Forgiveness is asked by repenting and I mean really meaning it within the depth of your heart because God knows everything, what you think, what you feel and hipocrisy is the worse of things when you speak with your tongue but are mute in your heart...
God will forgive those who repent and then do no commit the same sins again. Never forget that He is the most Merciful, but everything in this life and what we will all become in the Hearafter is on His terms.
The most important thing for a believer to do is to pray. Those who have fullfill their obligations in regards of the 5 daily prayers and do not only pray by their physical movements but also with the spiritual involvement will be those who, on the Day of Judgment, will reach Heaven at the speed of sound without being asked about anything else. Those who know what the right thing to do is but do not go by it will have no chance.
Submitting to God is what is asked of us to reach Heaven, give yourself to Him without association, stand His trials in this life, and stand firm with your faith will give you the best reward of all.
2007-03-25 12:37:45
answer #1
answered by Coexistence 3
Muslims believe in Allah's mercy and His justice to go to heaven and of course the actions done by them play an important role.
Muslims believe Allah is the Merciful, so they ask for His forgiveness on top of everything.
All our actions and thoughts have weight. In the day of judgment, if the weight of good deeds is more than the weight of bad ones, one will be escorted to heaven, which is eternal. If it is otherwise, there is a process of cleansing, that is called Hell. Once the cleansing is done, one is sent to heaven.
Islam is a code of conduct for daily life, and instructs specifically what to do in each and every situation that one could encounter in one's daily life.
2007-03-25 19:46:21
answer #2
answered by HM 2
We are forgiven through repentance and asking for forgiveness.
Who goes to heaven is by God's judgment.
And there is a hadith (prophetic saying) that if you do good, believe in God, and have good intentions you should not worry about going to hell.
And if you have committed a few sins that god does not chose to forgive but you still lived a good life, you will eventually go to heaven.
you serve your time accordingly in hell.
but in the end you will reach heaven
UNLESS you have commited shirk (associating partners with God). this is the only unforgivable sin.
but again if you convert anything before Islam is forgiven.
but you have to remember everything in is God's knowledge and as Muslims we are not allowed to judge people, whether they will got to hell or heaven.
2007-03-25 19:25:07
answer #3
answered by . 3
I am Muslim and that is a very important question you asked. Our God (whom we call Allah), teaches us that He is the Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, and that He is The Most Kind and Most Gentle. If we call upon God, and ask for Forgiveness, which means that we are truly and sincerely sorry for what we have done--and if we stop doing the action that was bad or wrong (or least try to stop), then God will Forgive us and shower us with Mercy. Its that simple. It is said that one of the things Allah loves is a sincere apology. Allah tells us in the Koran that he "forgives all sins", He says "Oh ye who have wronged your souls: Never despair of the Mercy of Allah, for Allah Forgives All sins".
As far as how to get to Heaven--you must understand that Heaven, or Paradise--is the most a powerful doctrine to us, and its the reason we are here. Although Allah places us on earth to fulfill our destinies and accomplish goals--the real life is what happens after Death. Heaven is called "The Home of the HereAfter". We believe that Heaven will be very similar to our lives on earth, and it will be a Reward for all the good and all the sacrafices we have done on earth. There, we will be made young and pretty again--we will eat and drink, have mansions, be reunited with family and friends, and have so many other happy things. The Koran says that each person will have "All their souls desire".
We get to Heaven by first believing in God--which is simply having faith. Most importantly, Allah tells us that all of our deeds--our actions--are recorded in a book. He Rewards us according to our deeds. We are taught to do good deeds--help one another--to spend our time and wealth helping others who are in need. We are also taught to do internal work--like restraining our anger, forgiving others, being kind to our Parents, and helping our family out even though they have angered us. God loves many things--like helping orphans, helping those in need..And Allah also tells us that we must ask for Forgiveness for our faults and sins--he knows that we make mistakes, fall down, but He Forgives us. He says that our good deeds and acts of charity can actually erase some of our evil--that it will "remove the evil stains from our soul".
As far as Islam, God teaches us that not only Muslims will be in Heaven--but so will the sincere Christains, Jews, and any religious person who truly believes in God, does good deeds, prays--they will get their reward in Heaven. That is written in the Koran.
I am Muslim, and I have done some crazy things that I regret (as we all have). But my Muslim friend reminded me of this story, called a hadith. Although there are many stories (hadiths) that are not accurate--this is one that is sincere and reflects how Merciful Allah is and here it is:
" There once was a man who killed 99 people. He went to a Muslim minister and asked him, "If I ask Allah to Forgive me, will He forgive me?", and the minister said "No, you killed 99 people, hell no God wont forgive you for that". So the man killed the minister...The man went to a Muslim scholar and said "If I repent, will Allah forgive me?", and the scholar said "No, you killed 100 people".. So the man killed him. ..Finally, he went to another Muslim minister, and said "I killed over 100 people--will Allah Forgive me if I ask for forgiveness"?. The minister said "Of course Allah will Forgive you, He Forgives all sins-- but you are living in a bad town with bad people. You must repent, and you must leave the evil town, and leave your old ways behind you--and go to a new, good town"..So the man asked for Forgiveness, and immediately left to go to the new town.......
....On the way to the new town, the man died. Then, the Angels came to take his Soul. The Angel of Heaven came to take him to Haeven, and the Angel of Hell came to take him to Hell. The 2 Angels began to argue about who should take him..... The Angel of Hell said that the man had killed over 100 people and should definitely go to Hell. The Angel of Heaven said that the man had repented and was on his way to the good town..
...So finally another Angel came, and said that they should measure the distance of where he died--if he died closest to the evil town--take him to Hell; but if he died closer to the good town, take him to Heaven. Well, they measured the distance--and the man was closer to the evil town, which meant the Angel of Hell would take him. Suddenly, Allah appeared---and He stretched the Earth so that the man would be closer to the good town. So the man went to Heaven.
Salaam and Peace
2007-03-25 19:55:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
k as a muslim i can say that
just being a muslim is not enough
u have too regreat
and ask god for forgiveness
and have entintion to not do it again
u have too keep thanking god for his gifts and askes for his forgiveness
and do good deeds
as fasting and prying and helping other ppl and so on
cuz good deeds help you to wash bad deeds or sins
2007-03-25 19:29:21
answer #5
answered by ashrf6581 4
The Islamic Doctrine is TO DESTROY THEIR ENEMIES!
That is why So Many ISLAMIC Nations = HATE ISRAEL, and what to Destroy IT!
Thanks, RR
2007-03-25 19:35:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous