I choose to live with God
2007-03-25 11:48:02
answer #1
answered by Angel Eyes 3
the mark of the beast already exists and has existed for MANY years.
Look at ANY UPC ( Universal Product Code )
There are two forms: Long and Short.
Now look at the bars themselves. Each number in represented by two lines. The width of the lines and the spacing between them determines which number is represented.
In the long form, you will see two lines in the middle. These two lines in the middle represent the number six. Now look at the very ends of the bar codes. There you will find the identical line pairings.
So what you have is something like:
|| five numbers || five numbers ||
the || are each one six thus representing 666 in the long form bar code.
Now the short form is a little different in that it does not have the two middle lines to represent the middle 6. Find a short form barcode and count the numbers. Thats right 6. And you will see that the telltale || are oin either end of the barcade. Therefore, the first || = 6, the six numbers = 6 and the last || = 6. So once again we have the 666 represented.
Remember no man may buy or sell save that he have the mark. And this is on nearly every product.
So while youre choosing death over some microchip, it's too late the mark has been implemented and accepted internationally for probably as long as you have been alive.
The real question is: If the UPC is NOT the mark, then why would the people who set it up have placed a 666 in the middle of the code itself. Would this not start an uproar amoung the Christians of the world when they found out about it?
Apparently not.
2007-03-25 19:05:55
answer #2
answered by cybrrgeek 2
Choose life. The power of life & death is in the tongue.
Innocent children will not be forced to take the mark. Also, I think the children went up in the rapture already.
I would never have a chip or even a bar code tatooed in the the back of the hand or forhead. The Greek wording is to put into the skin and will leave a grievous sore later on. So the lithium battery in a chip, if leaking in the skin would be a grievous sore. God warned us to not take the mark & bow to the beast, so, I wont.
2007-03-25 18:51:12
answer #3
answered by t a m i l 6
If only it were that easy. One little chip decides whether you are punished in gehenna or see the Kingdom. Honestly, I can't see it as that easy. It seems to be about how one worships than a literal mark or chip. As people wait for these to be established and avoid them, they may very well mistake what truly is the "mark". It may involve technologies, but it will most certainly be characterized by disobedience to God's commands; and there is nothing in the law of Christ about now putting a chip on your body.
It is good you'd choose death for God, but keep your eyes out for more than just an implantation.
2007-03-25 19:07:24
answer #4
answered by Ken Prince 4
I'm not sure if the mark of the beast is actual or written on our hearts. Putting chips in humans will be a way to control the masses. The could see what you ate what movies you watched, etc. I agree with you, I would choose death, after all death is just moving to a better neighborhood for us Christians.
2007-03-25 18:51:35
answer #5
answered by letaican 2
I don't know why every one gets so touchy about the mark of the beast. We are all numbers already. Each one of us can't be in the USA with out a SSN. Having it in your body for easier ID really is no big deal. All this crap about the devil makes us all seem like we still believe in witches or something. Welcome to the future and embrace it. If your child was in the hands of a child molestor and that child had a chip that would tell cops where to go to get him or her, you would have thanked GOD you did it right then and there.
2007-03-25 19:21:13
answer #6
answered by J D 2
It's Bible Prophecy; it's bound to happen. Here's what I'm talking about:
He (the antichrist, a.k.a. the Beast) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,
And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
-- Revelation 13:16-18 --
2007-03-25 19:01:46
answer #7
answered by Jobs_141 3
A credit card is tracable, always in some people's hands, and it seems that more and more, the world is trying to do away with cash in favor of institutionalized usury.
For all my skepticism of the "Mark of the Beast", credit cards even as they are now do an excellent job of trying to live up to that.
2007-03-25 18:49:15
answer #8
answered by BDOLE 6
Hal Lindsey, Grant Jefferies, Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins have made a fortune off of people like you. They spout off these theories in books, people snap them up and start preaching them like gospel, even though the "mark of the beast" is not specified in the bible.. it's simply a mark that one would have in the hand or the forehead that would allow them to buy and sell. That could mean a plethora of things, and yet, these people have been preaching these scare tactics for 30+ years and keep getting richer with each generation that buys into it.
Why not just live your life for today and try to show the christ within you. Keep it simple and don't buy into these conspiracy theories.
2007-03-25 19:00:20
answer #9
answered by Kallan 7
The mark of the beast was described as lending a hand or in the mind as supporting it by mentally being in agreement with it. I think the mark of the beast is supporting the governments in activities that are contrary to bible scriptures.
2007-03-25 18:49:36
answer #10
answered by Ruth 6
Our church does not believe that the "Mark of the Beast" is a chip implanted in the body. This belief is based on Futurism, a philosophy of translating Bible Prophecy that was created by one of two Jesuit priests during the Counter-reformation that draws attention away from the Vatican and the Pope. We believe that the Beast of Revelation, which is defined as a religious-political power, is the Catholic Church, for several reasons, and the "mark" of the Beast is Sunday worship. The Catholic Church itself has admitted that Sunday worship is her "mark" of authority. It was she who changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday at the Council of Laodicea in the mid-4th century, something for which she had absolutely no Scriptural authority. The 4th Commandment clearly tells us that Saturday is the day of worship that God set aside for us from the beginning of Creation, and His Law never changes. In fact, everyone in the Bible, from Adam to John the Revelator, and everyone in between, including Christ Himself, worshipped on the 7th-day Sabbath. It's not just for the Jews. We believe that it will come down to a decision that everyone will have to make - are you going to worship human tradition (Sunday-worship) or the Commandments of God? I choose to worship God and obey His commandments.
2007-03-25 18:59:01
answer #11
answered by FUNdie 7