from work and wear their work clothes. My sister did that this week, she didn't have time to go home and change, so she wore pants.
The main thing is why are you wearing pants, is it all you have, or special circumstances, or is it a lack of respect for our place of worship. Just like at most jobs, there is a dress code that needs to be adhered to, unless there is an unusual circumstance.
I don't know what religion would not let you come in without a dress or vail...I know that when I was in Europe, Florence, Italy, we went to go in a Church, just to look around and you could not have on short sleeves. I believe it was Catholic.
Someone mentioned that we can't wear pants even when it's forty below. There is a wonderful think called tights, socks, boots, long skirt, sweater,long coat hats & gloves, ..these are usually just as warm as pants if not more so. Actually, in some areas, woman may wear pants due to the extreme cold, even some men have wore shorts in extreme heat. East Indian attire has pants with long tunic. This is acceptable.
2007-03-25 14:18:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
That sounds like a church I'd want to avoid! How unfriendly...and in a sense, unspiritual. :LOL, what if Jesus showed up at that church...and got kicked out because He was wearing sandals...
No religion MAKES anyone wear anything. Some religions suggest wearing NO clothes (ie, certain Wiccan when practicing in skyclad covens). or CERTAIN clothes (ie, ,convent, monasticism, priestly attire, etc).
Sounds like a fundy-mental type church. When I first came to the Mormon church, I was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants...and one of the sisters made it a point to tell me I could come back, because it didn't make a difference what I wore...
So I did
Now, I wear the men's "Mormon Uniform" of white shirt, tie, nice pants (not jeans). It's a peer pressure thing, but also an idea/philosophy about respecting myself in front of the Lord, which is much different then respecting the Lord. In Mormonism, wearing all-white clothes to the Temple is prescribed because Temples are "Houses of the Lord" and it's important to dress respectfully for the Lord there...but for Sacrament meetings, the issue of respect can be either.
I choose to dress up out of gratitude, as well as self-respect.
2007-03-25 16:42:41
answer #3
answered by CevnLDSNewbie 2
well...back in the day...way, way back...it was custom for women to wear dresses at least to church, maybe even all the time. Some people had gotten into the mentality that this was the way things were supposed to be done. This church must still think that way. Don't worry about it, it's just their personal oppinion. If you don't like it, go to another church. There isn't a religion, except Buddhism, Hinduism, and Muslim that makes women wear dresses. And as you can notice, they're all Middle Eastern.
2007-03-25 14:05:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I had the same experience. A legalistic Church teach that. Jesus came to free us from bondage.
In Deu 22:5. It talks of men not wearing women's apparel and women not wearing men's apparel. This church believes that if a woman wears slacks, then she is wearing men's clothing.
Regarding the veil, it is probably from 1 Cor 11:6, where it states a woman's head should be covered with a veil..
You would need to do a study of the customs, traditions and clothing of that time to understand this chapter, and why Paul said what he said to the Church.
Some churches still believe we should follow this simply because its in the Bible. They always neglect to read all of the chapter and especially the last portion where Paul says in verse 16, "but if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such customs, neither the churches of God."
In my opinion, a woman can wear slacks that she purchased in the women's dept, designed for her female shape and not feel that she is wearing men's attire. The clothing is just similar. The same with the veil.
I wear a skirt or dress in morning service, but for evening service or weekday bible study, I wear slacks. Never been mistaken for a man.
2007-03-25 14:27:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Those that do not allow women to wear pants site Deuteronomy 22:5 "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth to a man." We know that men in the day of Moses did not wear pants like we wear today, but wearing "britches" was required of the Levites, the first priests. I believe every word of the Bible, but I don't know what "pertaineth to a man" clothes I shouldn't wear. God cares more about what you are than what you do.
2007-03-25 14:24:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you are going to a religious study no matter what religion. A modest dress is very appropriate in respect of the God...and the religion as a whole.
2007-03-25 14:04:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You don't know what church you were gonna go to? We are taught that we are to dress like woman, its in Deuteronomy that its an abomination to dress like a man if you're a lady and also an abomination for men to dress like us, but we're not made to only wear dresses. Its between you and God.
2007-03-25 14:21:29
answer #8
answered by the pink baker 6
Jehovahs Witnesses don't allow their woman to wear pants, even if it is fourty below and you have to go out in service.
Ex JW.
Hey David up above, it would have been nice if I could have worn something warm to cover my legs instead of a pair of nylons when it was fourty below and I was going out in service starting at six a.m. because the "territory" I was assigned to was way the heck out in the boonies and I didn't have a warm luxury limo like the elders to keep me warm and I was assigned to go where they didn't want to, but you wouldn't know about that. It has nothing to do with gender.
Its called being practical, and having common sense, not bible drivel.
2007-03-25 14:13:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I think Pentacostal Christians are like that --but I could be wrong..But that guy needed to get a Life, and he should have been glad to see you, since Jesus went to all people. Sometimes people get so caight up in tidbits and trivial things that they lose the heart and soul of their religion. I guess if you were dying of cancer and that was your last day alive--you would have been SOL according to that guy.
2007-03-25 14:05:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
christianity, paul said that women should dress in modest apparel and the scriptures say that it is an abomination for a woman to wear clothing pertaining to a man and for a man to wear clothing pertaining to a woman. pants were designed for men not women.
2007-03-25 14:09:19
answer #11
answered by God help us 6