Create your own record by listing where you served, when, to whom you reported, what you did and the length of time you were there on each given date. Your contact must sign or initial your entries as proof you're recording accurately. Provide a contact phone # in case your advisors want to speak with your volunteer supervisor/contact.
Great for you!
Have a star.
2007-03-25 05:16:10
answer #1
answered by Zeera 7
Yes, helping out with community dinners or inductions does count as volunteering (providing you don't get paid for it haha). Ask your advisors if they have a specific format that they want you to follow; sometimes they don't pass out the timetable sheets until the end of the year. If you want to get the head start on recording, the format you can follow is such (table format going across horizontally):
Place Volunteered (or organization) - Job Worked - Time Began - Time Finished - Total Hours Worked - Person in Charge's Signature (unless they are related to you, then find somebody in charge who is not)
This should cover all the information you'll need. Check with your advisor to make sure. Also, if you are unsure of whether something would count as volunteering, ask them. Or just volunteer a lot (over ten hours) to cover all your bases.
2007-03-25 05:19:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
In most cases, you will need the following information:
-Project Name
-Type of volunteer work performed
-Number of Hours
-Supervisor Name
-Supervisor Signature
-Contact phone number for supervisor/organization
In my experience, each program is different. In some cases, some of the schools have an approved list of volunteer organizations and projects. In other cases, I've seen that volunteer work must be categorized as "direct" or "indirect" impact -- which means working directly with people (tutoring children, serving seniors, etc.) or indirectly (cleaning a park, sorting food at the food bank), with a certain amount of hours in each category.
You will need to ask about specific rules as to what hours will count toward your service, and if there are any restricted organizations.
Here are some links to your volunteer centers, in case you are looking for more hours and other one-time or short-term community projects:
Good luck!
2007-03-25 11:03:31
answer #3
answered by Brent 6
Ask your advisor. It varies.
Most public schools can't credit religious hours because of the separation of Church and State.
2007-03-26 07:53:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well: you can keep daily" Schedule by using an Time Sheet
where each hour must be written down when the task is
completely done"
2007-03-25 12:34:16
answer #5
answered by 6
Dunno what your particular organization wants, but maybe you can prepare a form letter ahead of time. leave the organization, hours donated and a signature line blank. Then fill in the organization, the hours, and ask some official of the organization to sign or initial it.
Just something along the lines of "This is to certify that has contributed _____ hours of his/her time to ________ on _______. Signed, ______"
just an idea.
2007-03-25 05:16:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous