I know gay people who have been in long term monogamous relationship who behave more like Christians than many who condemn around here. I’m talking about gay people who are considerate and thoughtful and go out of their way to help others.
The bigotry I read on here makes me sick to my stomach.
At the heart of Christ’s teachings was inclusion and compassion. He went out of his way to dine with people who were considered untouchable in his day. He taught through his actions and through his parables that we should not treat others as impure. Yet that is exactly what is being taught through this bigotry toward gay people. Admit it, you people who responded to this question, you consider them unclean.
If Christ were walking the Earth with us today I have no doubt that he would spend his time with people dying of AIDS. He would spend time in homeless shelters. And I think it highly likely that he would drop in at a few gay bars for a glass of wine. Why? To live an example of inclusion.
So why can’t we?
2007-03-25 11:19:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Surely if, as some posters here have said, it's ok to 'be' a homosexual so long as you live as a heterosexual then you're just lying to the world and (if you believe in god) wearing a mask to god? Surely this god would KNOW you're a homosexual?
Christians talk about how even thinking of it or having the desire is a sin- so where's the point in living a heterosexual life? You're already a 'sinner'.
This is no different to pretending to believe in god but deep-down not believing. If god really exists and is omniscient, then he knows you're lying and you're in trouble no matter how incessantly you pretended during your life you were a believer.
2007-03-25 18:47:52
answer #2
answered by Phil K 4
Most people hide their "Homosexuality" when they start a new job or career. Now it after years that they come out. Yes? Now the damage of that is you were willing to live the lie when you started, thus placing a different trust into people. (Even those "Gay Bashing" talks. And you too have participated in them. And before you start with..."Well, I was forced..No you portrayed something you weren't to begin with, remember?) And what about those women that might have been strung along? What about thier feelings? Again, it all starts with a lie, and when they are tired of living it, then they "Come out of the closet." Then when people cry "Foul," they quickly try to flip it around like it was the hetrosexuals fault to begin with. This is why it is a "Lifestyle." Some celebs use this to get "Attention." (I can think of a certain "Basketball Player" who happened to just "Come out" during All-Star Weekend. Now he could have "Came out" any time before, but he chose then. Ask yourself why?)
And for the record: I've worked with gay people. And I DO NOT HATE THEM, but I always say "Please do NOT ask me about what I think, because you will NOT like it, and I don't want enemies."
2007-03-25 12:35:11
answer #3
answered by Da Mick 5
It has been put forward before the LORD never once spoke on homosexuality but his apostles therefore the word of fellow man is taken as divine law and this is not correct i am homosexual myself and follow crist and am excepted within my church . however it is church of england and i feel these are a lot more accepting.
2007-03-26 12:41:31
answer #4
answered by geordie_boi_86 1
My answer is not making any kind of statement or judgement or even personal views on the subject matter. It still is a relevant answer i feel.
I have a little saying it is....
"Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see"
author Benjamin Christian
{thats his name no reflection on his beliefs}
2007-03-25 11:09:06
answer #5
answered by KorvetteKaren 4
Celibacy is not a life without love. The media notwithstanding there are plenty of widows and widowers out there that have children, grandchildren, friends, pets, sisters, brothers, parents, and singles who have never had sex who still lead fulfilled lives (what heresy!) and love people (Jane Austen is one).
Sex does not equal love as many a deserted single mom will tell you.
There are also a few support groups and counseling offices for recovering a homosexual to get help. The homosexual activists are trying to shut them down for daring to believe they can change, though.
2007-03-25 10:56:50
answer #6
answered by Amy R 2
Hello it's me … :)
We do believe that we should not act upon feelings..
I have been divorced for 7 years now and I will remain celibate..until the Lord opens up the door..if not..I do not dwell on it..
My life is fulfilled by taking care of children, feeding the poor and being there for those that are in need..
"This is me" and my life if fulfilled..I am Happy just serving my Lord.. :)
In Jesus Most Precious Name..
With Love..In Christ.. :)
2007-03-25 11:13:15
answer #7
answered by EyeLovesJesus 6
1Corinthians 6:9 Don’t you know that evil people will not receive God’s kingdom? Don’t be fooled. Those who commit sexual sins will not receive the kingdom. Neither will those who worship statues of gods or commit adultery. Neither will men who are prostitutes or who commit homosexual acts. 10 Neither will thieves or those who always want more and more. Neither will those who are often drunk or tell lies or cheat. People who live like that will not receive God’s kingdom. 11 SOME OF YOU USED TO DO THOSE THINGS. But your sins were washed away. You were made holy. You were made right with God. All of that was done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Dennis Jernigan, a popular Christian singer and song writer was FORMERLY HOMOSEXUAL. This is a link to his testimony. It may help you better understand the truth.
... THERE is what you do. Like Dennis, you recognize it for the sin that it is. You repent, turning away from that sin and TO God. That is just what those "saints" at Corinth (See 1Corinthians 1:2) that Paul was writing did. The scriptures clearly teach that homosexual lifestyle IS NOT compatible with Christian lifestyle. BOTH ARE CHOICES.
2007-03-25 11:00:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
God made male and female. There are a lot of both in the world: all type, shapes, size, and even color. You can pick any that you like, that is the opposite gender.
2007-03-26 04:49:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I too have been told and have even read for myself that the Holy Bible says it is an abomination before God for men to lie with men, women to lie with women, men to lie with beasts, women to lie with beasts, etc. My only answer would be what do you believe? Do you believe that God will forgive you of your sins, and if you ask in earnest that he will take this desire from you? Do you believe that if you are saved and baptised this will go away? Do you believe that you can sin and be forgiven if you are saved and baptised? God did not mean for us to be alone, that is why he created Eve for Adam, but God meant for man and woman to be together, not man and man nor woman and woman.
2007-03-25 11:29:49
answer #10
answered by thilitha_tipton 2