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14 answers

well, that would depend on who is the better fighter.

2007-03-25 03:53:23 · answer #1 · answered by dasboi85 1 · 1 0

The boxer would win because of superior training methods. A line used by many wing chun practitioners is that they would just eye gouge or go for the throat. However, the strikes are not pressure tested, so they are often forgotten in the heat of the moment. It should also be kept in mind that these techniques require an immense amount of accuracy, which is hard to do under the effects of an adrenal rush. In comparison, the boxer can strike anywhere he/she wants. Finally, a boxer may have no kicks, but he/she has terrific punches (sort of like learning piano for five years or learning five instruments for one).

2007-03-26 21:19:14 · answer #2 · answered by MBG 2 · 0 0

Remember, Wing Chun was developed to train novice revolutionaries an adequate curriculum whereby in three years they might have a fighting chance against a Manchu warrior with twenty years' experience.

Do not confuse sport--boxing--with fighting. Boxing neither allows use of the hands for grasping, nor the legs for kicking. Regardless of the level of fitness, the "fight" would typically last 15 seconds, certainly under 30, making conditioning somewhat irrelevant. For example, a kick to the legs usually causes the hands to drop, and the torso to lean forward. This exposes the neck to a chop to the throat, or else the thumb can be driven into the eye socket, either of which would end the fight instantaneously. Just lightly tap your own throat with your fingers, or touch a tissue to your eyes if you doubt this. Additionally, boxing matches take place in a ring. A fight on the street would end rather quickly were the antagonist pushed into oncoming traffic (Po Pai), or had his head banged off a wall (Lop).

This question--"How does Wing Chun stack up against other styles?"-- was a burning one for Wong Shun Leung, who participated in the Beimo in Hong Kong 60 years ago. At about 5'6" and 120 lbs, he once took on a Russian heavyweight at 6'6" and 250+. The little guy won. The book "The Combat Philosophy of Wong Shun Leung" by Peterson carefully considers this question of the Wing Chun practitioner versus the boxer.

If any saw the recent MMA match between Shamrock and Gracie, what happened? The RULES were not adhered to. Gracie received a concussion when Shamrock slammed his knee into the back of Gracie's neck, forfeiting the SPORT match. In terms of a real fight, an elbow to the side of the head or neck will end the contest rather quickly.

As for conditioning, in addition to Wong's methodology, read what Simon Lau put himself through in his book "Master's Kung Fu"--that gives the reader an idea of the kind of commitment it takes to be a "Master."

Finally, with regard to speed, Lau had the fastest hands of all athletes/martial artists tested in the BBC production "The Living Body."

In terms of practicality, a punch with a closed fist can sometimes result in a glancing blow. It is actually more expedient to hit someone with the palm of your hand.


2007-03-25 08:46:51 · answer #3 · answered by The Saint 1 · 0 0

Depends on so much more than that. Depends on whether the Boxer goes in all gung ho and gets turned over and slapped.

Although if the boxer was cautious and maintained good range, landing shots when he could, he'd wear the Wing Chun guy down eventually.

As personal guess, i say the boxer just because Wing Chun is too passive to realistically contend with the sheer brute force of boxing.

2007-03-25 04:02:25 · answer #4 · answered by immortalitypersonified 1 · 0 0

Boxer easily. They doesn't just punch harder but also faster than a Wing Chun. For example, Marciano once sent his opponent who weight around 200 lbs flew off his feet with a uppercut, Manny regularly need to switch training partner every two weeks because he hit really hard for them to handle it, and the list go on.

Wing Chun punches doesn't deliver close as much power as a boxer does. You can easily tell by watch how they punches. Wing Chun doesn't stresst putting weight in punches nearly as much as boxers do.

Also professional boxer would be training between 2 and 4 hours a day. So they're more likely to be in much better shape than Wing Chun master. So they'll easily outlast Wing Chun just because of sheer fitness. Don't believe me? Go to a boxing gym and see if you can even last a couple round.

I've done Muay Thai and boxing. Boxing totally take huge toll on your stamina and muscles when you're in the ring. I can easiy last 5 rounds in Muay Thai, but in boxing, by 3rd round, I'll be starting to struggle to not collaspe. I can't imagine a Wing Chun guy even being in the shape to give boxer any run for moneys. Even if they're, boxer simply have way more destcutive blows than a Wing Chun guy do. No one will be able to block 100% of punches, they'll get hit at least a couple time. I'd rather to take 100 punches from wing chun or even Muay Thai guy than 10 from pro boxer. Once you get hit by a boxer, you WILL be able to tell if someone is a boxer just by feeling their punch. That's how much it hurt! So a boxer guy probably would be able to take lot of punches from Wing Chun guy as well.

So boxer easily.

2007-03-25 04:25:41 · answer #5 · answered by Honor Among the Demons 4 · 0 1

There are lots of reasons to go for the WT fighter,
1 They have better reflexes then boxers since they use chi sao thecnics,
2 chi sao also makes the WT fighter resistant to fake moves
3 If the fight turns into a ground fight WT master is sure to win..

Boxer's only adventage is that he is thougher ( or more used to being punched ) but anyway, everybody has a limit..

So, I go for Wing Chun...

2007-03-25 09:09:28 · answer #6 · answered by Remzy 4 · 1 0

you guys really dont have a clue do u??? wing chun versus a boxer??? thats a very dangerous ground for a boxer... its like swimming in antartica... warm body in a very2x cold ice... u guys are comparing 2 very diffrent art... one 300 yrs old and one, very young... let me break it down for u guys.... boxing- sport, for athletes, in a ring, with rules, massive training and strengthening... did i left out something??? ok wing chun- very old kung fu, deadly(used by assassins to silent there target in split second), very light and fluid, well tested, doesnt require huge strength but uses skills, lightning speed in countering... so heres my opinion and real life experience ok... i use to box alot... a wing chun master came up to me one day and ask me if im interested to learn wing chun cause he loved my foot work, lol... i was hesitant cause i dont know about wing chun then... so he gave me a demo... i danced and then i punched him straight in the face, and what do i got??? at the same beat his hands were on my left chic with the thum near my eyes.... my hands were at the side of his shoulders, very far away form his head even and my left hand is on his side but i couldnt move cause i was in trouble, if i move i go blind without even rendering enough damage at him, is just so close... i just couldnt believe what im into. and a boxer cant punch a very strong knock out puch in a 6 inches distance right??? that u should consider... a boxer is effective in a ring and with a distance but once u eliminate that factors, a boxer is a sitting duck licking his own ***... lol... i know boxers are deadly... that if all the fights happen on a ring.... wing chun can deliver a lethal and deadly strike less than an inch, it doesnt need too much strength cause its ur vital soft parts... u can never harden ur eyes ryt... well if u can tell me then... and wing chun doesnt need a ring, u can use wing chun even in a very cramp Rest Room.... so for me, based on my experience... its Wing Chun... see ya guys....

2007-03-30 22:12:22 · answer #7 · answered by jiggy jigs 1 · 1 0

There is no doubt that the boxer would win 10 out of 10 times,
most martial arts don't prepare you for a real fight. Wing Chung is good for flow and speed but is not a fighting art. As in all Martial Arts you can become a (master) without ever having been in a real fight, this is like being a master of shadow boxing and not very useful in a real fight

2007-03-30 10:49:30 · answer #8 · answered by turbo2317 3 · 0 1

In Physical Proficiency test:

In a Street Fight:
Wing Chun (likely)
A pro-boxer is POWERFUL but a human trained in martial arts is DEADLY.

2007-04-01 04:22:27 · answer #9 · answered by goodmanbing 3 · 1 0

i would have to say the boxer if the wing chun guy studies the traditional wing chun.but hey you never know...?

2007-04-01 21:28:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This "what if" question shows you lack self esteem, and disipline. If you live your life in question you will sadly be questioning all you do till you have alshimers and wear a dribble cup.

Questions like this are for four year olds. If you are older than four years old figure it out for yourself.

2007-03-29 06:34:45 · answer #11 · answered by sapboi 4 · 0 1

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