God made us
2007-03-25 13:20:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It should always be kept in mind when The Bible was written. A lot of ideas that were taken for granted then seem ridiculous now, and it's not fair to judge the intellect of the people who wrote it based on current scientific knowledge.
It is, however, fair to judge the intellect of the people alive today based on their lack of scientific knowledge if they take every word of The Bible literally.
If The Bible were a science or a history text, it would be revised or thrown out every two years or so, just like other science and history texts, to reflect new knowledge and information.
If people believe only what they read in The Bible, they have effectively shuttered their minds to all new learning that has occurred since it was written and compiled. The world is flat, there are no such things as germs, the sun revolves around the earth, North and South America do not exist, the earth is 6,000 years old, etc.
2007-03-25 13:32:03
answer #2
answered by RabidBunyip 4
Lets just leave God out of it. Now, evolutionist do not have a target. Show proof of evolution. I mean work it all the way out. Whatever piece of evidence is used-take it to the end, don't just assume that it is fact because some says it. Go to the source and analyze it, look at the raw data. You will find that the best evidence is just someone's opinion. That is as good as it gets. I.D. is a scientific theory BTW, not a creationist idea. It is the scientific community that is grappling with ID, not the creationist. We think is is rather weak, but a good start.
Who scientifically disproved the Bible? "IF" some one did, then they are keeping it secret. Put the data out on the table-no one has heard of it. What data throws Genesis out the window?? I would like to see it. You are just blowing smoke, and not very well.
2007-03-25 13:30:42
answer #3
answered by Desperado 5
No offense, but you don't understand Genesis any more than the creationists do--and are making exactly the same mistake (granted, less obnoxiously!).
Genesis--or ANY creation story--is a metaphor. It's central truth--that it teaches the Divine origins of the universe and life--is clear. And has nothing whatsoever to do with the particular symmbology used in telling the tale.
To say that somehow Christianity is "disproved" becaluse Genesis is not a literal description of physical events is ridiculous. The Bible (Old and New Testaments) is full of such metaphors, analogies, parables, etc.
And--please don't lump all Christians together. The only ones who believe this creationism nonsense are a smalll minority on the right-wing fringes of the Christian community; the overwhelming majority of Christians are well aware of the symbolic nature of Genisis (and other parts of the Bible) and have no problem with it.
2007-03-25 13:28:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First of all, let me begin by saying congratulations. Your belief that life was created from nothing far outweighs my belief that there was intelligent design that created it.
Secondly, God was not conjured out of thin air. He walked on this earth for thirty-three years with his disciples, and performed numerous miracles that only he could.
You say that the bible has been disproven but dont back that statement up with any facts. If the bible is not accurate, how do you explain the fact that over 300 prophacies have been fulfilled to the smallest detail. "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell.
The plan of salavation is simple.
Everyone has sinned.
The wages of sin is death (hell)
The only way to salvation is through Jesus Christ> (John 3:16)
Sometimes that sounds too simple I realize, but thats the plan. I would encourage you to do more study for the evidence that you seek,because on the day that you depart this earth you will stand before him and give an account for this life. Will his answer to you be "well done" or will it be "Depart from me. I never knew you"
P.S. Christianity was here long before the theory of evolution.
Good luck in your search.
2007-03-25 13:48:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I am an agnostic atheist.
It is my life-long opinion that evolution is a fact.
Prior to my apostacy, like all Xians, i was also a creationist--in other words, i believed that God made the universe. However, i didn't believe in *creationism*; a literal reading of the first 11 chapters of Genesis insulted my God-given intelligence. I believed in theistic evolution.
I rejected intelligent design as just another god-of-the-gaps theology. Every time science advances God scampers off into the shadows. Every time i research one of Behe's or Dembsky's "complexities" only to find that science had solved it even before they wrote their books, God shrinks. ID, plain and simple, is blasphemy.
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, though. The young-Earth creationists will not learn anything new because they will summarily reject whatever we say in favor of their apologist strawmen. Those of us who accept evolution won't learn anything because the YECs will just proclaim the Truth as always, using only the same old bogus scriptures, tired strawmen, and proven frauds as "evidence."
2007-03-25 14:10:54
answer #6
answered by RickySTT, EAC 5
I believe that Creation is fact, just because it says in the Bible that God made man, and He is always right. When you say that humans could not have conjured out of thin air... they did. God made Adam out of the dust of the ground, and made Eve from the rib of Adam. It's in the Bible as plain as day and there is no way we evolved from apes or anything else, evolutionists think we did.
The Bible hasn't been scientifically disproven by everyone, just by the scientists that are for evolution and don't want to admit that there is a God powerful enough to make humans out of the dust of the ground. We don't need evidence to know that the Bible is true, we just have to believe it and there are a lot of people that won't.
2007-03-25 13:26:33
answer #7
answered by raysgirl15 4
I know for a fact that there has been evolution, it's a process that you can watch in action, things are evolving before our eyes. Evolution does not, however, disprove the existance of a god. The existance of a god is something that can never be proven or disproven by its definition; you cannot prove or disprove anything that does not exist in our universe, and the Christian God exists on His own plane of creation called Heaven, a place not in our universe. As we have seen over and over again throughout history though, the lack of an ability to prove something doesn't prevent people from arguing about it.
I personally believe that the concept of any god is an invention of mankind brought about by evolution. As humans became more intelligent and more aware of their existance, they also became more aware of the concept of the end of their existance. The thought of dying and ceasing to exist is a scary one, even for atheists who accept it to be fact, nobody wants to have that happen to them. Someone during the early history of mankind had the thought that existance might continue after death, a way to deal with the scary thought of nonexistance, and the beginnings of religion were born.
The point can even be argued that God created us this way. He created the universe in such a way that it would eventually create the earth, and upon it would evolve human beings, who would have enough intelligence to realize His presence. That is not beyond the capabilities of an all-knowing, all-powerful being. Such is the convience in believing in a god, it can explain anything that you cannot by saying "God did it" or "God wanted it this way".
Can God be proven or disproven? No. Will people continue arguing about it until there are no more people left to argue about the subject? Almost certainly. Educated people refuse to believe anything that goes against their education, and religious people refuse to believe anything that goes against their religion. (I don't mean to imply that being educated and being religious are mutually exclusive, those are just the names usually given to the two opposing sides.)
There's my two cents. Feel free to hate me for what I believe, I don't really care since I don't know you. If you learned anything from what I said, fantastic; if not, oh well.
2007-03-25 14:02:18
answer #8
answered by Daniel S 1
I think that "God" is a crock. I'm an Atheist, so you already know how I feel.
The thing is, even IF Evolution was proven wrong (which it won't be), it still doesn't prove a dang thing about God's existence. So when religious people bash the theory of Evolution, they aren't really helping their cause.
They seem to think that they are right by default, and that if it's not Evolution it must be Creationism.
This is coming from a bunch of people who thought every species of animal was within walking distance of Noah's house.
2007-03-25 13:27:00
answer #9
answered by Trent K 1
Personally, I'll take the word of the tens of thousands of scientists all over the world who accept evolution as fact over the word of some fundamentalist Christians who know nothing of science and treat a 2000 year-old book written by a bunch of ancient men who ALSO knew nothing of science as if it's scientific and historical fact. It just makes me laugh hearing CHURCH people say that the worlds top experts in geology, biology, anthropology, and astronomy are idiots, and that their theories are "ridiculous."
2007-03-25 14:00:46
answer #10
answered by Jess H 7
It doesn't even throw the Christian God out the window. It throws literal reading of the Bible out the window.
2007-03-25 14:28:06
answer #11
answered by novangelis 7