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My fiance is going on tour there and he wants to know if the food there is good. Give me some examples of the food. What not to eat and what to eat. Thanks!

2007-03-21 02:50:29 · 5 answers · asked by crystal lee 5 in Food & Drink Ethnic Cuisine

5 answers

I've been to Sweden, but I only spent couple weeks there. They eat a fish and potato-based diet, but they also make good meatballs and cold salads. I remember that I really liked their bread. I loved their herrings, but if he's not into raw/pickled fish he might want to avoid them.
You can also find any and all ethnic restaurants in most major cities. If he's really squeamish he can eat in McDonalds.

2007-03-21 05:33:56 · answer #1 · answered by jimbell 6 · 2 0

Being a former chef and having worked with Swedish and Danish chefs, the food there is similar to the US and Canada, they eat the same meats, veggies and fruit, there are certain specilties like herring, reindeer and lukfisk a Xmas dish.

But if ordering breakfast or lunch in restaurants, there meals are similar to North America and the UK. Sandwiches, egg dishes, pancakes and most main dishes are not any different to the one's she eats now at home.

They are not spicy food eaters and do not use alot of garlic, but the food is flavourful and very well prepared, she should have no problems.

2007-03-21 12:33:32 · answer #2 · answered by The Unknown Chef 7 · 2 0

No Sweden does not really exist, it was made up by Hollywood. No place could be so perefect, Hot Blondes with big boobs, Yeah right ! whatever !

2007-03-21 09:53:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

I heard they make really good meatballs....

2007-03-21 11:27:16 · answer #4 · answered by henasty 2 · 0 0

Swedish cuisine tends to be hearty, practical and sustaining. Only recently have Swedish restaurateurs attempted to update it with a more modern gourmet approach. The cuisine differs rather a lot regionally, but could be considered traditionally simple in general. In the south the supply of fresh vegetables is better. In Sweden many local, traditional meals are eaten, in the north some with their roots in the Sami people, some not, including reindeer, and other game.

Sweden's long winters explain the lack of fresh vegetables in many traditional recipes. Plants sustaining winter became the cornerstones: various turnips in older times such as the native rutabaga (a.k.a. "the swede"), gradually supplanted by the potato in the 18th century. A lack of spices made the food rather plain, although a number of local herbs and plants have probably been used since ancient times.

The importance of fish has governed population and trade patterns far back in history: due to the vast supply of fish, in particular herring, people settled on the east coast around present-day Stockholm, and on the west coast around present-day Gothenburg. These remain Sweden's most populated areas to this day. For preservation, fish were salted and salt became a major trade item at the dawn of the Scandinavian middle ages, which began circa 1000 AD.

Cabbage, conserved as sauerkraut, or lingonberry jam was used as a source of vitamin C during the winter. Lingonberry jam, still a favorite, also added some freshness to the often rather heavy food.

Swedes usually have three main meals per day, but there are at least two traditions followed:

The older tradition, still common among blue collar workers, consists of breakfast in the early morning (frukost), a light lunch before noon (lunch), and a heavy dinner (middag) at around five.

Since the early sixties, most 9 to 5 workers eat breakfast when they wake up, a substantial lunch around noon, and a lighter dinner around six in the evening.

It is also common to have a snack, often a sandwich or fruit, in between meals (mellanmål). In most schools including high school, a free hot meal is served at lunch as part of Sweden's welfare state. Most Swedes also have coffee after lunch, and a coffee break in the afternoon, often together with a biscuit or similar.

Breakfast usually consists of open sandwiches, possibly crisp bread (knäckebröd). The sandwich is most often buttered, with toppings such as hard cheese, cold cuts, caviar, or messmör. Swedes usually do not have sweets on their breads such as jam (like the French and the Americans), or chocolate (like the Danes). However, orange marmalade on white bread is common, usually with morning coffee or tea.

Many traditional kinds of Swedish bread, such as sirapslimpa (less fashionable today, but still very popular) are somewhat sweetened in themselves, baked with small amounts of syrup. Like in many other European countries, there are also lots of non-sweetened breads, often made with sourdough (surdeg). Swedish breads may be made from wholegrain, fine grain, or anything in between, and there are white, brown, and really dark (like in Finland) varieties which are all common.
Filmjölk (fermented milk), or sometimes yogurt, is also traditional breakfast food, usually served in a bowl with cereals such as corn flakes, muesli, or knäckebröd, and sometimes with sugar, fruit, and/or jam.

A third food that is commonly eaten at breakfast is porridge (gröt), often made of rolled oats or rice, and eaten with milk and jam or cinnamon with sugar.

Common drinks for breakfast are milk, juice, tea, or coffee. Swedes are among the most avid milk and coffee drinkers in the world.

In August, Swedes traditionally eat boiled crayfish at feasts known as kräftskivor.

The most highly regarded mushroom is the chanterelle. It is considered a real treat. The chanterelle is usually served together with a piece of meat, or just fried with a sauce and some onions and put on a sandwich. Second to the chanterelle, and considered almost as delicious, is the porcini mushroom, or Karl-Johansvamp named after Charles XIV John (Karl XIV Johan) who introduced its use as food.

The internationally most renowned Swedish meal is the meatballs, or köttbullar.

Typical smörgås (an open sandwich) with hard-boiled eggs and cod roe caviar from a tube.

Traditionally, Thursday has been soup day because the maids had half the day off and it was easy to prepare. One of the most traditional Swedish soups is the pea soup, or ärtsoppa. It dates back to the old tradition of peas being associated with Thor. This is simple meal, basically consisting of yellow peas, a little onion and often pieces of pork. It is often served with a tad of mustard and followed by thin pancakes (Pannkakor).

Potatoes are the main complement to most dishes. Only in the last 50 years have other complements such as rice and spaghetti become standard on the dinner table. There are several different kinds of potatoes: the most appreciated is the new potato, which ripens in early summer, and is enjoyed at the feast called Midsummer. Other sorts of potatoes are eaten all year around.

Other typical Swedish dishes:

SmörgÃ¥sbord — Smorgasbord
Köttbullar — Swedish meatballs
Julskinka — Christmas ham
Inlagd sill — Pickled herring

Surströmming — Fermented Baltic herring - a rather different tasting species of herring - it has about 10% fat whereas Atlantic herring is 16% - this may occur because of the Baltic having half the salt concentration of usual seas.

Gravad lax — Salmon, salted, and cured
KÃ¥ldolmar — Cabbage rolls
Raggmunk — Potato pancakes
Kroppkakor — Boiled potato-dumplings, filled with pork
Stekt fläsk och bruna bönor — Pork and brown beans
Julbord — Christmas smorgasbord
Blodpudding — Black pudding
Pölsa — Hash
Isterband — Sausage made of coarsely ground pork, barley and potatoes
Palt — Potato-dumplings with a filling of pork
Pyttipanna — Chopped and fried meat, onions, and pre-boiled potatoes.

Falukorv — Sausage originating from Falun. The lifts and pumps at the Kopparberg copper mine in Falun were, before the introduction of steam engines, powered by oxen. When these oxen died from strain or old age, the skin was turned into leather ropes used in the mine, and the meat was turned into sausage - Falukorv.

SmörgÃ¥stÃ¥rta — Sandwich cake
Janssons frestelse — Grated potatoes, onion, anchovy and cream - the anchovy here is not the genuine anchovy but a quite different species and is also spiced.
Lutfisk — Stockfish
Kaviar — Swedish caviar comes in tubes and is typically made from cod roe.
Waffles — Often served with jam with ice cream or whipped cream. Waffels also has its own day on March 25.
Köttsoppa — A rustic beef and root vegetable soup


Sweden is one of the heaviest coffee drinking countries in the world, second only to Finland. Saying no to a cup of coffee is almost considered rude in Sweden. Milk consumption in Sweden is the highest of any country in the world. Milk is bought in milk cartons, and it is no coincidence that Tetra Pak, the world's largest maker of milk cartons, is Swedish.

At Christmas
Julmust -- Traditional stout-like, very sweet seasonal soft drink (jul means Christmas in Swedish) Also called påskmust (påsk meaning Easter) (carbonated)
Glögg -- Mulled wine

Sweet drinks

Enbärsdricka -- Traditional juniper berry soft drink
Sockerdricka -- Traditional sweet-sour soft drink (carbonated)
Fruktsoda -- Traditional lemon-lime soft drink (carbonated)
Champis -- Soft drink alternative to sparkling wine (carbonated)
Pommac -- Soft drink alternative to sparkling wine (carbonated)
Trocadero (drink) -- Traditional soft drink with the taste of apple and oranges, with its roots in the north of Sweden. (carbonated)
lingondricka -- lingonberry drink


Alcoholic beverages in Sweden:

Stronger beverages are mainly of two kinds: The Akvavit, also called Aqua vitae, Scandinavian vodka or schnapps (snapps). A second popular drink is Absolut Vodka, one of the world's best known liquor brands. Both have around 40% alcohol. The production of hard liquor has a tradition dating back to the 18th century and was at a high in the 1840s. Since the 1880s, the governmental Systembolaget has a monopoly on selling spirits with more than 3.5% alcohol, limiting the access.

The hard liquor has a tradition of being mulled. Gourmets pick their own selection of wild herbs, and put into a bottle of liquor for a few days.
The typical Swedish beer is of a bright and bitter kind. The brands Pripps Blå and Norrlands guld are typical examples.


In the summer, various cakes are common, often made with the fruit of the season. In the summer, the strawberry and cream cake is highly regarded. Strawberries are also often eaten on their own with sugar and milk or cream. With the late summer and autumn, apple cakes are baked. The apple cake is often served with vanilla custard, but sometimes with icecream or whipped cream.
In the winter, other treats are common. This includes the

Knäck -- Christmas toffee
Ischoklad -- Cold ice-chocolate "toffees"
Lussebulle or Lussekatt -- Lucia bun, a Swedish saffron bun eaten on the Saint Lucia celebration (December 13).
Pepparkaka -- Ginger snap
With the new year, the Lenten bun, or semla, is baked. It is a cream and almond paste filled wheat bun, traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday.

Other treats are:
Kanelbulle -- Cinnamon roll
Chokladboll -- Round balls made of an oatmeal-cocoa-sugar-butter mix, often coated in coconut shavings or pearl sugar.
Ostkaka -- Swedish cheesecake (very different from American cheesecake).
Salmiak -- Liquorice candy flavoured with ammonium chloride.
Spettekaka -- A sweet Swedish cake, shaped like a hollow cylinder. It comes from the southern region of Sweden, Skåne.
Pancakes, muffins, sponge cake and different sorts of pies and cookies are typical desserts, practically always served with coffee. Typical pies are apple pie, blueberry pie and rhubarb pie and there are many different recipes for each. Pancakes and muffins are never ever served American style - for breakfast. In recent years American brownies, cookies and cup-cakes have become popular in cafés and restaurants.

2007-03-21 17:58:51 · answer #5 · answered by Desi Chef 7 · 2 0

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